How to make a ship out of matches: schemes, step-by-step instructions. Crafts from matches

It would seem that it could be easier than a match? How to make a ship out of a match - some people think, they are so thin and fragile! But with due diligence and patience, you can not only build a ship! What only people from matches do not! And a star, and a church, and a mosque, wheels, and wells, and much more! Here is an example of crafts made from matches - a cup and saucer! Beauty!

Cup of matches

To create a boat, you need some materials, and you also need to take tools.

Before work

There are two techniques for making matchstick crafts - with and without glue. With glue is easier, even a child will master. But it is necessary to withstand time, so that the craft sticks together. It depends on the glue. Without it, a little harder to do. Instead, matches are held by friction, and the heads are like locks, so the model will not fall apart.

On the table should be oilcloth, the necessary tools, a saucer for glue. It is applied with a toothpick. Matches must be viewed, chosen equally. For grinding, sandpaper is used. For cutting, a medical scalpel or any other suitable tool is better.

It is interesting to decorate products with matches previously painted with varnish or paint or with multi-colored heads.

Firstly, you can’t do without a stand. A box from a DVD disc is perfect for her. And you will also need nippers, a coin of 1 ruble denomination, and, of course, matches. Glue may also be required. To create a small ship you will need 6-7 boxes of matches.

Before creating a ship, it is recommended to learn how to make a simple cube from matches, since it is the basis for the ship.

In addition to ships, such cubes are often used to build more complex structures.

Production without glue: part 1

Schemes of ships from matches are very different, but it is best to start with simple ones. After learning from them, you can take something more complicated.

On the stand, in the middle, put two matches parallel to each other. Between them there should be less than a match in length. In this case, you need to make sure that the heads of the matches look in the same direction, see point 1 in the figure.

From above it is necessary to put matches perpendicular to the heads in the left direction in the amount of 8 pieces (p. 2).

Another 8 must be put again perpendicular to the previous ones. In this case, the heads should look down. Thus, the well is going to (paragraph 3).

He should have 7 rows. The last eight matches should be put with the heads not to the left, but to the right - paragraph 4.

6 matches need to be put perpendicularly: unlike others whose heads look down, these should look up. You need to put a coin on top. Thus, the well will be assembled - see paragraph 5.

Next, you need to take four matches and insert in the corners of this well. In this case, the heads should look up. Around the coin, you need to set other matches - as in step 6.

Ship ch1 - from 1 to 6

Making without glue: part 2

Now the coin must be removed, the workpiece raised. Four matches must remain below - 2 of them will be in the bottom row, 2 will remain extreme from the second row - see paragraph 7.

This cube needs to be squeezed on all sides more accurately so as not to break. Now you need to align the matches in the corners, and then turn it over - see paragraph 8.

Next, make vertical walls, for this you need to insert matches around the perimeter - as in paragraph 9.

Next, lay the walls horizontally, while the heads are arranged in a circle (paragraph 10).

The top matches must be pulled out in the amount of 5 pieces and made of stairs - this will build a deck, and then the boat falls to the bottom - as in paragraph 11.

Short flight of stairs, increasing from below.

Ship h1 from 7 to 11

Production without glue: part 3

Between the ladders you need to put 3 rows. At the same time, there should be two matches at the bottom, in the middle 4, at the top 6. These matches are laid with a jack - see paragraph 12.

Between the 4 and 3 matches that were put forward, you need to hold the last row, insert several pieces in parallel to the 4 match, the level should be the same. Thus, a series of matches will be pinched. Pull out two matches to get the feed and base of the nose. Between these two matches it is necessary to set a series of matches at an angle - item 13.

From the bottom row, pull out 7 matches, which are located in the center, on the side you need to leave the same amount - to strengthen the structure. In this case, the head should be facing you, the end on the other hand - see paragraph 14.

If you count from the bottom, you need a third row, stick four matches there. Then 3 more, the lower 2 break off - p. 15.

It turns out a dense row, and on top you need to squeeze using 9 matches - as in step 16.

The outermost holes will be free in the fourth row, they are located at the bottom of the boat. There you need to insert two matches and still slanted, and then press the structure down, as in paragraph 17.

Ship part 2

Production without glue: part 4

Pull out two matches on the nose to make a board, put the matches in a row, first 4 pieces, then 2. Add 2 matches to strengthen the heads with yourselves - p. 18.

From 9 matches to make and insert a pipe, create a porthole. Matches can be broken for him. Leave matches to form a board - p. 19.

Under this element one horizontal match must be put in order to support the board - item 20.

Decor is created on the upper deck, a piece with a 1 cm head breaks off from a match. Thus, a match ship is obtained.

