Supply and exhaust ventilation for an apartment and a house

Climatic equipment today is undergoing revolutionary technological changes, which allows manufacturers to produce more advanced systems. The ventilation function has long been considered in a comprehensive set of tasks for air conditioners and heaters, not to mention humidity controllers and air washers. But only classical forced-air and exhaust ventilation can perform air renewal in natural mode and with minimal harm to health. However, this does not mean at all that modern systems of this type are technologically behind the climatic installations.

General information about supply and exhaust systems

At the moment, ventilation can be considered as a means of thermo-modernization of the house along with comprehensive insulation. This is also due to the combination with systems that increase the temperature of the incoming air. But this will be discussed separately. The main function of the supply and exhaust systems is still reduced to ensuring air exchange. The system infrastructure consists of two channels - inlet and outlet. In other words, the supply and exhaust ventilation of the room will contribute to an equal outflow and the launch of air flows. The proportions should be precisely balanced, otherwise you can get a sharp pressure drop, which will negatively affect the well-being of the residents.

Target rooms for air exchange systems are the most polluted places. They traditionally include a bath, toilet, kitchen, utility rooms and technical rooms. For residential premises, it makes sense to provide systems with the functions of "recovery" of the microclimate. This is a separate set of cleaning products that improve the quality of the air.

Technical implementation

Supply and exhaust ventilation

The basis of the system is the ventilation unit, which contains a whole range of functional units and assemblies. Firstly, fans are installed on the supply and exhaust ducts. Special attention is given to the heat exchange infrastructure, in which filters and electric heaters can be involved.

The unit is directly connected to ventilation channels. The mine branch network can be implemented in different ways. For the rational distribution of flows, an individual project is developed in which the flows are distributed into "clean" and "dirty" rooms. Separately, the system of supply and exhaust ventilation includes a system of technological overflow slots. These are structural devices that are organized between rooms in hidden places. Their task is to ensure a balanced distribution of fresh air flows. Again, such regulation is arranged separately for "dirty" and "clean" rooms.

Types of systems

Fundamentally distinguish between installations with natural and forced circulation of air flow. In the first case, a system of channels with average parameters of 14 x 14 cm is implemented. Exhaust vertical shafts are necessarily provided, through which air rises and leaves the room. Such systems, as a rule, do not have the support of a power installation with fans, but may include filter elements. Today, ventilation sandwich chimneys are popular, which form a channel for the removal of air flows from the room to the street through the roof. The chimney rises above the roof surface by 30-50 cm and is provided with an insulating coating to protect against condensation.

Ventilation ducts

As for forced systems, their function is supported by a group of fans that are installed at the inlet of the exhaust shafts. If natural supply and exhaust ventilation is completely autonomous and is manually controlled by changing the throughput through mechanical dampers and valves, then forced circulation provides for the possibility of automated control. The disadvantages of such equipment include the need for wiring devices, network connections and, as a result, energy costs.

Temperature control

To increase the energy efficiency of the house, the developers of ventilation systems have long used the so-called air flow recuperators in the design of the main unit. These are a kind of heat exchangers, which can also be controlled through automation or work in natural mode. The principle of operation of the recuperator is in the process of heat transfer from the outgoing home air to the incoming cold from the street.

The redistribution of heat energy itself is completely free, but, again, connecting to a power plant to regulate the capacity of the heat exchanger consumes certain resources. It is important to emphasize that the supply and exhaust ventilation with recovery can be technically performed differently. As a rule, this is a metal block in which two thermally insulated channels are arranged, delimited by plates. This design is good precisely by filtering the separation of flows, but the barrier as such in the process of heat transfer takes part of the energy. The process of heat transfer in a block without a dividing plate is more efficient, since energy is accumulated directly. But in this case, flows will pass into the room without cleaning.

Supply and exhaust ventilation recuperator

Filtration Tools

Most often, the channels are provided by HEPA cleaning systems that trap about 99% of the smallest mechanical particles, as well as pollen and mold spores. The filter itself consists of a fibrous material folded accordion. There is also a variety of oil cleaning systems, inside which is a system of nets and rings moistened with a special technical fluid. On the oil surface, dust particles and other contaminants are just delayed.

