Catalytic cleaning of ovens. Process description

What does catalytic oven cleaning mean? The answer to this question is provided in this article.

The catalytic cleaning of ovens is an accelerated chemical reaction of the breakdown of fats into organic residues, carbon and water under the influence of fat-absorbing substances (oxidizing agents). The composition of the absorbing surface includes a chemical oxidation catalyst, an absorbent with nano-particles, a porous and non-porous substrate.

The principle of this process is that the fat that accumulates during direct cooking is decomposed into soot and water, then absorbed by the sorbent. It follows that in order for the catalytic purification of the ovens to occur, it is not necessary to separately switch on another special mode, it occurs automatically when cooking as a result of a chemical reaction. The maximum efficiency of the decomposition of pollution is achieved at a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius.
One of the features that catalytic cleaning of ovens has is that it can be used in both gas and electric cabinets, as the technology for the production of grease-absorbing enamel and the oxidation catalysts present there are the same everywhere, regardless of model or brand. This is an important property of this process.

Catalytic cleaning of ovens: advantages and disadvantages

The advantages include:

- profitability (based on energy consumption, since cleaning is carried out directly at the time of cooking);

- the ability to use in ovens with various types of energy consumption;

- the quality depends mainly not on the manufacturer, but on how curved the surface on which the grease absorbing enamel is applied;

- relatively inexpensive.


- has less efficiency with respect to other types of cleaning, except for washing the oven’s working chamber manually;

- since grease-absorbing enamel is not applied to the bottom and inner surface of the door, they do not have catalytic cleaning properties;

- does not allow to completely exclude manual washing of surfaces, as, however, other types of cleaning;

- loses the self-cleaning properties at the point of contact with dairy and sweet foods;

- effective to a greater extent with frequent use, because at one time is not able to decompose large fat spots;

- requires periodic replacement of the plates or their turning, if they are bilateral, because after 4-5 years, these elements lose their cleaning properties.


The catalytic type of cleaning the oven is suitable for those who cook often and want to save on energy consumption, simplify the process of washing the oven. The main goal for many people nowadays is to save money. They should buy a gas oven with this feature. However, it should be borne in mind that if you save on the cost of this cabinet, there is a problem of replacing the panels after their expiration. And also these gas ovens have significantly less functionality than their electric counterparts.


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