Ship part 2

Creating a boat with glue: part 1

To make a boat out of matches with glue, you will need the matches themselves, while their heads need to be carefully broken off. Next, take small scissors or a knife so that you can cut matches or sharpen them.

A step-by-step instruction of the ship from matches is presented below:

Point 1. You need to take three matches that were prepared in advance, and from them glue the triangle. This triangle should have equal sides.

Point 2. One of the matches must be pointed at the end.

Point 3. A match is glued to the top of the triangle with a sharpened end. Another sticks to the base on top.

Point 4. Break the match in half, stick the pieces along the edges of the triangle - as shown in the figure.

Point 5. On top of these matches, glue one more, which will lie across, thus forming the bottom of the boat. At the end of the triangle, stepping back a little, a small cross-piece is glued.

Point 6. These diameters are glued to two sides of the triangle.

Ship with glue, part 1

Creating a boat with glue: part 2

Point 7. A rod is glued to the rear cross member, this is feed.

Point 8. Feed and board are connected using 2 rods.

Point 9. At the end of these rods you need to put another cross-member, on the top of the triangle a small one.

Point 10. Glue two more matches to the cross member on the sides - as shown in figure 10.

Step 11. Repeat steps 8 through 10, but the stern and sides should have rods longer than the previous ones.

Point 12. A simple ship of matches is almost ready. But how will he move? you should take small pieces of the rod and make holders for oars from them.

Paragraph 13. Take two matches. From the pieces, trim the triangles with beveled ends and stick to the matches. Thus, two oars are obtained.

Ship with glue, part 2

The boat is ready!

Sailboat hull

To create sailboats from matches, you need a lot of patience, matches and glue, as well as something sharp and paper.

Need the form below. It should be 2, 5 by 8 cm in size. This is the base of the ship’s hull, or rather, its lower part.

Clause 2 indicates how to fill out this form with matches, however, they should only be glued to each other, but not to paper. Next, you need to wait until the glue dries. Next, you will need sandpaper to grind the ends, as well as the base - its outer part.

On this basis, you need to dial 3 rows repeating its contour. In this case, there should be an extension of 1 mm on the sides, also 1 mm on the back, in the bow 5. Even if the matches protrude a little, then they are cut off.

After seeing where the parts protrude, they need to be cut off with a blade or sharp scissors and sanded from all sides.

The base of the second tier must be glued together, while its length should be 10 cm, width 2, 8.

Ship details

On this basis, make 2 rows repeating the contour of the base. There should be an extension of 1 mm on the sides, 1 mm in the back, and 5 mm in the bow. Also, all parts that protrude are cut and sanded.

It is necessary to make a deck, as indicated in photo 7. Its length is 2.5 cm. It will be 3 cm wide. It is best to take and make a piece of paper in advance. It is necessary to polish this part from the outside and the ends as well.

Take the matches most even, stick on the edges of the upper deck. Look at the photographs of how the parts of the deck are separated, so create them with transverse matches in their detail.

In photo 9, the letter A shows the tank in the bow. You also need to make a setting at the back of the ship. When the glue dries, sand the ends and create settings on the upper deck. The matches that make up the board are cut at an acute angle and complete the deck.

Settings should be interconnected by matches, which are laid on top of each other by steps. The same deck connection - see picture number 11.

The hull is ready.

Glue both parts, lower and upper. Buka A marks the bottom in Figure 10, B - the top. The glue should dry, then grind.

Make the details, as in Figure 12. A - indicates a ledge, is made of a single match, located in the bow, 2 cm long. B - indicates a bulwark, this is the setting, it is 2.5 times higher. In this case, each row should narrow to the deck down in the form of a wedge. Thus, the back of the ship.

The letter B indicates a number of matches; it is glued to the deck from the inside. The letter G is one bulwark made from one match, glued from the inside on the keel.

Masts and sails

Now make the mast. For this, 4 bars are made from matches. They should be 4 * 2 * 3 matches.

The edges must be cut very carefully so that the bars have the shape of a cylinder. Further, these blanks must be sanded and the shape above should be wedge-shaped.

If you know how to make a regular ship out of matches, then a sailboat needs masts and sails. Cut the workpieces in half and grind, so that they get yards. Glue them according to the picture.

Figure A shows the main mast - the central one. Its length is 11.5 cm. From the lower yarn to the base 2.5 cm. The length of the yarn itself is 5.5. The distance from the middle rhea is 8.5, and the length is 4, 5. To the top 9.5 cm, length 2 cm.

In Figure B, the foremast is the front mast. The length is 9.5 cm. From the lower yarn to the base of 4.5, the length of the yoke itself is 5 cm. To the average 7.5, the length of the yarn 4.5. The top should be a distance of 8.5, and the length should be one and a half cm.

