Korolenko, "Blind Musician": a summary and heroes of the work

The story of Korolenko “The Blind Musician” is a work of Russian classical literature that cannot leave anyone indifferent. The story of a boy born blind is shocking, causes deep emotions and leads to the purification of the soul.

"Blind musician." Summary

A child is born into the Popelsky noble family. Later it becomes known that he does not see. The mother is lamented, but nothing can be corrected - the child is hopelessly blind. Parents indulge the baby, trying to be affectionate with him, to prevent any dangers and ailments. Uncle Maxim, who lives in the Popelsky house, sees in Petrushe the ability to become a self-sufficient person. He advises the mother especially not to pamper him, otherwise the child may eventually become convinced of his own futility and begin to doubt the ability to achieve something on his own, to find his place in the world. A summary of the work “Blind Musician” shows the moment of growing up of a young man and the choice of his future life path.

blind musician summary

Little Peter is growing, but he has no friends. It is difficult for him to converge with his peers, since he already clearly feels his physical handicap, and therefore they do not have common topics for conversation. While the other children are playing, he stands aside, expecting to be called, but no one does. Once, a girl Evelina comes to the estate where the Popelsky house is located. She gets acquainted with Peter, shows interest in him. A complete surprise for her is the news that the boy is blind. Evelina even burst into tears of pity for him, immediately her heart was filled with compassion and indelible longing. Gradually, the children became friends and became inseparable.

Meanwhile, the boy reveals obvious musical abilities. The summary of the book “Blind Musician” tells how the talent of a young musician is formed and strengthened. It all started with the fact that Petrusha heard the sounds of the stableman Joachim’s pipe. The boy went to him to listen to how he plays, and soon began to come constantly. Then the first lessons followed, Petrusha himself learned to play the pipe.

Peter's mother, who considered herself knowledgeable in music, reacted very jealously to this: she immediately wrote out a piano from the city. But playing the piano left the boy indifferent, he was more and more fascinated and attracted by the game of the groom Joachim. A desperate mother tries to draw her son's attention to music in other ways. Once she realizes that the game of Joachim is really wonderful, because it comes from the heart, and that is exactly what her son likes. She reconciled to the fact that the groom's music is more interesting than her own.

This was Petrusha’s first interest in music, in short. Korolenko (“The Blind Musician” - his famous work) gives here the idea of ​​the immortality of genuine art. Music should come from the heart, and not be dictated by standard skills.

Years go by. Peter is growing up and still feels awkward, deeply worried about the presence of a large physical handicap. It seems to him that blindness prevents him from living, feeling full, breathing, even thinking. He considers himself a person useless and unnecessary to society. Evelina is next to him, but she has already turned into a beautiful girl, and romantic feelings gradually arise between young people. Peter feels in her friend for life, the young man is sure that she will never deceive and betray him.

blind musician book summary

Uncle Maxim brings young people into the house so that Peter communicates more with his peers, and not with only Evelina. But it’s hard for a young man to find a common language with anyone. Then Uncle Maxim and his nephew, Evelina and sister visit the monastery. Peter meets two blind ministers there. Their story shows him that he is not alone blind in this world. But Peter falls into longing. It seems to him that since he is blind, he must certainly become embittered and heartless, like the ringer who lives all year in the monastery. In such gloom he stays for several weeks.

After some time, Peter, along with Uncle Maxim goes on a trip. They say to their mother that Petrusha will go to Kiev to study music. In fact, Uncle Maxim offers his nephew to be a little poor, to explore all the hardships of life that are experienced by the blind, asking for alms. Peter agrees to accept the challenge of fate.

After a while he returns home. People around him feel the inexplicable change that happened in him during his journey - he learned to love life in all its diversity and appreciate every moment. Peter no longer considers himself a failure.

blind musician summary reviews

Soon Peter and Evelina get married, they have a son. Petra is very inspired by this event, and for a moment he even thinks that he has seen his sight and saw everything. Three years later, Peter becomes a recognized musician. An audience applauds him, among which are Uncle Maxim and other blind people with whom he once traveled. This is what the “Blind Musician” tells. Summary, reviews of the work emphasize the depth and relevance of this book in our days.

