Ficus bengal: care, reproduction, growing conditions

Ficus bengal is a charming evergreen tree loved by gardeners for its unpretentiousness in growing and large, velvety to the touch leaves.

Bengal ficus in the wild

Being a native of the humid forests and lower mountain slopes of India, Thailand, Malaysia and Burma, this tree in the natural environment is able to grow to incredible sizes and is characterized by numerous aerial roots that are gradually transformed into trunks. The crown of the largest specimen in diameter is 350 meters, has more than three thousand aerial roots.

ficus bengal
Some of them dry up, the rest sink to the ground, take root, take the form of bearing trunks, subsequently forming side shoots. Outwardly, such a Bengal ficus creates the appearance of a small forest: covering an area of ​​several hectares, the tree forms entire ecosystems.


Outwardly, Bengal ficus, referred to in ancient literature as the “world tree” and “the symbol of immortality and endless rebirth”, is a tree with beautiful saturated green leaves, each of which reaches a length of 15-25 centimeters. Indoor ficus bengal is able to grow to the ceiling in just a few years. Therefore, most often such a tree, characterized by a highly decorative appearance and ease of care, is a resident of office premises and huge halls.

Illumination is an important care factor

When caring for Bengal ficus, you need to know that the plant is photophilous enough, therefore it should be placed in a sunny place, protected from direct sunlight. Otherwise, there is a risk of burns, which can be determined by brown spots on the leaf plates. The lack of light will be indicated by the wilting of the leaves, their twisting. In order for the crown to develop evenly, and all sides receive an equal amount of light, it is recommended that Ficus Bengal is periodically rotated around its axis.

ficus bengal care

At home growing ficus bengalis prefers a moderate temperature of 18-26 ° C, and in winter it can withstand 12-16 ° C above zero. Negatively, by dropping leaves, the plant reacts to sudden changes in temperature and drafts. It is highly recommended not to place Bengal ficus near heating appliances: hot air, drying the leaves, causes the death of the plant. In the summer season, it is recommended to take the tree outside or onto the balcony.

Ficus Bengali: home care

Bengal ficus needs regular moderate watering with soft, defended water, which is required as the soil dries: in the warm season - once every three to four days, in winter it will be enough once a week. On hot summer days, the plant should be sprayed from the spray gun, and its leaves should be regularly cleaned with a damp cloth to refresh the ficus and remove dust. Be sure to drain the remaining water from the pan, because stagnation of moisture can cause the development of fungal diseases and rotting of the roots.

Plant nutrition

Like any plant, ficus needs additional nutrition: in the summer, during the period of active growth, they need to be carried out twice a month (with fertilizers with a high nitrogen content), in the winter - once every two months (with preparations for non-flowering plants). Ficus Bengal, which even an inexperienced grower can take care of, has a positive attitude towards pruning, aimed at inhibiting the growth of the tree and necessary to give the crown a neat appearance and beautiful shape.


Young plants are transplanted annually in March-April. Ficus Bengal at home is characterized by a high growth rate: up to 1 meter per year, so the containers should be selected a little larger (just a couple of centimeters) compared to the previous ones, which will be a deterrent to active development. When transplanting, it is recommended to slightly prune the roots of the tree. For adult plants, replacing the topsoil with a fresh one will suffice.

ficus bengal home care

The soil for Bengal ficus should be nutritious, consist of peat, humus and leafy soil. You can purchase shop primer for ficus. Good drainage is required, which can be used as clay shards, expanded clay, tree bark.

Ficus Bengali: reproduction. Process features

Ficus Bengal propagated by cuttings, for which semi-lignified apical cuttings with leaves are used. It is recommended that they be cut off in a growth stimulator, then placed in water or in moist sand and put in a bright, warm place for several weeks. Then the process with the formed root system needs to be transplanted into a separate container, and after a week feed it with mineral fertilizer.

Diseases and Pests

You can detect pests in time by regularly inspecting the leaves, especially their back side. Of the diseases, the Ficus bengalis is most often affected by a spider mite, aphid, scabies and mealybug. If possible, rinse the plant under a warm shower or rinse with a napkin, and then treat it with chemical agents.

ficus bengal reproduction

Yellowing of the lower leaves and their subsequent fall will indicate waterlogging of the soil. Especially this problem can occur in the winter. If there are white woolly spots on the underside of the leaf, the presence of a mealybug can be assumed. The pest must be removed with a sponge soaked in methyl alcohol, and the plant should be sprinkled with a systemic insecticide or “Malathion”. The appearance of scabies can be judged by the presence of scaly brown insects on the stems and on the underside of the leaves. Processing plants is carried out similarly to the above.

The appearance of fungal diseases can be caused by constant waterlogging of the soil or stagnation of water. For preventive purposes, the leaves of the plant must be wiped with a soapy solution, a shower, and at least once a month treated with a weak solution of manganese.

ficusbyengalian at home

As a reward for quality care, due attention and sincere love, the ficus will thank its owners with an atmosphere of peace in the house and positive energy.


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