But not only mechanical elements are protected by supply and exhaust ventilation of a household type. To eliminate toxic pollution from air streams, photocatalytic filters are used that do not collect but destroy harmful compounds to the state of carbon dioxide and water. Special cleaning devices are used for rooms that need to be cleaned of smoke, dust and soot. If the house has an oven or boiler, it is advisable to use a ventilation structure, which includes an electrostatic unit.

Supply and exhaust ventilation filters

Systems for the apartment

Channel wiring with massive mines require a lot of space to accommodate. Moreover, such a ventilation infrastructure should be calculated even at the stage of developing a house project. Obviously, in the case of apartments, such options are eliminated. What remains? The best solution would be a combination of separate channels connected to a central duct. An exhaust fan can be used for removal, and the ventilator will perform the inflow task. In modern supply and exhaust ventilation for apartments often use beesers. These are compact installations, the emphasis of which is on the filtering function, which is especially important for urban housing. The design also includes environmentally friendly ceramic heating components, thanks to which the incoming air temperature is also regulated.

Home ventilation systems

A country cottage provides a lot of opportunities for implementing a variety of ventilation systems projects. Using the laid ducts of the duct, it is possible to organize both a natural and forced air circulation system. The main thing is to perform the correct calculations of the electrical load on the same fans and calculate the throughput of the mines. The fact is that a large cross-section of the supply or exhaust channel due to its size will cause a lot of problems during installation. In addition, camouflage for mines should be considered.

Supply and exhaust ventilation infrastructure

As an alternative, the concept of point supply and exhaust ventilation in the house, which is carried out using mechanical ventilators or beakers, is used. Compact devices are installed purposefully in places of the greatest accumulation of pollution, in the same bathroom or in the kitchen. Further, the installed equipment is combined into one regulation group, through which the user regulates their work. You can set the workflow to automatic mode by selecting individual operating parameters for each device.

Tion Equipment

One of the leading developers of ventilation and cleaning equipment for the household sector. The company offers solutions for houses and apartments with preliminary calculation of an individual project. Tion systems are formed on the basis of functional components as a designer. For example, supply and exhaust ventilation with heat recovery can be assembled from separate modules with MagicAir bisers, grilles, intermediate filtration barriers and an automatic control end station.

Fresh Air Systems

Ventilation unit

Another company that does not just sell ventilation equipment, but is engaged in the design and installation of such systems. Clients are offered a complete set of tools for ensuring air exchange from compact devices to multi-channel infrastructure for a private house. In a typical solution, the supply and exhaust ventilation system is based on VAKIO devices. Standard equipment includes a recuperator with traction compensation option and self-regulating valves. That is, the user has the opportunity to automatically control even without connecting the unit to the mains.

Supply and exhaust ventilation from Climate Group

The company operates on equipment from major manufacturers of HVAC equipment, including Mitsubishi, Lossnay and SOFFIO. The user can independently compose an optimal system for his needs from the main ventilation unit, recuperator and control module. In terms of cost, the supply and exhaust ventilation from Climate Group can be attributed to the middle segment. For example, a Mitsubishi installation is estimated at 20-30 thousand rubles, and a recuperator supplementing it can cost about 25 thousand rubles. The company also offers the implementation of auxiliary systems that regulate humidity and other microclimatic parameters.


Installation of supply and exhaust ventilation

Even with the use of high-quality components for the ventilation system, organizing a balanced duct will not work without a competent calculation of the design decision. Even before choosing a specific system, the needs of the target premises should be determined. At the next stage, the supply and exhaust ventilation is considered as a comprehensive solution that combines all the functional points of the infrastructure. It is also advisable to connect the ducts to the existing climate equipment, so that the units work seamlessly and organically complement each other, taking into account current needs. In modern installations with intelligent control, in particular, several sensors are provided that allow the system to automatically control the workflow without user intervention, but with focus on specific needs.


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