Russian stove with fireplace and stove bench. Projects of Russian stoves

A Russian stove with a fireplace and a stove bench can be a great addition to a country house and what is inside the city. Such an installation will solve many issues in the household. For example, with its help, you can not only heat the living space, but also cook food. In addition, a fireplace built into the stove will become a real decoration of the room.

Foundation construction

projects of Russian stoves

The order of the Russian kiln will be described below, but before you get acquainted with it, you need to build the base of the kiln, which can be concrete, from reinforced concrete blocks or from brick. If you do not want to make too much effort during the construction work, it is preferable to choose a monolithic foundation, which will be reinforced. For its construction it is necessary to prepare a foundation pit. The size of the base will be equivalent to the dimensions of the furnace, however, about 20 cm must be added to these values.

Pillow preparation

Russian stove with fireplace and stove bench

In order to have an idea of ​​how the design looks, it is necessary to consider a photo of the furnace. After the pit is ready, you can begin to backfill a pillow of sand, which should be spilled with water and rammed. The next layer will be crushed stone, in the absence of which a brick battle can be used, followed by sand again, but with a thinner layer. The formed pillow should be shed well and sealed. Finally, another layer of crushed stone is laid, the thickness of which is approximately 10 cm, after which the layers are again compacted. The pillow should be covered with waterproofing, which fits in two layers.

Formwork installation

russian stove Price

Modern Russian stoves, as before, must be durable, for this they will certainly have to reinforce the base of the structure. However, before this, it is necessary to install the formwork elements, which can be based, for example, plywood. In this case, it is necessary to provide a distance between the walls of the pit and the “box” of about 10 cm. The boards should be reinforced with supports and previously moistened, this will prevent wood from absorbing moisture from the solution.


the order of the Russian stove

Russian stove, the price of which from a professional manufacturer can be impressive, and the quality will be appropriate. But if you are ready to carry out the work yourself, then at the next stage you can proceed with the installation of fittings. The solution should be poured into the formwork, arranging a layer of approximately 5 cm. While the mixture is setting, it is necessary to wire previously prepared steel rods, which should be located in relation to each other strictly perpendicularly. Laying this frame, it is imperative to provide a step from the rods to the walls of the formwork in a couple of centimeters.

Features of foundation pouring

oven photo

Before you make a Russian stove, you need to fill the foundation and let it brew. To mix the solution, it is necessary to observe the proportions, using cement, sand and gravel: 1: 3: 5. The solution should not be poured immediately, it is necessary to form separate layers, the thickness of which is 20 cm. This is done in order to be able to tamper, this can be done with a vibrating press, which will be most effective. An alternative solution is a rod that will allow manual tampering. After the solution reaches the setting stage, you can cover it with waterproofing, which is often used roofing material or tarpaulin.

Quality analysis

modern russian stoves

After the solution has appeared in the formwork, it is necessary to check its horizontalness. For this, it is customary to use the construction level. If you allow incorrect pouring of the base, then the furnace itself will be installed with a warp, and subsequently this can cause cracks.

Work with a brick

how to make a russian stove

The order of the Russian stove will be presented below. You can start laying after the foundation is ready and waterproofing is carried out. After that, you can proceed to the installation of the trenches, which are walls, arranged in parallel in 2 rows at the base. Laying must be done at some intervals. If there is no special experience in this matter, then you will certainly have to check the position of each brick through the building level. In the next row, you must continue to lay out the trenches, while it is recommended to monitor the dressing.

A Russian stove with a fireplace and a stove bench must have a blower door; its installation should be carried out in the third row. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that, when heated, the metal increases in size. It is necessary to use asbestos winding in this process. The next row should be laid on the same principle as the previous one. The masonry level at this stage should be equal to the upper edge of the door. The next row will overlap the blower door. It will be necessary to mount the three doors that are required for cleaning. Now you can begin to arrange horizontal channels. In order to understand how to perform work and what to strive for, you can see a photo of the furnace.

Speaking of the foregoing, here begins the formation of the firebox, a lining is arranged. The sixth row will be identical to the previous one, at this stage the lining device continues. The level, meanwhile, will equal the top of the doors for cleaning. A grate is mounted on this row . In the seventh row, the doors overlap for cleaning. Lining continues. After the channels are arranged, which should be deaf and vertically arranged.

The Russian stove with a fireplace and a stove bench should have a furnace chamber door, at this stage it is worth doing this and proceed to the eighth row, while lining. As before, the laying of blind channels, which are caps, continues now. Now you can make the lowering and lifting channels. The ninth row will be exactly the same as the previous one. Lining is still carried out in parallel with the formation of channels. In this series, special attention should be paid to the ligation of bricks. In the tenth row, the masonry is compared with the edge of the furnace door. On this we can assume that the channels are almost ready.

Now you can proceed to the device of the suction channels. The eleventh row will allow you to block the firebox door. It is here that you should make 4 channels that are necessary for suction. The first of them is arranged from the furnace into the lifting channel, two are located between the deaf chambers. In this row, a furnace top is formed; one channel is arranged from the top to a blind channel, which is located on the side. Hailo represents the transition from the furnace to the chimney.

Masonry from the 12th to the 22nd rows

Projects of Russian stoves are presented in the article. If you decide to use the described, then in the 12th row you should continue to lining and the creation of high firebox. Here it is recommended to block 4 suction cups. The deaf channels are ready for this. A fireplace is formed on the other side, which can be turned into another room. Then the stove will heat several rooms at once. The fireplace exit can be made in the form of a vault or simply square. The lining must begin to be made narrower, which will make it possible to obtain a dome. Now you can close the furnace and begin to finish the lining. In the next row caps are closed, as well as the firebox. The last of them is covered with a brick intended for lining. This indicates that the lining is being completed in this row. In the 14th row, the formation of the overlap should continue. In this case, the observance of the dressing and ensuring the vertical arrangement of the corners is the main condition. Among other things, a perfectly horizontal surface should remain.

If you build a Russian stove with a fireplace and a stove bench on your own, then in the 15th row you should continue to equip the outlet channel and make a side. Subsequently, within its limits, it will be possible to arrange clean sand, which will help warm the joints. Starting from the 16th row and ending with the 20th, a smoke channel should be formed, a protective partition is also set up here. The next row will be the place where you plan to install the valve on the channel. In the next row it overlaps, here you have to complete the arrangement of the protective partition.

Brick completion

All projects of Russian stoves certainly require the presence of a chimney. Its formation occurs starting from the 23rd row.


A Russian stove, the price of which will be different, depending on the manufacturer, quality, complexity, size, finish, can, of course, be built independently. But if you do not have the appropriate skills in conducting construction work, then it is preferable to entrust this business to professionals. Thus, if you choose a furnace that has lower heating, then it will cost 130,000 rubles. A Russian stove, which has dimensions in the range of 1020x1530 cm around the perimeter, will cost 170,000 rubles. The stove has the same cost, which is additionally tiled with tiles representing tiles after completion of construction work. If the furnace will have more impressive dimensions, and its construction will be accompanied by certain difficulties, then its cost can reach 270,000 rubles.

The Russian stove, the price of which is 145,000 rubles, is heated according to the principle of the traditional Russian stove, but does not have an additional firebox, in addition, it does not have flooding either. The fire burns in the crucible, but if there is a need, then during the cold season it can be heated in the lower part.

After you carry out all the construction work or order the work by experienced craftsmen, you will have a Russian stove in the house.


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