Swallow tattoo: meaning and meaning

tattoo swallow meaning

Today, this bird can be found not only flying in the open spaces, but also depicted in various parts of the body of people who have tattooed themselves in the form of a small, swift creature. Moreover, both men and women from completely different walks of life and cultural circles “wear” it. The swallow can be alone, or in a pack, or combined with other symbolic objects. This symbol has recently been very popular and, of course, many fill themselves with a swallow, following fashion and not thinking about its sacred meaning. However, like any tattoo, the swallow tattoo has a special meaning. It might be interesting for someone to recognize him before embellishing his body with such a pattern.

The meaning of tattoos in different countries

Initially, this little bird symbolizes everything related to his native home, land, family, youth and swiftness. In various countries, the swallow appropriated its distinctive characteristics. In Japan, for example, it symbolized home comfort, maternal love and care. For the Chinese, this bird was the personification of change, but positive, and embodied such human qualities as risk, courage, but at the same time, constancy and devotion to one’s home and land. For the ancient Greeks, the swallow was the embodiment of love sent by the gods to the earth. The Egyptians, Sumerians, and Cretan peoples considered her a type of the Great Mother.

Tattoo Swallow: Importance of Social Affiliation

Sailors have traditionally been famous for body art from ancient times. The tattoos depicted on them always made sense and carried to those around them certain information about their owner. They are considered the founders of the swallow tattoo, the significance of which was special for them.

tattoo swallow meaning
Not every sailor had the right to put such a picture on his body. It was the privilege of those “wolves” who really loved their job, many times found themselves on the verge of life and death, passed storms, shallows, reefs, in general, knew all the hardships and charms of marine life, but were agile and dexterous, like this little one birdie. A swallow, met at sea, told them, exhausted by a long voyage, about the approach of land and instilled hope for a meeting with relatives and firm ground under their feet.

meaning tattoo swallow

The swallow tattoo also has significance in the circles of former and current prisoners. For people who have set free, it symbolizes newfound freedom. Those serving their term see in the swallow a talisman that will bring them early release.

Another meaning of tattoos

A swallow pattern can be depicted in different places of the body: behind the ear, on the ankle, forearm, back, wrist, shoulder and so on. Location does not affect the meaning of the tattoo. Moreover, the swallow can be lonely, in a flock, with a flower in its beak or on the nest. The last composition represents the family hearth, devotion, care for loved ones. The swallow also marks luck, success, hope and faith. Today, the swallow tattoo, the meaning of which is so multifaceted and ambiguous, symbolizes mainly youth and its inherent swiftness, speed and impetuosity in thoughts and actions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8840/

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