Copper: poisonous or not for humans?

People who are going to travel to Europe, to any resort in the Mediterranean in the spring or summer, will definitely meet a copper. Is this beautiful snake poisonous or not ? This question should interest travelers first. And the answer to it will be mixed. The fact is that the copperfish belongs to the family Already, therefore, it compresses its victim, then swallows. But why then her teeth?

poisonous copperfish or not
It would seem that if the snake in question has teeth, then the question of whether the copperfish is poisonous or not, disappears by itself. There are fangs, which means she can bite. However, this statement will not be true to the end. Reptile teeth are located in the depths of the oral cavity; it only uses them when the hunt ends in catching a large victim. Due to its small size, it will not be able to strangle the caught animal on its own. Then she will have to paralyze it with her poison, and only after that she can safely eat it.

In all other cases, the coppers feed on lizards. It is they who make up the main diet of her diet, since they are quite small animals on which she does not have to spend her poison. Sometimes, when the snake in question fails to catch lizards, it starts hunting small rodents. It should be noted that these reptiles can sometimes eat each other. But this rarely happens. This can happen when the copper coin cannot find another victim. In any case, the cannibalism of this snake makes you seriously think about whether it is actually safe for humans.

poison snake or poisonous or not

However, the question of whether the copperfish is poisonous or not for a person remains open. The fact is that in the world there are many animals and insects, the poison of which is safe for humans. It can cause inconvenience of various kinds, but will not kill. But there are people who have a serious allergic reaction to certain poisons. For example, one person will be able to survive the bite of a viper, but will die if it is stung by an ordinary bee. That is, the answer to the question of whether the copperfish is poisonous or not lies in the individual characteristics of the human body. Some will not even notice how this snake will bite them, while others will experience several weeks of severe fever, and still others may die. In any case, you should not check whether the copper snake is poisonous or not. After all, no one knows how her bite will turn out.

is the copperfish poisonous
Copper can be easily recognized by its appearance. It has a copper hue, which is why it got its name. It should be noted that its characteristic feature is a black stripe at eye level, it is she who distinguishes her from similar snakes. But will you look closely at the eyes of a small creeping squad representative when you meet him? It may also be that you are facing a more dangerous reptile, the bite of which carries serious consequences.

Thus, the answer to the question of whether the copperfish is poisonous is in most cases negative. However, it is worth playing safe and avoiding this snake, since it is you who can be a person with a pronounced allergic reaction to her bite.


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