Tomato Dina: variety description, characteristics, yield, photo

There are so many different varieties of tomatoes on the market today that it’s quite difficult to choose the most suitable ones. It is important to remember here that the variety should be selected, taking into account the region of growth, yield, disease resistance and, of course, the taste of the fruit.

Tomato Dina

In this article you will find a detailed description of Dean tomato. This variety of yellow tomatoes has already won the hearts of gardeners and received many good reviews.

Grade characteristics

Variety Dina is mid-early. About 80-100 days elapse from seedling to seed ripening (it will depend on the region of growth). This variety is not a hybrid, so you can collect seeds from grown tomatoes.

The average height of the bush is 60-70 cm, the branches are distributed evenly, so it is not necessary to tie the bush. The foliage is not dense, with ordinary leaves and simple inflorescences. The first flowers are laid over a 6-7 leaf, and the subsequent ones every 2 sheets. Flowering is plentiful.

Tomato Dina is suitable for growing both in open ground and in greenhouses. Sowing of seeds is carried out 50-60 days before transplanting tomatoes to a permanent place. Seedlings practically do not get sick and take root well.

Tomato Dina Description

Fruit Description

Tomato Dina is distinguished by yellow rounded and smooth fruits, very beautiful in appearance. The fruits are quite large, can reach 140 g. Dry matter in juice is about 4.5-5.9%. Ripe tomatoes of a beautiful yellow or bright orange color. The taste of tomatoes is pleasant and sweet, there is a slight acidity.

The main advantage of the fruits is that they are very fleshy with a small amount of seeds inside. Such tomatoes are well suited for salads and pickles.

In the description of tomato Dean, it is not in vain that it speaks of its beautiful yellow color and attractive appearance. Yellow tomatoes look great in salads and in jars with pickles, diluting red shades. Also unusual color and sweet taste attract children.

tomato dina reviews

Landing and care

The tomato variety Dean is an unpretentious plant and does not require special care.

Seedlings are planted on the garden when the threat of frost passes. Favorable days for planting tomatoes are better to choose according to the calendar of the gardener, which is compiled individually for each year. Seedlings for planting choose strong and healthy. Plants love lighted areas, loamy or sandy soil.

Before planting, the earth must be treated with a solution of copper sulfate - this is necessary to prevent fungal diseases.

The interval between rows is maintained at about 70 cm, between bushes - 40 cm. Tomato loves loose soil, so it is advisable to loosen it at least once a week. Fertilizing tomatoes requires the most common, as for other tomatoes.

growing tomatoes

Grade Advantages

This variety has many advantages:

  • The variety has a high, stable yield. On average, one bush gives 4-4.5 kg of tomatoes.
  • Great fruit taste and healthy properties. The yellow color of the fruits indicates a high content of provitamin A. This variety is distinguished by its low calorie content and these tomatoes are considered hypoallergenic.
  • The versatility of tomatoes. They are pleasant to use both raw and for cooking various dishes and pickles.
  • Low acidity of the fruit. Therefore, they can be given to children and people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The variety does not require constant watering, tolerates drought well.
  • Long storage without loss of taste and benefit.

Variety disadvantages

The only drawback of Dean tomato is its susceptibility to certain diseases, such as late blight, watery rot and vertex rot. Of course, today this is not a big problem, because there are many effective drugs to prevent these diseases. You can buy these drugs at a horticultural store and prepare them yourself.

tomato variety Dina

Diseases and ways to get rid of them

As mentioned above, Dean tomato undergoes late blight, watery and apical rot.

1. Late blight makes itself felt with brown spots on the leaves, then these brown spots appear on the fruits. The fruits subsequently deform, become ugly and rot. Special drugs that can be bought in the horticultural department will help prevent this disease.

2. Watery rot. This disease is spread by sucking or gnawing pests, for example, caterpillars of scoops. The defeat usually starts from the bottom of the stem - it becomes soft, brown, then it begins to decompose and smell unpleasant. The fruits themselves become infected in the area of ​​the stalk, then the fruit softens and rots. It is important to remember that in the event of a plant disease, the seeds and soil also become infected and retain the infection for a long time. As prevention, the following activities can be carried out:

  • Thinning thickened landings.
  • Removal of affected plants.
  • Destruction of pests, in particular caterpillars of a scoop.
  • Collection of affected fruit.
  • Removing plant debris and soil disinfection.

3. Apex rot manifests itself as a dark spot at the top of the fetus. Further, the stain darkens and begins to fall through, the fruit itself begins to dry and harden. As a rule, this is not a mass disease, but a disease of individual fruits. So that vertex rot does not spread, you need to regularly inspect the plants and remove the affected fruits in time. For the prevention of this disease, you can use calcium nitrate and chalk suspension.

Many gardeners are afraid of the above diseases, but today there are many modern means to combat diseases. There are also folk ways.

tomato diseases

Alternative methods for combating tomato diseases

  1. Garlic. It destroys fungal spores. Tomatoes are sprayed with a garlic solution before the appearance of the ovaries and after 10 days. After spraying, you need to about once every two weeks. To prepare the garlic solution, you need to pour a glass of chopped garlic into a bucket of water and leave for a day. After this, strain the solution and add about 2 grams of potassium permanganate to it.
  2. Salt. Pour a glass of salt into a bucket of warm water, dissolve it and spray the tomatoes with this solution. This kind of protection covers the plants with a salt film. It is important to remember that this measure is only prevention, and apply it effectively before the first signs of the disease appear on the plants.
  3. Kefir. A liter of kefir to ferment in a warm place for two days. Pour kefir into a bucket of water and mix well. Tomatoes are sprayed with this solution 10-14 days after transplanting them into the ground. Then sprayed every week. This tool is also used to prevent diseases.

These methods, combined with proper care (cultivation, top dressing and watering) will bring a rich harvest and will delight you with delicious fruits. Gardeners, despite their susceptibility to diseases, love Dean tomatoes very much, reviews of them only confirm this fact.


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