Buran - what is, definition, synonyms, meaning for a person

Winter for the inhabitants of the northern latitudes is a harsh period when daylight hours are short and cold nights are unusually long. This time is accompanied by various natural phenomena, among which the most common are snow, frost, blizzard, blizzard, snowstorm, snowstorm. Under certain conditions, they can turn into a real natural disaster.


blizzard what is
Buran is a strong snowstorm, which is characterized by low temperature and heavy rainfall. Significant gusts of wind are sometimes called storms when snow masses from the earth rise into the sky. Similar natural phenomena occur not only in winter, but also until mid-spring.

Buran - what is it? This is a terrible blizzard in the steppe zones. Usually this word is widely used in the Asian part of the Russian Federation. It came to us from the Turkic language, where buran means "stabbing, drilling, twirling."

The main attribute of such a blizzard are blowing snow. If the wind does not stop for a long time, then it turns into a real disaster. Food for animals and birds is hidden under the thickness of the snow, so they die en masse from the cold and lack of food. Tree branches do not withstand such a load. They break under the weight of precipitation. Insects also suffer, which simply freeze on land that is not covered by snow.

Is Buran a habitual occurrence or a natural disaster?

Buran - what is for nature and for man? This phenomenon adversely affects living things, including humans. It interferes with their normal activities, causing a lot of losses. A strong wind interferes with traffic, cuts settlements off from each other, creates a danger of trains coming off the rails, significantly reduces visibility on roads, and so on.

Blizzard harms agriculture. She blows snow from the fields, as a result of which winter crops, deprived of protection, are exposed to freezing. The land remains without water reserves, which affects its fertility.

Frost, snow, wind - a snowstorm is dangerous with these attributes. What is long-term bad weather in the steppe? This is undoubtedly a natural disaster. Dozens of people, caught by bad weather in the open, die every year. There is no need to fight a blizzard, it should be waited in safe conditions.

Synonyms of Buran

blizzard blizzard snowstorm
The concepts of "blizzard", "snowstorm", "blizzard", "blizzard" are considered words that are similar in meaning, synonyms. The same natural phenomenon is called differently depending on the region. All of them represent the transfer of snow masses, either raised from the earth or falling from the sky. At the same time, a decrease in temperature and strong gusts of wind are noted, the speed of which is more than five meters per second.

Therefore, the answer to the question "snowstorm - what is it" sounds as follows: it is a hurricane, which is accompanied by a strong snowstorm, blizzard, snowstorm. It is characteristic of the steppe regions. Prolonged bad weather turns into a natural disaster, causing damage to human life and nature.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8834/

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