Psychological Thriller: Top Rated Books

It is amazing how vivid the human imagination can be. Famous writers do not cease to amaze fans with action-packed novelties. Many of these books I want to reread more than once. In the article, the reader will find information about the most popular psychological thrillers. The best books were written by famous and not very authors. This genre is chosen by fans to tickle nerves and try to find answers to insidious, terrible questions. Overcoming, together with the main character, all fears and anxieties, the reader will plunge into a dizzying story from which the blood freezes.

In addition to long-established books, fresh novelties from well-known and novice authors will be presented. For those who like to plunge into the atmosphere of risk and horror, a collection has been specially assembled in the list of the top 10 "Best Psychological Thrillers." Together with the heroes, the reader will take risks, fall into horror and find strength to resist the sophisticated atrocities of the antihero. So, it's time to go to the world of the protagonist and survive at all costs.

Tenth place: Frank Tillier, “Vertigo”

Frank Tillier Dizzy

This book makes you start up and feel all the tension that the author describes. There are no commonplace scenes of violence and rivers of blood - everything is much more complicated than it seems. The main emphasis is on the reaction of heroes in stressful situations when they are under psychological pressure. This is one of many of the best books in the genre of "psychological thriller", which will not leave the reader indifferent. It is not in vain that this author has earned the reputation of "French Stephen King."

Frank Tillier

The action of the book is developing rapidly, hooking the reader to the hook from the first lines. The protagonist is an experienced climber. Once he wakes up and realizes that he is not known where, and even chained. The man is not alone. With him in the company of two more people previously unknown to him. One of them occupies a similar position, and a helmet is put on the head of the second. If this person crosses the line drawn with paint, the helmet will explode. Who needs this and why did the stranger arrange this “terrible performance”, thought out to the smallest detail? What caused these people to gather in one place and what will happen to them in the race for freedom? The events of the book are developing so rapidly that the reader does not have time to relax.

Ninth Place: Rachel Kane, Dead Lake

Rachel Kane Dead Lake

Included in the ranking of the best psychological thrillers, the book tells the story of a maniac. What is the portrait of a serial killer? Perhaps this is a self-contained, quiet, lonely man. Perhaps it is, but in the book of Rachel Kane, everything is completely different. The life of a happy-looking ideal family is bursting at the seams in an instant. The thriller heroine, the wife and mother of two children, finds out the terrible secret of her husband. An attractive and charming man was not the one for whom he was posing. It’s scary to think that a person whom you love with all your heart, from whom you have children, is actually a monster.

Eighth Place: Blake Crouch, Closed Doors Day

This is the second and third part of the best-selling book, Wasteland. House of Fear. ” The story of the famous writer Andrew Thomas. This is one of the best books in the thriller genre. According to readers, she draws into the world of the protagonist from the first pages.

Blake Crouch Closed Door Day

A few years ago, the famous writer fell into a terrible situation. A maniac became interested in his work, having arranged at his house a real cemetery of brutally murdered people. The police did not believe Andrew, because all the evidence indicated his involvement in these events. The man could not prove his innocence and fled. Hiding in the wilderness of Canada, he hoped that everything was behind. But Luther Kite did not think so. The maniac did not calm down, but became even more insane. He has prepared for Andrew the most sophisticated traps. Can a writer avoid danger?

Seventh place: Blake Pierce, “The Motive for Salvation”

The author of one of the best rated books in the thriller genre is able to interest the reader from the first lines. The writer has received hundreds of endorsements from critics and many fans around the world. “The Motive for Salvation” is the fifth part of the world famous Avery Blake Riddle series. In this book, a talented detective will undergo a series of terrible trials and psychological pressure from the maniac, with whom she recently skillfully dealt with.