Compositional and ideological component of the story

Conventionally, the work consists of several parts that describe the time of the formation of the personality of the blind musician Peter: childhood, adolescence, growing up, experiencing his physical inferiority, acquiring the meaning of life, goals for the future and his place in the world.

blind musician heroes

Truly grandiose is the work “Blind Musician”. The summary emphasizes the main idea of ​​the story: it is important not to stop searching for your destiny, to strive to be useful and useful to those around you.

Peter's characteristic

The main character suffered a great test: he is blind from birth, and should gradually come to an understanding of his value and need in this world. At first, it is difficult for him to communicate with peers, but the appearance of Evelyn in his life brings him many pleasant minutes: he finds a girlfriend, a loved one. In fact, Peter wants to find his place in life, but first he needs to accept the fact of his own blindness.

For a long time he cannot accept that he is not like everything that the world does not see. He must come to understand that he has great talent, and want to develop it to a high level. In many respects, the achievement of this goal is facilitated by the influence of Uncle Maxim, who comes up with new trials for the thoroughbred. We see how from a suspicious and uncertain young man, Peter gradually becomes a strong man who loves life. When he ceases to feel sorry for himself and begins to breathe deeply, the results are not long in coming: and now Peter is already a blind musician. A brief summary of the story tells about how he forms a family, personal happiness.

Characteristics of Evelyn

She was a wise and kind girl, developed beyond her years. At the first meeting, you can notice her equanimity and calm, with which she looked at ordinary things. She is affectionate and insightful towards Peter. Not without reason in her alone in childhood and adolescence, the blind saw joy and comfort. Evelina is the first and only friend of Peter, subsequently his lover. Their relationship is harmonious, over time, they only grow stronger. Evelina always perceived Peter's pain as her own. The moment when she found out that he was blind, she was remembered for her whole life: she cried over this circumstance as if the boy (at that time still unfamiliar) was her close relative or friend.

Characteristic of Uncle Maxim

Uncle Maxim was a retired military man. Accustomed to order and discipline, he wants to make a nephew a worthy and confident person who would not be afraid of any emotional experiences and hardships.

briefly korolenko blind musician

Uncle takes an active part in the education of Peter: he tries to impress on his sister why it is important not to pamper the child, but to teach him to live in our difficult world. An uncle never spares a boy out loud, thereby giving him no reason to doubt that he can become happy. On his initiative, young people come to the house, among them a cadet and students - all for Peter's happy future. It was with Uncle Maxim that young Peter goes on an important journey for the meaning of life.

Groom Joachim

He aroused in little Peter the love of music, the ability to hear the beauty of melodies and sounds. Joachim was in love with a girl who refused to reciprocate, because his music is filled with true feelings and beauty. This fullness of sounds fascinates little Peter, makes him run to the stable and listen to the perfect game of the stableman. Joachim is Peter's first music teacher. It was in his stable that the boy learned to understand and appreciate real art.

Anna Mikhailovna

Like any mother, she sought to surround her child with warmth and attention. Upon learning that the child was blind, she grieved for a long time, found no solace. Throughout the story, her love and support everywhere surround Peter, give him a sense of need, support him in adversity.

The main idea of ​​the story

There is hardly any other such work that has such a strong life-affirming effect as the “Blind Musician”. Heroes are described perfectly: they are all endowed with living traits, individual qualities of character. The main character must pass the test of blindness and love life in order to become a great musician.

summary of the work of a blind musician

Thus, the novel “Blind Musician” is multifaceted and significant. The summary allows a deeper understanding of the feelings, thoughts of the blind, his worldview. It seems that Korolenko dedicated this work to the blind of the whole world.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8825/

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