Symbols of the world. Dove as a symbol of peace

The peoples of all countries on Earth strive for life without war. This is a normal and understandable desire for everyone. To express it, they use certain symbols. It can be drawings, plants, birds, in particular a pigeon.

What are the symbols of the world?

Since ancient times, people have used special signs, which are usually depicted on the arms, rings, shields. They symbolized strength or power, wealth or generosity, etc. Many of these signs became the emblem of a philosophical or religious movement. After all, it is not always possible to express in ordinary words what is accessible to the senses. There are states, as well as events that are difficult to explain with verbose constructions, and then people turn to signs. One of them is a symbol of peace. Try to β€œdraw” the world as a state of peace, lack of war. Not easy? But with the help of the symbol it will turn out, and quite successfully. Therefore, such signs can be called the language of the soul, they contain its deepest wisdom.

what does the symbol of peace mean

What does the symbol of peace mean? This is the innermost desire of all the peoples of the planet to live in peace and friendship, more than succinctly expressed in any one artistic way.

What symbols of the world exist

Back in 1958, the English artist J. Holt created the so-called pacific for the march against atomic warfare, which later turned into an international emblem of disarmament, anti-war movement, a kind of symbol of peace.

This sign combines the letters of the semaphore alphabet N and D - the initial letters of the English phrase nuclear disarmament, i.e. nuclear disarmament. The first is formed by two lines drawn in an inverted letter V, the second can be "read" in the third part of the character to the right. The graphic image of this sign is very widespread.

a symbol of peace

Another emblem of this meaning is a snow-white dove, a symbol of peace. It was created for the World Congress of Peace Supporters by the artist Pablo Picasso. He depicted a bird with an olive branch in its beak.

By the way, it was precisely such a branch that served in Ancient Greece as a symbol of peace. And in 1947, two of these were placed on the official emblem of the UN.

Of the plant symbols of this value, the evergreen myrtle is also called. Moreover, for different peoples, it carries in itself additional meanings, for example, joy, constancy, victory.

Dove as a symbol of peace

You can conduct a little research to find out what each person associates with the most common bird in cities. It seems that most will remember that the dove depicted on the background of the planet Earth is a symbol of peace. More than one generation of people has become akin to this emblem.

dove symbol of peace

Why is he so honored? The roots of this date back to Ancient Egypt, when the birds were tamed and adapted for use not only for gastronomic purposes. Pigeon lovers discovered a remarkable feature of these birds: they always returned home. So there was a pigeon mail. It was used even during the Second World War.

In many cultures, the dove was considered a symbol of purity and nobility, and in the Christian religion personified the Holy Spirit, was the bearer of the Good News. And other peoples considered this bird so immaculate that not even the most evil force was able to reincarnate in it.

With so many positive qualities, the "feathered" emblem, the embodiment of all the brightest and purest on Earth, could not but become a symbol of the world. And what could be more valuable?

The meaning of the symbols of the world

Throughout history, man has managed to endow some objects, many animals, some plants with a certain meaning. They were called to symbolize a particular phenomenon, event, state. And this is proved by the most ancient symbols of the world. If, say, depicting an anchor, a person sees in him a sign of hope, and in the lyre - a sign of music, then the picture of a dove with an olive branch or of this branch itself (wreath) implies that it will be understandable to everyone, regardless of knowledge of the language. That is, we are talking about the world. Such symbols are extremely understandable without additional explanation: any person will guess what they wanted to say. No need to draw large-scale pictures of peaceful demonstrations or write down declarations of peace. Just one image of a pigeon or pacific.


For many nations, the symbol of the world is a palm, no matter what: date or coconut. This tree or its branches can be seen on the arms and flags of different states, in particular St. Kitts, Nevis, Guam, Congo. Palm and laurel wreaths flaunt on the arms of South American countries - Ecuador, Paraguay, Venezuela.

ancient symbols of the world

An interesting fact is noticed. If for countries located in the tropics the palm is a symbol of peace, then among the peoples living to the north, the olive tree is considered such. As already mentioned, the United Nations, once established as an international body that was called upon to protect and strengthen world peace, has its own official blue flag. It depicts a globe framed by a wreath of olive branches. By the way, the same emblem is placed on the flag of Cyprus, only on a white background.

As you can see, the tastes and preferences of different peoples in the symbolism are largely identical.


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