Olga Valyaeva: biography, creativity. The Purpose of Being a Woman

Everyone has their own development path, which only those who walked along will understand, and even then not always. Some share with others their acquisitions and difficulties along the way, and some do not even understand what it is, they just live as they can. And it is right. But in this article we will talk about a wonderful woman, whose name is Olga Valyaeva. She not only shares her life experience, but also talks about Vedic knowledge (a very ancient teaching). True, this is only for women, since, according to her, men should talk about duty and obligations to men.

Olga Valyaeva

Biography of Olga

Olga Valyaeva was born in the city of Irkutsk on August 1, 1982. Probably, like many families of Russia at that time, her life was difficult. The girl did not have a father, she was brought up by her mother. Of course, this had a special impact on her life. Olga studied well enough, she graduated from school with a gold medal. Next was adulthood.

Since adolescence, she dreamed of becoming a psychologist, but in this regard, mother had an effect on her daughter: she brought an argument that psychology is unpromising, and you won’t make much money in this industry. Olga chose another profession. She went to the Faculty of Mathematics with a degree in Applied Mathematics. Of course, Valyaeva’s abilities were even very good, but as it turned out later, this was not the meaning of her life.

The advantage of such an education was the acquaintance with the future husband. Upon graduation, Olga got a job, where she needed a diploma, and there this significant event took place, which became the starting point for her present life.

Family life Valyaeva

Now Olga Valyaeva is a married lady who gave birth to three wonderful boys. She has her own concept of parenting, which is supported by her husband. Of course, in view of her open social life, there are many opponents of this method, but everything is relative in this world, is not it?

In the life of the Valyaevs, things were not always as simple as they are now. Once they were on the verge of a divorce, with a bunch of debts and a troubled little son. Next was a long journey with personal development and a return to its roots. It was good that Olga Valyaeva’s husband turned out to be a wise and “hearing” person.

Dealing later with the family situation that developed, Olga said that she had all the tendencies to remain alone. And it really was. Mom broke up with dad when little Olya was not yet born. In the future, she never got married again. Grandma got married three times. Great-grandmother was also left without a husband (went to another), and with three more young children.

husband of Olga Valyaeva

Realizing this, Olga began work on herself. She listened to Vedic lecturers, cooked and cleaned with love, was engaged in charity work. Of course, not everything was simple, but there was progress. And in relationships, and in life in general. And now the Valyaevs celebrated their tenth anniversary from the wedding day.

It should also be said that this is a large family. They have three wonderful little sons, with their own characteristics and needs. With the elder, Danil, there were problems at one time, which had an impact on the further education of all children. Most importantly, boys do not go to school and to the kindergarten. Perhaps this question is the most condemning for many. However, the Valyaevs have their own opinion on this matter and their children in their development are not at all inferior to their peers.

The family also travels a lot. This gave a lot to their eldest son, who had some features in development. In a few years, they realized their dream and visited about fifty countries. Together. So the children of the Valyaevs have acquired more than can be said about their peers. Both in terms of adaptability to life, and in terms of communication and obtaining new information on their own.

Creative activity

Also Olga Valyaeva is quite a creative person. At a certain time, she found herself in need to write. And not just like that, but about her life, about what she went through and changed her mind, about the knowledge that she applied. And about the change. Yourself, your life, attitude towards people and situations. All this led to training and the creation of a site that is still functioning, constantly developing and attracting new readers. And also to the cycle of marathons, which allowed a woman to develop herself, to realize her essence.

Olga Valyaeva's articles are very informative and reveal her worldview, which was formed over many years of traveling, studying new knowledge, and, most importantly, applying them in her own life. Each article is a lived situation or a sore topic. For example, Olga, a great traveler, has something to compare her attitude towards large families in Russia and, say, in Sri Lanka. Or in America. Or in Italy.

Olga Valyaeva books

Over time, articles began to take shape in books. And the first book that Olga Valyaeva wrote was “The Purpose of Being a Woman”. It turned out to be just amazing, some fans even compared it to a woman’s table bible, although the author herself never claimed this title. Over time, other books began to appear in ideas.

The book, The Purpose of Being a Woman

So, the first book that Olga Valyaeva wrote was “The Purpose of Being a Woman”. She has already found her many admirers, and many would still like to buy her. So what is the book about? It tells about women's destiny, about the fact that every woman can fully realize herself in this world, and quite like girls.

It is quite interesting to talk about the role of all women, as well as about the mistakes that they make on the way to the goal. Of course, every thought and thesis is not imposed on others. As they say, knowledge comes when we are ready to get it, and Olga generously shares her experience with others.

Olga Valyaeva destiny to be a woman

The book “The Art of Being a Wife and Muse”

The next book written by Olga Valyaeva is “The Art of Being a Wife and a Muse”. The first circulation, which everyone was waiting for a very long time, sold with incredible speed. The book itself, as written even on the cover, with the pregnancy virus. It so happily happened that everyone who worked on it became pregnant and gave birth to children safely.

The book itself tells about how to become a real wife to your husband, how to inspire him to exploits and accomplishments. About some rules of behavior, about what certain actions can lead to. All this is written in terms of Vedic knowledge and personal experience.

Olga Valyaeva the art of being a wife and muse

Books in the project

Of course, the work of a wonderful writer did not end there. Olga Valyaeva, whose books are so popular, wrote another, which is being prepared for sale, “Fruiting. About female maturity. ” Two more are also being prepared: “The Purpose of Being a Mother” and “Healing the Female Soul”.

Each book, as always, is about their own experience, their thoughts and Vedic knowledge. All this resonates in the souls of women for whom Olga writes. Olga Valyaeva gives a very easy answer to almost any burning women's question. Books also talk a lot about this, the information in them is quite systematic.

Worldview of Olga Valyaeva

A few words should also be said about Olga’s worldview, about her understanding of life and especially the role of women in this world. Olga does not wear trousers, as she believes that skirts give more feminine energy. She herself brings up her children, not trusting kindergartens and nannies, travels with her husband and children and considers this to be quite normal. Olga develops her femininity, and calmly accepts both the positive and negative sides of this. She does not consider herself ideal for others, she simply conveys what she knows and feels.

articles by Olga Valyaeva

Numerous reviews

Well, and, of course, I want to talk about numerous reviews about Olga’s activities. It must be said right away that they are not all positive, but, according to Valyaeva, she never claimed to be the ideal in everything. The only thing that can be said about her articles and books is her personal experience and experiences based on the Vedic teachings presented by some modern teachers (Torsunov, Narushevich, Ruzov and others). It is this experience that she shares on the printed pages.

Olga Valyaeva receives feedback from those who were really helped by her articles, books and trainings (marathons). Those whose life miraculously and magically began to change for the better, feminine. There are many words from men who tell how their wives have changed (for the better). All this shows how important and necessary her activities are, how much women lack understanding and knowledge.

Olga Valyaeva reviews


So, now you know who Olga Valyaeva is and what she does. There are few such wonderful women, but they are. They are ready to share their experience and knowledge with others, are ready for charity and help, at the same time protect their family in a feminine way and change independently, and not shift everything onto others. All this leads to changes around and in itself. It remains only to recommend and others try to look into yourself first and find your source of anxiety and anxiety, eliminate it and move on.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8692/

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