Poisonous plants of Russia

Legends have long been known about plants dangerous to humans. But, despite this, rumors may be far from reality. It is worth knowing which poisonous plants can be dangerous. In any case, you should get to know them better so as not to put yourself at risk.

The degree of danger of certain types of plants is sometimes incorrectly determined. To poisonous include fruits that have an unpleasant taste. But in fact, they do not pose a threat to health. Different parts can be poisonous - not only fruits, but also stems of herbaceous plants, fruit shells. Even with a little malaise after eating unfamiliar fruits, you should seek medical help. Moreover, if symptoms such as dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea are observed.

There are weakly poisonous, highly poisonous and most poisonous plants, which pose the greatest danger and can lead to death of a person. Known since childhood is the wolf berry, the correct name of which is the wolfberry. The shrub is a completely poisonous plant. The poison is contained in its bark and juice. The cause of poisoning is most often the bright red berries of the plant. But it is better not to even touch it, otherwise red spots appear on the skin, itching, blisters and inflammation appear. And very often it is children who become victims. Signs of poisoning: stomach pain, excessive salivation, vomiting. Fatal cases are rare because the berries are very unpleasant in taste and it is impossible to eat a lot of them.

In addition to daphne, there are many other poisonous plants that you should know, be prepared to meet take off. After all, there are those who show their dangerous temper even when not in contact with them, but when a person is close to the plant "with character." For example, ash. The plant causes burns on the skin if its soft leaves are torn off. In addition, it releases essential oils.

Hemlock, dope, belladonna are the most poisonous plants in Russia, but they, of course, do not exhaust the list of dangerous representatives of the flora of our strip. It is worthwhile to dwell on them.

Belladonna contains alkaloids, the concentration of which increases during the appearance of buds and flowering plants. She is a very poisonous plant. Belladonna berries resemble cherries, it is precisely because of their consumption that poisoning occurs, the signs of which are the following: the appearance of hallucinations, dry skin and dilated pupils. Pulse and body temperature rises.

Datura vulgaris belongs to the nightshade family. It is distributed in Western Siberia and in the European part of Russia. It is a very poisonous plant, with alkaloids containing leaves. Datura is more toxic than black and belladonna. Most often, poisoning occurs after eating plant seeds. Signs are visual impairment, redness of the skin, tachycardia, sometimes hallucinations and delirium.

Poisonous plants such as dope and belladonna can be fatal. Belladonna causes heart failure. Datura paralyzes the respiratory center, acute vascular insufficiency appears and a person dies.

Hemlock spotted belongs to the family Umbrella. Being very poisonous, contains alkaloids in the fruit. Its leaves resemble parsley or horseradish. Often poisoning occurs due to the erroneous similarity of plants. With severe poisoning, a person dies from suffocation, since the alkaloids of the plant disrupt breathing.

But there are poisonous plants that, in addition to danger, carry in themselves the medicinal potential. Such is hemlock, from which medicinal tinctures are made. Starting treatment with one or another herbal collection, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8857/

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