Dangerous suffocating gases in everyday life

Dangers await at every step, with the exception of gases used by humans in many fields of activity. Gas poisoning is detrimental to humans in most cases, antidotes to many species have not yet been invented or not found. It is easiest to prevent suffocation gas poisoning than to save a person after.


One of the most dangerous gases is chlorine, which is not only asphyxiating, but also irritating. This substance burns the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, which makes breathing difficult. The gas itself looks like a yellow-green fog, which from the side looks strange. During the Second World War it was used as a weapon against soldiers in the trenches, because it spreads on the ground. In addition, in an anhydrous environment, gas does not cause corrosion; at the slightest moisture content, it becomes extremely aggressive and corrosive.

Concentrated chlorine

Protection against this gas exists - gas mask. Only such devices can protect against poisoning by suffocating chlorine. Other things, like respirators, albeit with filters, are not able to protect a person completely from any gas. Charcoal filters trap only part of the toxic substances. When working with concentrated chlorine, it is recommended to use a full chemical protection.

Carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide

This gas is familiar to everyone and everyone, it is released during the combustion of substances that include carbon. Encountering it is quite simple: car exhaust, open hot spiral on radiators with lots of dust, open fire. The substance is classified as a choking gas, all due to its special interaction with human blood.

Carbon monoxide

As you know, red blood cells in the blood of a person carry oxygen through the vessels to the cells, and of these, carbon dioxide. The formulas of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are similar, but not identical, it’s all about the extra oxygen atom. Because of this feature, carbon monoxide sticks to red blood cells much more strongly and displaces carbon dioxide. CO 2 poisoning is very easy, if it is not fatal, then getting rid of the symptoms is simple: just breathe in fresh air. With severe poisoning, you need to breathe already concentrated oxygen. The main symptom of poisoning can be called choking, it is because of it that most people die in a fire, even before getting burns. Carbon monoxide can cause death not only in case of fire, but also when living in poorly ventilated areas.


Gas is quite common, because about 70% of the air consists of it. It has no taste, smell or color. Nevertheless, poisoning with this substance is quite simple. Intentionally inhaling or consuming concentrated nitrogen inside is pure suicide.

Nitrogen in experiments

The negative impact on the human body is as follows:

  • The defeat of the CCP. Choking gas molecules enter neural connections and nerve cells, thereby disrupting their function. These disorders lead to a malfunction of the brain, malfunctioning of the heart and lungs.
  • Dissolution in human adipose tissue. This process causes severe intoxication of the whole organism.

All these processes are only part of the overall effect on the body, they appear for 10 minutes, which allows you to quickly navigate and provide assistance to the victim.

Household gas

People come across it every day when cooking or heating. Household gas is divided into two types: bottled and main. Methane belongs to the main, it is lighter than air. Propane and butane are commonly referred to balloon gases, they are heavier than air, therefore they settle on the ground. All these varieties do not have color, smell and taste, and in order to ensure the manifestation of leakage of the substance, additional compounds that give an unpleasant odor are added.

Sulfur Anhydride

This gas is several times heavier than air, settles to the ground and at a temperature below 10 degrees goes into a liquid state. Sulfur anhydride is quite dangerous and when consumed causes malfunctions in the respiratory system. It is a gas with a pungent odor, it is easy to identify it, it stinks of sulfur.

Sulfur Anhydride


During the First World War, phosgene played a sad role. It served as a chemical weapon: in the form of suffocating gas it was used against ordinary soldiers. At that time, there was still no normal chemical protection, and the education of many soldiers was not enough to withstand the danger. Gas has a strong and pungent odor that affects the respiratory systems of humans and animals. It is by inhalation of this substance that a mucous membrane burns. It is a gas with a choking odor that makes your eyes water.

Phosgene in World War I

Phosgene can be found even now in the form of poison for moles and other small rodents that annoy summer residents. It is not recommended to poison the moles with this substance, their holes can be connected to the basement, and therefore people can suffer. In small concentrations, it is not dangerous.

Among the reactions in which phosgene is produced, the most unexpected and dangerous on the operating table. Gas can form during chloroform anesthesia from compounds of anesthesia and oxygen from the air. In this situation, doctors will be forced to undergo surgery and provide first aid to a person.

In order to avoid severe gas poisoning that can be fatal, it is recommended to use chemical protection and observe all safety requirements when working with choking gases. In case of poisoning, you should immediately deliver a person to fresh air and call an ambulance. Some types of poisoning are not very dangerous, but you should not abuse the rules, the consequences are fatal for the body.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8815/

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