The world's northernmost zoo Ranua

Ranua Zoo is located in Lapland, 80 kilometers from Rovaniemi. The northernmost zoo in the world, it is interesting for visitors, especially when combined with a visit to the Rovaniemi Museum and the Arctic Science Center "Arcticum". The zoo can be accessed daily throughout the year. This article is about this unique place.

Zoo specialization

Ranua Zoo was established in 1983 and specializes in arctic and northern species of wild animals. The park is home to more than 50 species and more than 200 animals that live in the natural environment of spacious open-air cages of the northern coniferous forest. Ranua is a member of the European Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EAZA), an organization that provides guidance, guidance, and coordination for the breeding program for endangered species.

Wildlife Park has an international reputation for its endangered endangered species protection programs. It is well known in Finland as a zoo for the care of lost and wounded animals found in the wild.

Girl with penguins

You can get to Ranua Zoo either by bus, which runs on schedule from the main city bus station, or buy a tour at one of the travel agencies in Rovaniemi. The cost of a one-way bus ticket is 13.50 euros per adult, travel time is about one and a half hours.

Amazing arctic nature

The first surprise for visitors to the zoo is how beautiful the surrounding forests are. The national park is so natural that it does not look like a zoo. Time spent in this arctic nature pacifies, leaves stresses far behind if they were in life. Walking around the zoo, visitors see in natural conditions the habitat of otters and beavers, in pieces of a broken-off pine gopher's dwelling; scurry between bushes and reeds American and European minks and weasels.

In large enclosures there are many ungulates - a musky bull and musk deer, deer and moose. In smaller enclosures there are arctic foxes, foxes and raccoon dogs. There is a snake house with European vipers on the territory of the zoo.

Meeting with predators

At the Ranua Zoo in Finland (photo below), snowy owls, needle owls and great gray owls live. They are very beautiful. They have something special, perhaps their huge wide eyes or the ability to turn their heads in an arc of 270 Β°. Looking at them, it is easy to understand that they rightfully occupy a place in mythology as symbols of wisdom and erudition.

Snowy Owls at Ranua Zoo

A snowy owl is commonly found in the northern circumpolar region, where it makes its summer home.

There are magnificent golden eagles on the trail leading to the zoo . Amazes their wingspan, which can reach 2.45 m! They live on average 21 years, although some of them are known to live up to 25 years. Visual acuity is so great that they see a small victim at a considerable distance. In the zoo, they peacefully rest on high branches.

Big boars and bears

You can meet wild boars in the open-air cages of the zoo. These animals can weigh up to 200 kg. You are lucky if you see a boar with a brood of small striped piglets. Watching these frolic kids is a pleasure. But further in the enclosures, visitors are expected by the most famous inhabitants of Ranua - the only polar bears in Finland. Here at the Ranua Zoo, a little white princess was born with the polar bears of Venus and Manasse. They attract visitors most of all.

Ursa Major with cub in the zoo of Finland Ranua

Their habitat is a large fenced area, teeming with deep pools, climbing trees and rocky outlets. During the summer, visitors can see the bears being fed. But it is best to watch bears in winter, in their natural environment of snow and ice.

No less interesting is the national animal of Finland, the undisputed king of the forests - the brown bear, known as Karhu. These giants look peaceful enough, but the Finns know they need to stay away from them in the forest.

Four more predators

The next predator that can be found in the enclosures of the Ranua Zoo is the Eurasian lynx. In fact, its population is quite large in Finland - about 2000 individuals. However, this elusive hunter is very rare in the wild. The lynx is beautiful, graceful and graceful, which are characteristic features of the cat breed.

There are enclosures with wolves, natives of Finland, but in the wild they are much smaller than lynxes - no more than 235 individuals. Among the animals of the zoo there are those that few people know about. This is a wild hunting dog from Asia with several names. The fur of this amazing animal is reddish red, which makes the wild hunting dog look like a fox. These are social animals. Live in groups. They like to swim in the pond. In the photo below is a group of wild dogs.

Aviary for foxes in Ranua

The next predator that you can encounter while wandering along the paved paths above the aviaries is another Finnish resident in the Ranua Zoo, a fierce wolverine. It is estimated that there are 130 to 200 Wolverines in Finnish wildlife, but they are secretive animals and are rare.

Leisure and reviews

Enthusiastic reviews of the Ranua Zoo in Finland can be heard from children. They really like a charming fairytale park, a delightful domestic zoo where you can pet ordinary pets. There is also a car lane where children can practice their driving skills.

Walking around Ranua for several hours, you can enjoy a good appetite, so it’s better to go to the White Swan cafe and satisfy your hunger. There is a universal gift shop at the zoo where you can buy gifts for friends and family.

Ranua zoo camping

You can relax in the cozy cottage in Gulo Gulo. The houses are built of pine trees. For those who prefer outdoor living, there is also a well-equipped camping just 100 meters from the wildlife park.

Ranua Zoo Camping provides a convenient place for cars and tents. The camp has a kitchen with a dining area, barbecue, saunas and showers, a washing machine, a children's playground. Wild Arctic Restaurant, Wild Life Park's shops complement Ranua Zoo Camping.


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