What is a rebound? The meaning of the word, examples

In modern Russian, every year there are more and more borrowed foreign words. This is a trend that cannot be avoided. At the same time, few people know that the process of borrowing foreign words began a long time ago and was mainly associated with the development of military affairs. However, there are cases when a word that appears in one sphere is gradually moved to others.

The word "rebound" is one example of such a borrowing. What is a rebound? When and where did this word get into Russian? What values ​​does the ricochet currently have, in what areas is it used? All information related to this word can be found by reading a short article.


According to the results of a study conducted by linguists, in the modern Russian language more than one and a half thousand words that “migrated” here from the French language. Among them are such familiar ones as a postman, companion, apricot, secretary, wine glass, screen. The word “rebound” was no exception.

rebound pattern

So, the meaning of the word ricochet (from French - ricochet) is the reflection of an object from the surface when it touches at an acute angle.

This word is borrowed from the French language around the 17th century, which is associated with the development of firearms in the Russian Empire.

Ballistic Use

What is ballistic rebound? This concept is unpleasant for most shooters. Ricochet in this case, a projectile fired by a shooter, usually a bullet. In ballistics, a bullet ricochet refers to the reflection of a projectile by the surface of an obstacle, about which the projectile hits at an angle, usually sharp, accompanied by a characteristic howling sound.

Patterns in the rebound of a weapon shell

In studying the phenomenon of projectile ricochet, gunsmiths revealed several obvious patterns.

Firstly, the lighter the projectile and the higher the speed, the greater its chances of reflecting off the surface.

Secondly, the chance of a rebound increases with such a trajectory of the bullet that ensures that the projectile comes into contact with the surface at an acute angle. It turns out that the sharper the angle, the higher the chance of a rebound? In most cases, this is true, but there are some exceptions.


Thirdly, the harder the surface, the higher the chances of a bullet to go into a rebound. Rare cases are known when a bullet ricochets off the surface even with a direct hit, for example, when shooting on rails made of especially durable steel and having a considerable thickness. Eyewitnesses also describe cases when bullets, when hit on a solid surface of the blade when firing at targets, returned ricocheted back and flew dangerously close to the shooters.

Fourth, after a rebound at an acute angle, the projectile’s ability to hit an enemy’s manpower is significantly enhanced. Under certain circumstances, it is even advisable to fire a rebound to achieve the best result.

stone ricochet on water

It turned out that not only a very hard surface is able to repel a projectile. It is proved that rebounds can come from snow, and even from water. In the case of the latter surface, it is necessary that the angle of the trajectory of the bullet in contact with the surface should vary from 8 to 12 degrees.

It is paradoxical that a rebound is practically excluded when a bullet comes in contact with the surface at a very high speed (faster than 1,000 meters per second).

The ricochet bullet fired from a hunting rifle can fly up to 2,700 meters, while retaining the ability to inflict significant damage to the target for a long time.

All of the above facts make rebounding a very dangerous phenomenon that can lead to tragic consequences.

Examples of failed bullet ricochets

For example, in April 2014, a woman with a gunshot wound to the head was taken to the Central District Hospital of the Voronezh Region. When clarifying the facts of the incident, it was found that the woman, when injured, was in the cemetery, where she looked after the graves of relatives. At a distance of one kilometer from the cemetery was a military shooting range where two men shot their weapons. Despite the fact that the shooting range was equipped according to all requirements, the official version is a ricochet of a bullet that flew more than a kilometer and hit the victim’s head. The woman miraculously survived.

Another case that went down in the history of criminal law of the United States of America ended in a more tragic outcome. A shell fired from a Parabellum pistol flew over the ocean surface at an incredible distance of 5 miles! True, at the same time, the bullet allegedly made several ricochets on the smooth surface of ocean water. A piece of lead “finished” in the temple of a woman moving on a coastal freeway along the ocean in her convertible. The woman died on the spot.

A lot of similar cases are described, and that is why when shooting it is always necessary to be guided by safety rules and hunting ethics. A weapon is an extremely dangerous thing, for the most part not intended for games and entertainment. One can never say with absolute certainty whether a bullet will rebound or not.

Spread in a game of billiards

What is a rebound in billiards? A significant part of the game is based on the competent use of this phenomenon. A good player is distinguished not only by the delivered equipment, but also by the ability to correctly calculate the rebound angle.

a pool table

In this game, there are two types of surface from which a rebound occurs. The first surface is a rubberized board of the playing field, covered with cloth. The second - other billiard balls. In this sport, there is a special terminology where an important place is given to the types of rebound. Here is some of them.

Billiard terms related to rebound

  • Apricot is a technique in which the main ball hits the side, and then reaches the desired ball.
  • Carom - a kind of technique in which the cue ball, hitting one aiming ball, hits another.
  • A triplet is a ball rebound from two boundaries of the playing field.
  • Truaban - reflection of the ball from the three sides of the playing field.
  • Kathrban - a technique in which the ball is reflected from all sides of the field.

General rules for rebounding in billiards

Firstly, the stronger the blow, the stronger the rebound from the playing field.

Secondly, if the cue ball falls into the aiming ball by a direct hit, that is, into the center of gravity, and not into the side, then the cue ball loses most of its energy, transferring it to the aiming ball. If the cue ball did not hit the center of the aiming ball, but only caught it, then it saves its energy and goes on to roll along the playing field.

Snapshot while playing billiards

billiard jump

Billiard masters are increasingly resorting to a leap. This technique consists in hitting the cue ball at an angle that raises the ball above the surface of the playing field, as a rule, bypassing existing obstacles. In fact, a billiard ball bounces with almost any blow, but it is not always possible to catch this moment with the naked eye. Often this technique is used in a variation of the game called "Nine", where the rules provide for the sequential order of sighting balls to hit the hole in ascending order.

Ricochet in game sports

Ricochet in game team sports is a very common phenomenon that can greatly affect the course of a sports event. A very eloquent phenomenon of rebound is expressed in the most popular sport on the planet - football. In football, rebounding is of greatest importance when hitting the goal. Any goalkeeper awaiting a strike calculates the trajectory of his flight and prepares to play as efficiently as possible. If a soccer ball hits a field player of one of the teams that has got in the way of the projectile to the target, then the direction of the ball’s movement, as a rule, changes significantly. Goalkeeper ricochet is a goal with a high probability. The goalkeeper in such a situation remains taken by surprise, so he is no longer able to help out his team.

hit the ball

A soccer ball ricocheting against a randomly exposed hand of the defender of the penalty area of ​​the defending team ends no less tragically. As a rule, the judge, without hesitation, points to the penalty spot, appointing a penalty. A penalty is an almost missed goal.

hand touch the ball

Answering the question “What is a rebound?” and having examined examples of this phenomenon in everyday life, we can draw the following conclusion. Ricochet is in most cases an undesirable and unpleasant phenomenon, although in certain circumstances it can be useful.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8715/

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