About how to sew on sequins

A real highlight of a women's wardrobe with ease will be a thing embroidered with sequins. Such embroidery will look great on gloves, a handbag, dress, belt, cuffs and the neck of all kinds of blouses, dresses and sweaters. An original solution to the decor of any thing will be an applique of sequins, which beyond recognition will transform even the most unsightly outfit. Moreover, it is possible to embroider not only monophonic fabrics, creating intricate patterns, even lines or whole pictures on them. Floral prints underlined by the sparkle of sequins will look much more interesting and original.

how to sew sequins

We will tell you how to sew on sequins correctly. There are several rules, and each pattern has its own special seam. So, for example, in order to embroider a straight line, you need to use the seam “behind the needle” or “forward the needle”. For a set of more complex lines with floral patterns or a combination of colors, there are special schemes, compliance with which is mandatory. It is very important that the technique of sewing sequins corresponded to the selected pattern, and each element lay flat, without cluttering and not bullying on neighboring ones.

how to sew on sequins

So how to sew on the sequins so that a durable and beautiful ornament comes out? Firstly, transparent monofilament is used for sewing, which, unlike usual, can withstand friction against the sharp edges of sequins. Secondly, you need to determine the type of seam, there are only three of them:

  • reverse stitch, or "for the needle." How to sew a sequin with this seam? There is nothing complicated in this - the needle is removed from the inside of the fabric and the spangle is strung, after which the needle is inserted into the fabric by the sequin, the next puncture goes from the inside to the face at a distance of one and a half spangles - this will allow the next element to be placed close to the previous one;
  • straight seam. Even schoolgirls know how to sew paillettes with such a stitch, because special skill is not required here, and everyone faced a similar seam in labor lessons at school. The needle is brought out to the face in the middle of the sequin, then inside out from the front edge of the sequin and again into the middle of the next element. For reliability, such a seam is best repeated in the reverse order;
  • a looped stitch, or chain stitch, is used to embroider a sequin pattern. To perform it, the needle is brought out and again inserted into the center of the sequin, leaving a small loop in the center of the sparkle, then a puncture is made along the front edge from the inside out and the loop is grabbed, thus sewing the pattern element. This seam can be slightly modified by fixing the sequin with beads.
    sequin applique

Using the usual and familiar childhood sewing techniques, you can create completely unique things. The time spent on this will justify the result, and the financial costs for such a transformation of things will be completely insignificant. Depending on how to sew the sequins, you get an excellent sequin applique or beautiful cuffs and a collar on an unsightly jacket. From sequins you can embroider stripes, floral patterns and individual paintings in the form of various silhouettes. Such an outfit will be not only original and attractive, but also unique in its kind.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8809/

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