What glasses are suitable for an oval face? The opinion of experts

Glasses should always match the style of the person. They are a very important accessory that makes the image unique. Their choice must be taken very seriously. If something is done wrong, then you yourself will feel uncomfortable. No need to be afraid of experiments, because stylish glasses are half your success.

what glasses are suitable for an oval face

General tips

Before heading to the store, itโ€™s best to find sites on the Internet that sell similar accessories. So you can save time on shopping and pay more attention to fitting. If you want to know which glasses are suitable for an oval face, experiment with styles.
Take a closer look at various frames, measure glasses of different shapes and styles. Invite a person who follows fashion trends and does not hesitate to comment on you if something goes wrong. It will definitely help you cope with the obsession of some sellers. Take a picture of yourself with various glasses. Arriving home, calmly review all the pictures and decide on the purchase finally.

oval face glasses


It is not very difficult to pick up glasses for an oval face , since such a shape is considered ideal. In order to maintain the balance between the lower and upper parts of the face, it is worth choosing a frame that will be equal to the width of the face or go slightly beyond it. As for the form, it can be different. If you donโ€™t know which glasses are best for an oval face, then take a closer look at the cat-eye frame. It fits very few, but it looks quite stylish.

stylish glasses

Choose a form

Consider the fact that the eyes should be in the middle of the frame so that your face does not look strange. If it is difficult for you to decide which glasses are suitable for an oval face, look at the large and bright frames. However, people with subtle features should not choose them. Be sure to consider the line of the eyebrows. Glasses should repeat their bend line. Do not be afraid of the width.
If they are too narrow for your face, then it will look ugly and pretty funny. Try to open your face with a wide frame. If you have a pear-shaped type of face, then such a frame will also help to balance the upper part of the face with the lower.

Try to think about what glasses are suitable for an oval face, three-dimensionally. After all, people on the street will see you from different angles. Therefore, do not forget to look inside the frame. If its color is different from what is outside, then the glasses will look very interesting.

Choose for yourself such an accessory that will harmonize well with the color of your eyes and skin tone. Blue-eyed should not buy glasses with blue glasses or frames. It is better to choose a dark brown, which will miraculously shade the blue eyes. Do not limit yourself to neutral shades. Glasses decorated in beige or silver frames will suit different people well, but they will look very boring, and we want to be stylish and original in everything. So go ahead, the choice is yours!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8783/

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