Figure B denotes a mizzen mast. This part is back, 6 cm long. In this case, from the lower to the base there should be a length of 4.5 cm, and the ray itself is 4 cm long. To the upper ray there is a distance of 5 cm, length 1, 7.

The last figure G indicates the bowsprit mast. It is she who is inclined in the bow. The length is 5, 5 cm. All masts should be glued to the mock-ups only from the front side.

To make sails, cut out a piece of paper. Usually either triangular or rectangular. In this example, the sails will be as if inflated by the wind.

The letters A and B are the sails for the main mast. Their sizes, respectively: 4, 6 x 5, 5; 5, 5 x 6, 5.

The letters B and D indicate the sails for the foremast. Their sizes: 4 x 5; 4, 5 x 5, 5.

The letters D and E denote sails for the mizzen mast and for the bushplate. Their sizes: 4 x 5; 2, 5 x 4.

It is necessary to cut along the half of the matches and polish. Glue them in pairs, looking at figure No. 13. When the glue dries, sand from both sides. Now, cut off the edges from pairwise glued matches according to the contours of the patterns.

To fill the silhouette, take a thick sheet of paper, which in color will be slightly darker than the sails. From them make arcs 1 or 2 mm wide. The shape of the arc should coincide with the sails. Glue these arcs to the parts on the back. These arcs should be a short distance from the edge.

Then you need to bend the sails, stick them to the masts, as shown in Figure 14. It is necessary to fix something during drying.

In paragraph 15 in the figure there are reasons. They need 3 pieces, serve as mounts for the masts. Glue them to the deck, one in the front, one in the back and in the middle. Next, you need to make decorative bulwarks and stick on both sides.

Masts are inserted and glued. In this case, you need to look at the perpendicular. The angle at which the masts are deployed is 30 degrees. No need to glue all the masts at once. It is better to take turns, while the masts are drying, you need to back them up with something, for example, with coins.

After which the 4 mast is glued, it is located on the bow of the ship with the top edge from the sails up at a slight angle.

Next, you need to cut the match in half, sharpen its tip. Sharpen the bottom edge. The match must be glued under the bowsprit.

Now they make a blind-rod. This is a mast that is mounted on a bowsprit. Take a match, cut a piece so that the size is 3.5 cm. It should be cylindrical. Upstairs need to be pointed.

From the base, count approximately 2 cm and glue a gusset of 2.5 cm. It can be seen in Figure 16.

The bom-blind is glued to this mast. Take matches and cut in half. They make a sail called blind in width of 1, 6 cm, and the thickness of 3 matches.

The mast together with the sail is glued to the bowsprit - it should be mounted at an angle, in accordance with other masts. Hold the position with some kind of coasters.

A blind is glued to the bowsprit. Next, make the details of the ship. To do this, take 7 matches and divide them into 4 parts, polish. Build ropes. Ropes should be 4 pieces in length 3 matches, the same number in two matches long, and 3 pieces in one match.

Make flags on the mast. The mizzen is 1, 4 cm long. The flagpole is 1 cm and 5 high. The main mast is 2 cm long, and the flagpole is 1.5 cm high. On the foremast in length 0.7, flagpole in height 1 cm.

Sailboat decorations

In search of an answer to the question of how to make a ship out of matches, you can see how the ships are decorated with different details. This sailboat will need portholes in the amount of 18 pieces. The diameter of the porthole is two matches thick. They are made from matches that are cut in half, glued, then polished.

Next, make an anchor, and its dimensions: 1, 5 x 1.

You can make one boat or several, as long as there is enough patience. Their sizes: length 1.5 cm, width 3 matches.

Ladders and ladders, platforms for attaching a rope are made. The length of the pitches is 0.7, and the width is the thickness of the match. Flags, portholes, ropes, anchor in the bow, boats with stairs, anywhere are glued.

Match sailboat

Look what beautiful boats have turned out! Maybe you can do better?

Do it yourself

Some craftsmen find models of ships and sailing ships on the Internet and change them to the available material. Undoubtedly, such a pastime requires a lot of patience.

Drawings of the Venetian gondola are often chosen, but ships of the 20th century are also popular.

armadillo scheme

A ship model created by one’s own hands is a troublesome task, so much patience is needed. Especially carefully suited to the preparation of the workplace. It would be nice to have shelves, because one part will dry up while the second one is being worked on, and workpieces lie there and wait in the wings.

We need a good glue for wood, sometimes PVA is used. Someone prefers to paint ships on top with clear varnish, so you should also prepare it.

If you plan to paint the ship with paints, you can buy acrylic in the store for needlework.

About the elements and decorations. Someone makes of wood, someone fantasizes and spends time creating elements from other materials. So, for example, with the aforementioned sailboat, flags can be made of cardboard or cloth, for portholes use cut-off plastic bottle caps, attach a chain to the anchor, etc.


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