Who are vampires and what are they

In the cultures of different countries and peoples, as well as in modern cinema and literature, there are often terrible, but ambiguous monsters - vampires. What are they and do vampires really exist? In a way, yes.

Folklore and mythology

A vampire is an evil creature from Eastern European legends, a rebellious dead man who feeds on the blood of people or animals. The same word also refers to other similar creations that are present in the folklore of almost all countries and peoples. It can be called any mythological or magical parasite - a creature that in one way or another sucks blood, energy, vitality and so on from its victims. Characteristic features of vampires, however, differ depending on their "homeland."


Who are vampires and where do they come from? It was believed that after death criminals, suicides or sorcerers, illegitimate children or children who died before baptism, and sometimes people whose death was early, violent and especially cruel, turn into them. Also, vampirism, like a werewolf, can be transmitted to someone who was bitten or killed by another vampire.


who are vampires

Who are vampires and how do they look? They have very pale skin, bright red lips and prominent pointed fangs. Vampires from films and paintings by contemporary artists are often absolutely stunning: perfectly styled hair, catchy makeup, expensive sophisticated clothes that emphasize a perfect figure ... It is not known how fanged ladies manage to look like this when they are not reflected in the mirrors.


Who are vampires and what are their features? They are afraid of sunlight and objects of the Christian cult, sleep in coffins during the day and hunt at night, can turn into bats, die if their heart is pierced with an aspen stake or their head chopped off. However, authors of books about these creatures often go against these stereotypes, beat and ridicule them.

Flora and fauna

do vampires really exist

Who are vampires in the animal and plant world? These are organisms that feed on the bodily fluids of other creatures: a leech, mistletoe, and, of course, a vampire bat. By the way, not all folklore bloodsuckers are anthropomorphic: there are stories of blood-sucking spiders and even dogs. Some of these creatures are semi-mythical, for example, chupacabra - goat vampires. Do they exist? This is not confirmed by science, but some people claim to have seen them, and even show photographs.

Energy vampires

do vampires exist

Vampires that not only exist, but are often found in every person, are energetic.

Alas, they cannot be recognized at first glance by a characteristic bite, but one can quickly guess their presence - by the sensation of a sudden loss of strength: they do not drink blood in the literal sense, but draw energy from the people around them.

To do this was more convenient and easier, they often provoke quarrels and loud showdowns. Unfortunately, energy vampires are not afraid of either daylight or holy water, and it remains only to stay away from their hunting grounds and not get on their teeth.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8732/

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