FSO - what is it? Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation

At all times, the public authority created by mankind needed constant protection. Because it is initially not ideal in nature. Therefore, there are many "dissatisfied" who want to somehow influence this power, in order to achieve any changes in the state. As for the defense process, from time immemorial it has been filled with various traditions and features. People who stood guard over power always enjoyed honor and respect in society, since they actually devoted their lives to the state. To date, this kind of activity is carried out by special services that exist in almost every state. But in this article, the author will take into account the Russian Federation, where state activity in the field of ensuring state security has a long history and characteristic features. The main agency, which is, in fact, the defender of state power, is the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, or abbreviated FSO.

FSO what is it

9th KGB department

The Federal Security Service, in fact, was formed from the once-existing 9th Directorate of the USSR State Security Committee. This famous structure was a kind of “shield” that protected the state and the communist system from any encroachment at almost all possible levels. This department was formed in 1954.

Federal Security Service
By this time, the Communist Party had reached the peak of its influence in the state, which necessitated the protection of its most prominent figures. Indeed, in the middle of the 20th century, the Soviet Union was a true titan among other world powers. Throughout the history of the existence of this state, employees of the 9th Directorate of the KGB physically guarded party leaders until the collapse of the USSR.
work in fso

Further history of the department

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was decided to create a similar executive body. In fact, his tasks have not changed too much. The main goal remained the physical protection of state leaders. One of the key tasks of the Main Directorate of Security was the safety of the president, and since 1992, ensuring special communications. In 1996, the aforementioned service was disbanded, and the FSO was created on its basis. What is it - it became clear by the end of the year. By that time, the position of this service had been developed and established.

FSO - what is it?

This is a special executive authority in the Russian Federation. By type, the Federal Security Service is a special service whose functions include ensuring the protection of the country's leadership, as well as providing them with special communications. The FSO has a special status, and along with the FSB, SVR, GFS of Russia, it has the right to conduct operational investigative activities. The regular structure of the federal guard is divided into civilian and military. Today, the FSO is one of the key special services in Russia, because it has important functions, one of which is to ensure the physical security of the President of the Russian Federation.

Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation

Functions of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation

Earlier, the article indicated the features of the FSO, what kind of body, its history. But it should be noted that many people do not know the functional base of this department. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and departmental normative acts entrust the FSO with the following functions:

- Ensuring the protection of the President of the Russian Federation.

- Ensuring the physical protection of members of his family.

- Protection of special facilities in their places of residence.

- Providing security on the routes and routes of movement of the President of the Russian Federation.

- Protection of important government events.

- Ensuring safe nutrition for the President.

- Implementation of the physical protection of important statesmen.

In addition, the agency provides communications. The FSO implements secure communication between the highest authorities and the President of the Russian Federation.

FSO connection

FSO regulatory framework

It should be remembered that the Federal Security Service is an executive body of state power that exists and implements its activities exclusively within the framework of the law. There is a whole hierarchy of normative acts on the basis of which the FSO carries out its activities, namely:

- The Constitution of the Russian Federation.

- Orders governing various aspects of the service.

- Regulation “On the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation”.

It should also be noted that the regulatory framework of the FSO is being modernized everywhere. New principles are introduced into the activities of the department, which, to the maximum, comply with the provisions of the Constitution and international standards.

FSO requirements

Special communication FSO

In addition to the physical protection of key figures in the state, the federal security service is also engaged in providing special communications through one of its structural divisions. Such today is the Special Communications and Information Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. This unit has the task of providing special government communications. Many confuse this service with courier units. The difference is that the FSO special communications is not involved in the delivery of any classified documents. The unit only provides communication within the government apparatus using basic methods of protecting the transmission of important information. Previously, the special communications service was a separate agency, but since 2004 it has become part of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

FSO - structure

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation has its own structure, which allows achieving the efficient use of all resources of the department for the full implementation of its tasks. To date, the service structure is as follows:

- Directly the Federal Security Service, which includes the President’s security service, security measures service, the commandant of the Kremlin, special communications, etc.

- The second structural element is the various special units that perform individual functional tasks of the FSO.


Work in the FSO implies both civilian and military service. However, for the direct implementation of the main tasks of the service, there are special educational institutions where specialists of the necessary profiles are trained. One of these is the Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Currently, it trains specialists in the following areas:

- Jurisprudence.

- Telecommunication networks.

- Radio communication.

- Switching systems.

- Information Security.

- Information processing systems.

Upon completion of training, cadets are assigned the military rank of lieutenant. At the same time, all graduates of the academy must work for 5 years under a contract with the federal security agencies - these are mandatory requirements of the FSO. It should be noted that the time of training and service in the federal guard is counted as the term of active military service.

Academy of the Federal Security Service

Thus, work in the FSO is possible after graduating from a special educational institution in which a person acquires the necessary specialization. It should be noted that most cadets want to serve after studying in the guard units of the President of the Russian Federation. Because they consider these formations to be one of the most prestigious in Russia.

So, in the article, the author cited information about the FSO. What it is, how to get into the service - was also covered in the article. In conclusion, it should be noted that at present, federal security agencies have substantially evolved in their activities. Her work increasingly uses new methods, as well as information technology. Let's hope that in a few years this trend will not decline, but, on the contrary, will significantly increase the prestige of the FSO and all its employees.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8738/

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