Blake Pierce "The Motive for Salvation"

Serial killer Howard Randall escapes from prison under mysterious circumstances. The lives of Boston residents are once again threatened. Terrible murders of young girls are taking place in the city. Panic and fear increase every hour. However, the main goal of the maniac is Avery herself. The killer, blinded by a thirst for revenge, begins the hunt for relatives and friends of the detectives, forcing them to experience horror on their own experience. To stop the crazy killer, Randall will have to do his best. Will she be able to cope with the madman and save her family? The work will be one of the best books on the list of psychological thrillers for those who are fans of Avery Blake.

Sixth place: Dennis Lehane, Island of the Damned

Dennis Lehane Isle of the Damned

An American writer with Irish roots knows how to surprise and lure his readers. He masterfully creates an atmosphere of psychological pressure, which leads the reader to a feeling of complete immersion in the situation of the characters. This is one of the best books in the thriller genre, according to readers. She captures and carries into her world. Probably, many saw the film adaptation of this masterpiece, where Leonardo DiCaprio played the main role. And who has not had time, he was very lucky: after all, there is an opportunity to discover a world full of secrets and mysteries from Mr. Lehane.

Dennis Lihan

The events of the book unfold in the psychiatric hospital Ashcliff, which is located on the island. She is cut off from the world. Patients in this hospital are insane criminals. Once a young woman escapes from there and is convicted of the murder of three natural children. Two bailiffs are sent to the island to investigate: Teddy and Chuck. Suddenly, while the investigation is underway, nature sets up a riot. A hurricane begins, which leaves no opportunity to leave the island. Despite this, Teddy does not stop the investigation. The more he tries to find the answers, the stronger the feeling that strange and terrible things happen in the hospital. This psychological thriller is on the list of best books - it promises the reader the most unpredictable denouement.

Fifth Place: Jeffrey Deaver, Bone Collector

This is one of the many manuscripts of the writer, which causes sincere concern for the heroes of his novels. Jeffrey Diver is recognized as an outstanding author who creates real psychological thrillers. This is the best book for lovers of well-designed puzzles. After all, the writer has remarkable experience (legal and journalistic education). He worked as a lawyer, after which he decided to “throw out” what he saw on the pages of books.

Jeffrey Diver Book "Bone Collector"

Thriller events unfold in New York. In this city there is a series of terrible and strange murders. The maniac is given the nickname "bone collector." The police are not able to deal with him. Therefore, law enforcement agencies turn to the country's most experienced forensic specialist, who is bedridden. The ingenious mind of Lincoln Rain is able to solve puzzles, even when he is paralyzed. In this, his partner Amelia helps him.

Every minute counts to prevent another crime. The reader will experience a dizzying dive into the world of professional investigation. Will a professional in his field defeat an equally brilliant mind? You can find out about this only by reading the book. She quickly gained popularity and was filmed under the title "The Power of Fear."

Fourth place: Gillian Flynn, "Disappeared"

The American writer has created a real masterpiece in the form of a detective psychological thriller. This is the best book for family history buffs full of secrets and confessions. The author openly presents the problems of modern couples. Each hero of the book evokes certain feelings, without leaving the reader indifferent. Web users have described the writing style as "delicious." The novel quickly became a bestseller and was filmed by David Fincher.

Gillian Flynn

The events of the book unfold on the day of the five-year anniversary of the wedding of Amy and Nick. When the husband returns home after work, he discovers the absence of his wife. At the same time, everything is turned upside down in the house, there are traces of blood that someone was clearly trying to wipe. As a result of these events, Nick's spouse is put on the wanted list. Searches begin. The husband assures the police that he has nothing to do with it. However, the police find Amy's personal diary, and the entries in it are clearly not in Nick's favor. He becomes the prime suspect.

Gillian Flynn "Disappeared"

What really happened and who is to blame for the disappearance of the girl? Gillian Flynn arranged all the figures so beautifully that you won’t understand what's what right away. The unpredictable turns of the novel will absorb the reader to the last page.

