Dog Stroke: Causes and First Aid

Proper care for any pet is made up of many components. But even if you carefully follow all the recommendations on feeding and the regime of motor activity of the pet, this, unfortunately, is not a guarantee of its absolute health. All animals get sick from time to time. Can there be a stroke in dogs, how to independently determine and treat this pathology?

Stroke - what is it?

Dog Stroke
Stroke is an acute cerebrovascular accident. With this pathology, the cells do not receive enough oxygen. Very often, the result of a stroke is the defeat of certain parts of the brain or the entire hemisphere. This is a neurological disease that affects people and many animals. Sometimes a stroke occurs in dogs. And this means that each owner of a four-legged pet should know the first signs of this pathology and be able to recognize it in time.

With a stroke, the score goes literally for minutes. Saving the life of an animal and the success of rehabilitation directly depend on the speed of assistance. In medicine, there is a complex classification of varieties of this disease. It will be useful for a non-specialist to know that they distinguish between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. In the first case, we are talking about a hemorrhage in the brain that occurred due to rupture of the walls of the vessel. Hemorrhagic stroke is a blockage of blood vessels.

Provocative factors

Dog Stroke Symptoms
In fact, a stroke in dogs is a disease that is not so common. It is difficult to pinpoint breeds with a predisposition to this pathology. According to statistics, large animals most often suffer. At risk are dogs of respectable age.

Stroke is a neurological disease that occurs most often in hyper-excitable animals that are subject to constant stress. Scientists believe that to a greater extent this pathology threatens dogs living in city apartments. Another factor provoking a stroke is the presence of severe chronic diseases in the animal. Most often, diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver, thyroid gland lead to a violation of cerebral circulation . Stroke can be a complication of high blood pressure, Cushing's syndrome and diabetes.

Causes of stroke

Dogs after a stroke
Why does a dog have a stroke? There are several reasons for the development of this pathology. Often, the disease develops against the background of poisoning with drugs or toxic substances. A brain injury and a brain tumor can also provoke a stroke. This pathology is diagnosed in animals with overweight. Often, the disease is a complication of a disease of the heart and blood vessels, inflammatory processes in the circulatory system.

Do you want your pet to please you with good health and well-being? Try to minimize the amount of stress in the dog’s life, consult with a specialist about training and the general mode of activity for the pet. Remember: physical and mental stress can also trigger a stroke.

Symptoms of cerebrovascular accident

Signs of a Dog Stroke
Each owner must remember that even if his pet is completely healthy and is not at risk, a stroke can happen at any time. Try to remember the main symptoms of this disease and give your pet a sufficient amount of attention daily. What are the most common signs of stroke in dogs?

In case of cerebrovascular accident, the animal can behave aggressively or, conversely, be lethargic and sleepy. If a well-bred pet suddenly ceased to obey the owner and respond to commands - this is an alarming symptom. Impaired coordination of movements, partial paralysis can be external manifestations of a stroke. In some animals, a muzzle distortion (impaired muscle function) and a change in the size of the pupils are observed. In severe cases, a dog’s stroke has the following symptoms: impaired heart rhythm and breathing, fainting and seizures, coma.

First aid at home

Dog Stroke Treatment
It is important to understand that stroke is a very serious pathology that can lead to death. The best option for its treatment is to show the animal to the veterinarian at the first suspicion. If this is not possible, the owner will have to provide first aid on his own. To maintain cardiovascular activity, a dog may be given Cordiamine or Sulfocamphocaine. Mannitol, Mannitol, or Furosemide are drugs that can prevent brain edema. If you are sure that it was an ischemic stroke in a dog that occurred, treatment at home may include taking Eufillin, No-shpy, Papaverina.

Antioxidants will not be superfluous in these cases, for example, the most harmless of them is ascorbic acid. With convulsions, you can give "Seduxen" or "Relanium". Nevertheless, if possible, before starting treatment, it is advisable to consult (albeit remotely) with the veterinarian. Remember that it is very important to calculate the dosage of drugs, which is prescribed individually, depending on the weight of the animal.

Clinical diagnosis

A stroke has a number of fairly pronounced symptoms. At a home unprofessional examination of a pet, there is always a chance of an incorrect diagnosis. In veterinary hospitals, before the appointment of a planned treatment, the doctor not only conducts a visual and neurological examination of the caudate patient, but also prescribes a series of studies. A stroke is diagnosed by blood and urine tests, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, analysis of cerebrospinal fluid, and MRI of the brain. Depending on the symptoms, one of the listed studies or all at once can be chosen.

Stroke treatment

Dog stroke symptoms first signs
After making an accurate diagnosis and assessing the patient's condition, the doctor prescribes medication. The most difficult are the first 3-5 days after a stroke. The statistics are scary, but it is during this time period that the probability of death is 50%. If necessary, the veterinarian can leave the dog in the hospital for constant monitoring and the most effective treatment. Regular therapy is prescribed for 10-15 days, during which the animal should be regularly examined by a doctor. At this time, the patient continues to receive medication, rest and a therapeutic diet are recommended. In severe cases, dogs after a stroke can receive medication and be monitored for up to one and a half months.

Rehabilitation after cerebrovascular accident

Dog Stroke Treatment at Home
After completion of the intensive care course, rehabilitation treatment is prescribed. According to individual indications, new pharmaceuticals are prescribed. Usually these are nootropics and vascular drugs, with hypertension, pills that normalize pressure can be prescribed. Stroke in a dog involves a long treatment to completely restore the pet and eliminate the likelihood of relapse.

During the rehabilitation period, it is useful to massage, observe the regimen of the day and monitor the physical activity of the pet. The diet is assigned individually, the basic principles of nutrition - a large number of meals, the transition to a liquid and semi-liquid diet (canned food, wet food and broths). For a speedy recovery, the animal should be protected from any stress and nervous shocks.

Complying with all of these guidelines is just as important as properly treating a dog's stroke. Symptoms, first signs and external manifestations of pathology should be learned by each dog owner. After all, the faster the correct treatment is started, the more chances the animal has for a full recovery.


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