What Clematis require in autumn care: tips for gardeners

In summer, the garden comes to life thanks to the flowers. Their wealth and variety allow you to create the most vivid and unexpected combinations on the flower beds. Clematis are very beautiful and spectacular , care in the autumn for them is as important as in the summer, so he should be given attention. Climbing plant is suitable for decorating arches or arbors. Its large flowers have a variety of colors: yellow, purple, white, blue, cherry red and raspberry.

clematis autumn care

In order to determine what to do with clematis in the autumn, it is worth knowing that the autumn period (like early spring) is suitable for planting flowers. This plant is undemanding, and it is easy to breed. When buying planting material must be chosen without flaws. Wet roots of seedlings should be with sleeping buds, not contain rot and thickenings. In order not to make a mistake with the variety, it is better to purchase seedlings with flowers. For harsh climate, early and mid-early flowering varieties of clematis are suitable : Cardinal Rouge, Andre Leroy, Biryuzinka, Hegley Hybrid.


Of the breeding methods that are used in the cultivation of this flower, we can mention the division of the root and the propagation of clematis. In autumn, seedlings are selected for which the root system is well developed. The most suitable planting material brought to us from the Netherlands, since these varieties bloom later.

For flowers, a sunny area is suitable. In this case, the lower part of the stem and roots must remain in the shade. A month before planting flowers, you need to prepare a pit. The earth must have time to settle. The soil should be loose and nutritious. The hole for the flower is dug up spacious, its dimensions can be 60 x 60 x 60 centimeters. The root neck should be buried in the ground at a distance of up to eight centimeters.

what to do with clematis in the fall

To successfully develop clematis, care in the fall should include proper watering. It must be carried out sparingly, to avoid stagnation of water, as this can lead to the death of the flower. Since the plant is climbing, it must be provided with a support and protected from the wind. It begins to bloom profusely in the third to fifth year. Since August, they begin to make nitrogen fertilizers under the bushes. In September, the turn of phosphorus and potassium fertilizing begins.

Clematis is not afraid of cold, leaving in the autumn nonetheless includes their protection against freezing. Care should be taken to trim them. This measure is especially recommended for varieties that bloom on last year's shoots. The operation allows thinning the bushes and preparing them for winter. Those species that bloom only on stems that have grown over the current year are pruned as follows: they leave shoots 20-30 cm high above the ground with 1 or 2 pairs of buds.

clematis cuttings in autumn

Plants that bloom on the stems of the current and last year are pruned twice after flowering. At the same time, the tops of the shoots are removed by a third. The remaining lashes are carefully removed from the support and provide shelter for the winter. Use spruce branches, sawdust, dry leaves. Above the plants, you can build a frame of wooden boxes and cover with a film or roofing material, cover it with peat or earth from above.

If clematis receive care in the fall and spring at the proper level, then large and strong bushes will develop that will delight you for 20 years.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F879/

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