When is the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan?

The day of unity of the peoples of Dagestan should have been established a long time ago. Because the republic is the most multinational subject of the Russian Federation.

Hundreds of nationalities

In Dagestan, there are more than 20 ethnic groups, whose representatives exceed 1,000 people, and even fewer than 150 ethnic groups. And some small ethnic groups are included in some peoples.

Day of unity of the peoples of Dagestan
So, the Lezghins include Tabasarans (self-name, live on the southeastern slope of the Caucasus) and Rutulians (self-name, inhabit the eponymous region), Aguls (in language belong to the Lezgi group) and Tsakhurs (south of Dagestan). Archinians, Ando-Czar peoples who are related to Avars are classified as Avars. Kaytagtsy and Kubachintsy are assigned to Dargins.

The most numerous

There are no titular people in this republic, there are only more numerous ethnic groups, such as Avars (the largest nation living on the border with Georgia), Dargins (living mainly in mountainous areas), Kumyks (the second largest Turkic-speaking people of the Caucasus), Lezgins ( historical people living in the south of Dagestan) and laks, or varnishes (Nagorno-Dagestan).

The most multinational republic

There is no ethnos with the name "Dagestanis". So the Dagestan is not a nationality, but membership in the southernmost republic of the Russian Federation.

September 15 is the day of unity of the peoples of Dagestan
According to some reports, there are more than 150 different small ethnic groups that speak their languages ​​in Dagestan, and only 14 of them have their own written language, the remaining ethnic groups are non-written. All ethnic groups of the republic speak languages ​​belonging to 4 language groups. Where, if not here, such a celebration as Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan is appropriate?

Peaceful country

The name of the republic in translation from the Turkic language means "mountain country". The term has been known since the 17th century. This is a historical name, because in addition to mountains, the Kizlyar plains and the Nogai steppes are part of the republic. And all of this territory is inhabited by hundreds of nationalities that have lived side by side for centuries, never quarreling, and represent a single country.


Of course, the cementing foundation is religion - 90% of the population practice Islam. But not only - a common history unites these peoples. And the need for a public holiday, such as the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan, can be said to ripen within the many ethnic groups of the republic, and its establishment was joyfully welcomed by all. Since 2011, it was September 15th that was declared the official red day of the calendar, which accounts for one of the main republican holidays.

One of the most famous conquerors

The events to which the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan is dedicated date back to the 18th century, more specifically to 1741. In 1736, Nadir Shah Afshar, or Nadir Kuli Khan, one of the most famous and successful commanders of the East, who created a huge empire and even captured the capital of the Great Mughals, which was the city of Delhi in those years, becomes the Shah of Iran.

Unexpected obstacle

And the 100,000th army of this conqueror, having seized vast territories, including most of Dagestan, is smashing into Accident. In 1741, a huge army of Nadir Shah sent in two columns to the North Caucasus, intending to enslave the whole of Dagestan. Cities and principalities were captured one after another. A brutal reprisal was inflicted on the local population.

September 15 holiday Day of unity of the peoples of Dagestan
Having reached the borders of Andalal (on the territory of ancient Dagestan there were many free societies, Andalal - one of them), on September 12 the Persians launched an invasion. And if September 15 is the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan, then it is clear that luck and luck left their leader, the great conqueror.

Motley army

It is clear why the holiday is dedicated to this date. Even before the approach of the hordes of Nadir Shah to the borders of a free society that stood in his way, representatives of the ethnic groups of Dagestan began to gather in the Andalal valley, who did not want to be enslaved. In Khitsib, the site of the alleged battle, warriors of nationalities came whose names are not even known to all residents of Dagestan themselves - Gidatlins (free community of Gidatl) and Karakhs (residents of the Karakh mountain peak area), Chamalyalts (Chamalal region), Bagulyals (Bagulal - district and village) and the Khoisubulians (a nation living near the village of Untsukul) began to form military units and squads. In addition, militiamen from Laks and Lezghins, Dargins and Kumyks, Tabasarans, Dzharians and Kabachins were sent to the rear of the enslavers at this time.

A turning point

September 15 - Day of unity of the peoples of Dagestan. On this day, representatives of nationalities of the region, united in a powerful army, went on the offensive and began the liberation of their land.

holiday Day of unity of the peoples of Dagestan
The victory gained in the Andalal valley made Dagestan an important pass between East and West and significantly increased its geopolitical significance.

New and long sought after

The decision to establish a much-needed holiday was made at the congress of the peoples of Dagestan in 2010 (3rd congress), and in mid-summer 2011 the Presidential Decree followed that the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan (photo of colorful celebrations is attached) becomes annual republican holiday. Yes, and how without it? In Makhachkala alone, more than 60 nationalities live.

Another immortal feat

It should be noted the courage and solidarity of the peoples of Dagestan, shown in 1941-1945. The Nazi’s calculation of the disunity of numerous ethnic groups did not work. The Germans did not manage to break through to Dagestan to Baku. Even the operation “Shamil” (1942, parachute landing) did not help to seize the Dagestan oil fields and processing plants. Absolutely all enterprises of Dagestan did not stop their work for an hour during the entire war, helping the front.

180,000 soldiers of all nationalities of this republic went to the front. Killed 90 thousand. Celebrated on September 15, the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan is celebrated in honor of this enormous feat of all the inhabitants of the republic, committed by them together with all the peoples of the USSR. The numbers speak for themselves - for the heroic deeds committed during the war, 64 Dagestanis were awarded the highest military awards.

The most important holiday of republican significance

Therefore, the event that occurred on September 15 so organically blended into the calendar of republican celebrations. The Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan is very young. But he already has his own traditions. And this is not only festivities, performances of various folklore groups, fairs and numerous competitions in traditional for the republic and national sports. It is important that in all educational institutions of Dagestan open lessons on the history of the republic, historical expositions, including photo exhibitions, are held.

Unity Day of Dagestan
Every year, the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan, the significance of which remains to be appreciated, since not everyone still knows the history of their country, is gaining strength. Its purpose is the further consolidation and rallying of the peoples of the multinational republic.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8754/

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