How to make decorative tape with your own hands?

Decorative scotch tape is a popular element of decorating personal diaries, notebooks, gliders and other surfaces. It can be bought at office supply stores, or you can do it yourself. In the second case, it will be not only beautiful, but also unique. Moreover, the manufacturing process is simple and quick. So how to make decorative tape?

Materials for work

To make decorative adhesive tape with your own hands you will need a simple set of tools: double-sided adhesive tape of the desired width and scissors.

how to make decorative tape

As a decorative layer, you can use the following:

  • lace of small width (preferably synthetic);
  • listing on ordinary office paper;
  • sheets of color thin cardboard;
  • wrapping paper;
  • long strips of fabric (it is better to take cotton with a pattern of polka dots, a cage or a strip, such material will less bloom around the edge and will not spoil the look of the finished adhesive tape);
  • a napkin with a pattern (decoupage or plain);
  • foil for creativity (food is not suitable, since it is too thin and unplastic).

How to make decorative tape?

The work process consists of five steps that need to be repeated for each desired decorative layer:

  1. Prepare material for the decorative layer. The fabric and lace need to be ironed. If there are wrinkles on the wrapping paper, it is also better to iron them. Separate the two lower layers from the napkin, leaving only the one on which the drawing is applied.
  2. Unwind the required amount of tape.
  3. Apply decorative material to the sticky side and gently smooth.
  4. Cut the desired length.
  5. Repeat steps as many times as needed.

In the manufacture of decorative tape made of foil and wrapping paper, it is better to apply the adhesive side of the tape to the material itself, and not vice versa. This will help to avoid wrinkles and air bubbles.

do-it-yourself decorative tape

Printouts for decorative tape are best done on a laser printer. Such patterns will be more persistent and will not spread if water gets on the tape. To give such a tape endurance, you can cover the decorative layer with finishing glue. It is also advisable to do with a tape from a napkin and thin cardboard.

Special finishing glue is replaced with ordinary transparent office tape, which is glued on top of decorative tape.

Second manufacturing method

There is another way to make decorative tape. To create a more artistic and beautiful adhesive tape you will need:

  • white napkin;
  • stamps for creativity with a fine pattern;
  • holder for dies (if necessary);
  • stamp pad of any color (preferably archival quality);
  • sponge or very soft brush;
  • pencil glue;
  • double-sided adhesive tape;
  • decoupage or any finishing glue (optional).

On a napkin, you need to stamp the pattern with an ink pad and allow it to dry. Before use, separate the lower layers from the cloth. Glue the patterned layer onto the desired surface using pencil glue. For greater durability, the pattern can be coated with a layer of finishing glue.

As in the first method, you can glue the top layer of a napkin with a pattern to double-sided tape and cover it with decoupage glue to give strength.

How and where to store homemade scotch tape?

Now that it’s clear how to make decorative tape, it’s important to know how to properly store it. The main task is to keep the adhesiveness of the adhesive tape, so you should protect it from direct sunlight. In addition to bright light, adhesive tape is afraid of heat from the battery and other heating devices. With prolonged exposure to temperature, it can simply β€œmelt”.

prints for decorative tape

It is better to store the finished adhesive tape in a folder file or twist it into a roll and fasten the tip with a paper clip. Then it should be removed to the closet. It can also be stored in a special tape dispenser, which is sold in office supply stores. This device has another plus - it is equipped with a special cutting edge, which will simplify the work with adhesive tape.


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