How to uproot stumps? Useful Tips

When clearing the cottage area from dry and old trees, you are probably faced with the fact that cutting the trunk is only half the work. As a rule, the roots of trees remain in the soil. Then the question of how to uproot stumps will be quite appropriate , because this is a rather troublesome and laborious process. There are many examples of decorative use of stumps remaining in the ground. Of these, you can build flower beds, make the basis for a bench or table, but not on the whole site it is worth preserving such, even sometimes useful, remains.

how to uproot stumps

Uprooting stumps (with examples)

1. Use the service of the company that deals with this problem, or purchase a chopper, it will help you. But, unfortunately, both options involve financial costs on your part, which is not always justified.

2. You can also get rid of the stump by digging it and sawing the side roots, then remove it from the pit. True, this is a rather time-consuming task, which physically not everyone can do.

3. When wondering how to uproot stumps, are you in a hurry and don’t want to waste your family budget? Use a chemical or biological method that allows the stump to be decomposed to the root to a state of dust within a year.

uprooting stumps

Methods of struggle:

  • Make holes in the slice, fill in the mycelium there, pour and cover with film, so you can populate the stump with mushrooms, honey mushrooms or oyster mushrooms . Mushroom mycelium can be purchased in stores or made by hand. Arrange the mushroom caps on the surface, shake after 2 hours, this way you will release the spores that need to be mixed with water, and then just pour over the disturbing stump. From time to time, your mushroom plantation will need to be watered. In a year you will get a crop. But such a method produces a side effect. There is a risk of infection of the remaining trees with fungal spores.
  • Create a fairly deep hole in the slice, add sodium or potassium nitrate there in the amount of 1 cup, fill with water, cover with a film. During the year, this composition completely nourishes the stump, you just have to burn it. But this method is unsuitable for peat soils, as there is a danger of fire.
  • Salt the problem. Nothing will remain of hemp except trash, but keep in mind that the land after such a procedure will become unsuitable for sowing seeds and will not produce a crop.

Uprooting of trees can be done gradually and without the use of chemicals. To tear a tree trunk 16 centimeters, cut at the bottom of the pit. Then cover with soil.

How to uproot stumps of different tree species, taking into account their structure? Depending on the type of tree, its root system differs . Start with a thorough analysis and preparation. Remember the school botany lessons.

uprooting of trees

How to root out stumps with a hose?

You will need to dig a hole at a distance of fifty centimeters from the root system. Then, opening the valve with a good stream of water, wash the roots, cleaning them from the ground. Get a β€œhanging” stump. After all the water has gone into the dug hole, leave it to dry. The next day, chop off all the interfering roots, remove the stump itself.


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