Jefferson Memorial: where is the landmark located and what is it known for?

Thomas Jefferson is one of the pillars of American statehood, the president who had a hand in the creation of the Declaration of Independence, the hero of the war for liberation from the British protectorate. He lived a long and very fruitful life. Another great president, Franklin Roosevelt, proposed immortalizing Jefferson, and Congress approved the decision in 1934.

About personality

Thomas Jefferson was born into a wealthy family and received a versatile education. In the future, this formed a wide range of his occupations and hobbies: architecture, archeology, paleontology, religious studies, meteorology, linguistics, literature.

Thomas Jefferson

He began his career as a lawyer, always had an active social and political position, insisting on the right of America to self-government. Thomas Jefferson composed the original text of the Declaration of Independence, was the Governor of Virginia, Secretary of State, Vice President, and headed the country. He became famous as a legislator and reformer.

Historical excursion

The Jefferson Memorial began to be erected in November 1939. John Russell Pope, who was known for erecting the original (western) building of the National Gallery of Art, worked on the plan. The project reflects the architectural ideas of Jefferson himself, which he used to develop a plan for his own estate in Monticello and the Rotunda.

He was a talented architect who preferred the ideas of neoclassicism. In both buildings, a rotunda is used - a round building that was popular in ancient times. This element of architecture was used by Jefferson in the construction of the building of the University of Virginia. The memorial incorporated features of these buildings and the Roman Pantheon.

By the time the work started, Pope was dead. The relay was picked up by Daniel Higgins and Otto Eggers. For the walls and columns, they took white marble from Vermont, for the floor - pink from Tennessee. The panels were finished with white marble from Georgia, and the pedestal consists of gray stone brought from Missouri. The cost amounted to 3 million dollars.

The opening was dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Jefferson and took place on April 13, 1943. Some critics dared to claim that the style of the building was hopelessly outdated, but in general the public accepted it very favorably.

Jefferson Memorial in Washington


A massive rotunda with a portico reaches 39 m in height, and its walls are up to 1.2 m thick. They are not continuous and are interspersed with colonnades. Around the perimeter of the building is surrounded by 26 ionic columns, another 12 support the portico. The ceiling reproduces the dome of the Roman Pantheon. Inside, there is a huge bronze statue of Jefferson (5.8 m in height). This is a creation of the sculptor Rudolf Evans. The walls are decorated with quotes from the works and letters of the politician. His gaze is fixed on the White House.

Evans wanted to embody his ideas about the Enlightenment, the desire for freedom and equality of rights of all people. Despite the fact that Jefferson owned slaves, he always struggled with the abominable phenomenon of the slave trade.

Statue of Thomas Jefferson


The Jefferson Memorial is located in one of Washington's most grandiose places - the National Mall (Alley), which is a giant cross, where museums, parks, the White House, the Capitol, and the Botanical Garden are located. It occupies the southern zone - on the banks of the Tidal Basin reservoir, located between the Potomac River and the Washington Canal. Around the pond cherry trees (sakura) are planted, which in the spring creates a unique atmosphere and a magnificent sight. Surrounded by water, the monument is reflected in it, like in a mirror, and at night it is romantically illuminated.

Funny facts

The Jefferson Memorial in Washington is the city’s most famous and highly visited attraction. However, tourists are not aware of some amazing things related to it.

  • At this place there was once a city beach.
  • Initially, a memorial complex dedicated to Roosevelt was planned here.
  • In the computer game Fallout 3, the Jefferson Memorial is one of the locations.
  • The territory is surrounded by magnificent sakura, donated by the mayor of Tokyo in 1912. Fearing tree felling, local women even staged a protest rally, but 88 plants were cut down. However, new ones were planted instead.
  • The first statue of Jefferson was made of plaster, painted with bronze paint, since in wartime the sculptors could not afford this metal.

Landmark in the world of gamers

The Jefferson Memorial in Fallout 3 plays a key role. A purifier is installed here to produce potable water on an industrial scale. Against the background of the remaining ruins, it is well preserved. Various groups are trying to capture the place in order to establish their control over it and launch a cleaner.

Fallout 3 Jefferson Memorial

Opening hours and events

The memorial is open around the clock. From 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Rangers are on duty near him. Various ceremonies are held here annually, including teachings, Easter service, and the Sakura Blossom Festival. The festival begins on March 20 and lasts three weeks, each year it is visited by more than 1.5 million people. The starting point was the gift of the mayor of Tokyo. The peak of flowering usually occurs on April 4. The exact date depends on weather conditions. At this time, the reservoir and the memorial look especially beautiful.


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