Saberhorn antelope: photos, description, distribution

Antelopes are a diverse group. It has species the size of a hare (dikdik), and there is a growth from a real bull (kanna). And these animals live in completely different conditions. Some of them are able to survive in the arid desert, others in the vast steppes, and still others in the forests or in the savannah.

One of the most majestic and beautiful animals in Africa are precisely the antelopes. In ancient times, the Egyptians were sacrificial animals that were kept in special stalls. Then they came up with a special method of protection against long sharp antlers of antelopes: they created a more curved shape in young animals with the help of special clamps.

This article will examine the saber- horned African antelope. Judging by the ancient Egyptian numerous frescoes and sculptures, she was a semi-domestic animal.

Oryx General Information

The saber-horned oryx (saber-horned antelope, Sahara oryx) are all species of antelopes of the genus Oryx.

The height of the oryx at the withers is slightly more than 100 centimeters, and the body weight is about 200 kilograms. Their coat is very light, almost white, only the chest has a red-brown color. Antelopes of both sexes of this species have thin, very long and even horns (from 100 to 125 cm).

Saber-horn antelope

The modern saber-horned antelope in its appearance is very similar to this animal.

Wild Sahara oryxes were common in the deserts and steppes of North Africa (the entire Sahara desert), where herds totaled up to 70 individuals. Their main food was leaves, herbs and fruits. For several weeks they could live without water.

Their numbers gradually decreased due to hunting. The last wild saberhoric oryx lived at the end of the twentieth century.

Saberhorn antelope: photo, description

Saber-horned antelopes (or equine) belong to the subfamily of bovine artiodactyls. They live on the African continent and on the Arabian Peninsula. Their second name came from the fact that in their size they resemble horses. Both sexes of this species have long, slightly curved back horns. These are very beautiful animals.

Saber-horn antelope: photos

With its physique and horns, the appearance of the saber-horned antelope, as noted above, is similar to the ancient oryx. Only their color is lighter and there are no dark stripes on the body. The adult male of this large animal reaches 120 centimeters in length, and its total body weight is about 200 kilograms. Females are slightly smaller.

Their short hair is coarse. On the lower part of the neck, the coat is longer and there is also a mane. A white head with small black spots at the eyes and on the forehead, its profile resembles a bull.

Antelopes have huge eyes, catching even the faintest light in the dark. Their sense of smell is well developed, and therefore hyenas and lions try to sneak up to the antelope from the leeward side.

The main distinguishing feature of the saber-horn antelope is the shape of its beautifully curved horns (about 1 meter) resembling a Turkish saber. Both the female and the male have horns.

The saber-horned antelope (males) in old age reaches 2 meters in length, and about one meter in height.


These beautiful animals are tame only at a young age; mature animals run wild.

Saber-horned African Antelope

Antelope lives in the dry steppes and deserts of Central Africa. These animals do not seem to need water at all. During periods of drought, tall individual mimosa bushes provide them with ample nutrition.

Depending on the presence of vegetation, the saber-horned antelope migrates.


The activity of this animal is observed in the early morning, evening and less often at night. In the daytime during the hottest time, the antelope hides in the shade.

Animals are kept, as a rule, by not very large herds or pairs, most often mothers with calves meet. Rarely, but you can meet them in an amount of 30-40 pieces in a flock. Antelopes are very careful and shy, so they can be seen very rarely.

It should be noted that they are not as cowardly as other species. In a state of irritation, they are able to attack the enemy and inflict serious wounds with their long and sharp horns. It happens that they fight back even from leopards and lions.

Species of saber-horn antelopes

They feed on fresh leaves, tearing them from the bushes, standing on their hind legs.

Currently, the saber-horned antelope has survived in a rather limited amount. Both meat and skins of these animals are widely used. Long antelope horns are used by the natives to grind peak tips from them.

Today, this species of animals is threatened with extinction.


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