How many km from Samara to Tolyatti, or the fastest way to get from the regional capital to the automobile

The center of the Samara region is Samara, and Togliatti is the second largest city in its composition. The latter, among other things, has the status of the automobile capital of the country, since one of the largest enterprises of the Russian automobile industry is located on its territory. Both cities are connected not only territorially and historically. Between them stretched a lot of financial, business, cultural strings.

Close neighborhood

Residents of both cities quite actively travel to each other "on a visit" with different goals. Guests from other regions, as well as from near and far abroad, get through the airport in Samara to Tolyatti. At the same time, many people want to clarify in advance the question of how many kilometers are from Samara to Tolyatti?

This is important for calculating the arrival time for certain events, for scheduling appointments. Some are trying to find the optimal ratio of travel time and fare. So, let's find out not only how many kilometers are from Samara to Tolyatti, but also what kind of transport will get faster, and which is more economical.

Path options

In order to determine how many kilometers are from Samara to Tolyatti, you should know where the path will begin. If the traveler arrives at the Samara railway station, then the countdown must be carried out from there. As a result, about 10 km must be added to the distance calculated from the city center. An exact calculation can be done only by specifying the names of the streets along which the selected transport will follow. If a traveler arrives through the air gate of Samara - Kurumoch Airport, then to Togliatti is only 43 km.

how many km from Samara to Tolyatti

There are two options for connecting the two cities:

  • From Samara along the Moscow highway, before turning onto the federal highway M5, through which you can continue to Togliatti. The distance in this case is 89 km.
  • From Samara, go onto regional roads - 36K-919, 36K-920, 36K-381, in the area of ​​Kurumoch Airport, get onto the federal highway M5, and then to Tolyatti itself. In this case, the path will be 73 km.

When entering Tolyatti, you should know that you will have to add another distance to the desired area in the mileage. There are three of them, and they are stretched along the Volga.

Fastest way

When wondering how many kilometers are from Samara to Tolyatti, one should not choose a shorter kilometer option for someone who is in a hurry. The federal highway has the best coverage, several lanes, and therefore, the best conditions for driving.

distance Samara Togliatti by car

A short way has a less well-groomed roadbed, often you can only move in a column. The road passes through many settlements where there is a need to slow down or let pedestrians pass.

The easiest and fastest way to cover the distance of Samara Togliatti is by car. It takes no more than an hour. There is a bus service between cities, tickets for this type of transport are purchased at city bus stations. Travel time by bus will take a little longer than by car.


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