Third Place: Paula Hawkins, “Girl on the Train”

The previously little-known writer gained wide popularity after creating one of her best books. The psychological thriller written by a resident of the UK quickly went to the top and became a bestseller. The novel was filmed in 2016, after which interest in the print version increased even more. Hawkins was previously engaged in writing, but past works did not bring her such success as the novel "The Girl on the Train." Some critics have compared it with the creation of Gillian Flynn's "Disappeared." But, despite the external similarity, these are two completely different novels with their "cherry on the cake." The famous writer, the king of horrors, Stephen King, did not miss the release of the novel. His impressions of the book are the most positive. According to the writer, this is an action-packed, addictive novel. “I haven’t slept all night reading it,” King says.

Paula Hawkins book "Girl on the Train"

The truly intriguing plot of the novel will not let you relax. This story shows the reader a girl who rides on a train. Like many people, she admires the passing landscapes. Near one of the stations there is a house in which, in her opinion, a happy family lives. Every day she drives past the house and admires this perfect couple. The main character even came up with names for them - Jess and Jason. But, passing once again, Rachel (the main character) sees a strange and shocking picture of her. And the next day she finds out that the "Jess" was missing. The girl understands that, probably, only she will help in finding the disappeared. What will this turn out for herself? An intriguing plot, attractive suspense, behind which there are many more secrets and problems than it seems at first glance.

Second place: Yu Nesbe, “Snowman”

Yu Nesbe book "The Snowman"

The seventh novel in a series of books about Harry Hall from the world famous author aroused great interest among readers after its adaptation. Why is this story so hooked? The main character of the picture is the famous detective Harry Hall. On his account there are many solved crimes, but he only dreams of rest. In the city begins to wield a maniac who does not leave any evidence ... Except for the snowman. Innocent women die. What drives the villain?

Yu Nesbe frame from the movie "Snowman"

The storytelling begins long before the development of the main events. A woman with a child arrives by car to the man’s house. The boy remains to wait for his mother in the car while she is doing her own thing in the house. Namely, the main goal of a woman is to sleep with a man. While making love, they think that someone is looking at them through the window. Looking out sharply, the man discovers only a snowman. An exciting, exciting story with an unexpected ending will not leave indifferent any reader.

First Place: Stephen King, Misery

The king of horrors knows how to create psychological thrillers. The best of the books in this genre is the Misery novel. The writer created his characters so interesting that it is impossible to break away from the work. The story was filmed and, it is worth noting, very worthy. The actors showed the upper class and were able to convey the very atmosphere that is present in the book.

The main characters are the famous writer Paul Sheldon and former nurse Annie Wilkes. The woman is an ardent fan of the author of romance novels about Misery Chistein. Paul is tired of writing about her, and he ends his best seller with the death of the main character of the book. Now he decided to try himself in a different genre, and he did it pretty well. Delighted with success, the writer wants to celebrate his achievements and sets off on a mountain road to Los Angeles.

Stephen King Misery

A sharp change in the weather for the worse and a decent dose of alcohol almost take his life. He gets into an accident and gets off only with broken legs. The savior in this situation is the same ex-nurse Annie Wilkes. She drags the writer into her house and starts nursing him. However, after the cessation of the snowstorm, Annie is in no hurry to send the writer to the hospital or at least report on his location. Paul begins to notice oddities in the woman's behavior. Soon he realizes that the meeting with the savior will not end in good.


In addition to all of the above works, there are many interesting fiction from various authors. The rating was created in the opinion of most people who described their impressions of reading well-known novels. For fans of this genre, 2019 will be rich in an abundance of interesting psychological thrillers. New books, expected in 2018-2019, are being published by popular publishers. They have already presented introductory fragments that really “hook”. This list includes books: The Game of Lies by Ruth Weir, Now You See It by Heidi Perks, The Ideal Nanny by Leyla Slimani and many others. I am glad that fans of this genre will not be bored.

To new books!


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