Dryers for fruits and vegetables: how to choose and not make a mistake

how to choose a dryer for vegetables and fruits
How to choose a dryer for vegetables and fruits? Such a question sooner or later arises from a hostess who cares about the improvement of her kitchen and loves to experiment. With an electric dryer, you can easily dry not only fruits, but also mushrooms, vegetables, herbs and spices, and even fish or meat. But in order to correctly select and buy such a device, you need to know the basic parameters. What types of dryers for vegetables and fruits are divided into, how to choose them, this article will tell you.

Types of Dryers

Most models remove moisture from the fruit with well-heated air. However, there are devices based on its natural circulation. In the first case, you will get the result much faster.

The most popular are convective dryers for fruits and vegetables. How to choose them, you will understand if you understand the principle of work. Moisture from products is removed by hot air. The disadvantage of such devices is that the fruits processed by them lose most of their vitamins. In addition, such dryers consume a lot of electricity.

dryers for fruits and vegetables how to choose

Infrared dryers are more economical in this regard . But not everyone is happy with the price of such devices. Moisture from products is removed under the influence of infrared rays, as the name implies. Drying occurs at a temperature of about 40-60 degrees. At the same time, all vitamins are stored, and if the product is soaked, it will acquire its original form, which can not be said about processing it in a convection dryer. After that, it can be stored in a sealed container for up to two years.

The presence of a temperature controller

What else can be dryers for vegetables and fruits? How to choose them, taking into account additional functions and features? Devices with a temperature regulator allow you to set and adjust the temperature during use. This helps prevent excessive heat treatment, that is, to retain more nutrients in the product.

Extra options

Pay attention to power. The higher it is, the better and faster the drying process will occur. The optimal values โ€‹โ€‹of this parameter are in the range from 350 to 450 watts.

What else should you pay attention to if you need an electric dryer for fruits and vegetables? How to choose it will help to understand the location of the heating element. It would be better if it was top. Thus, moisture will not get into the device, that is, its service life can be extended.

electric dryer for fruits and vegetables how to choose

Take into account the capacity of the device. It can have from three to eight pallets. Dryers are usually made of metal or plastic. The latter option is preferable. A plastic appliance is easier to carry from place to place due to its light weight. In addition, the metal case may overheat during use.

What other opportunities can offer fruit and vegetable dryers? How to choose them? The best option is a device with an auto shut-off function when overheating. This provides added security.

You want to understand what are the dryers for vegetables and fruits, how to choose them? We hope this article has filled the gaps in your knowledge.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8719/

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