Meadow Mari: the origin of the people, living conditions and historical facts

Russia is a multinational country, because a large number of different peoples live in it. In the Republic of Mari El , meadow Mari live with their own culture, language and traditions that are rooted in the depths of centuries. The history of this people is very interesting, and their customs and beautiful national costumes are amazing. After reading this article, you will learn a lot about the meadow Mari.

Origin of the Mari

The Mari ethnos was formed in the IX-XI centuries. Scientists and archaeologists still argue about the origin of the people. Some believe that the Mari are close to a people called Meria. Someone is trying to prove his similarity with representatives of the Mordovians. It is reliably known that already in the IX-XI centuries the ethnos was divided into mountain and meadow Mari. The Mari are part of a large family of Finno-Ugric peoples.

A small excursion into the history of the Mari people

Currently, Mari El is inhabited by meadow and mountain Mari. What is the difference between the two? Mountain since ancient times live on the right bank of the Volga, and only a certain part lives on the left bank of this river. Meadow initially lived near Malaya Kokshagi, but later settled on other territories. Currently, they live in the Vetluzhsko-Vyatka interfluve.

Three groups of Mari are distinguished:

  • Meadow.
  • Mountain.
  • Oriental.

Those who live in Bashkiria call themselves Oriental. According to historical sources, they moved there because they did not want to accept the Orthodox faith. Oriental and meadow Mari have a common language, so they understand each other perfectly.

Mountain Mari from the XV century obeyed the Russian Tsar. Some historians believe that they joined the Russian state voluntarily, while others suggest that they had no other choice. Meadow for a long time acted on the side of the Tatars. The accession of the meadow Mari to the Russian state was very long. They resisted for a long time and tried to maintain their independence. However, the government of Ivan the Terrible managed to suppress the rebel movement, as a result of which the meadow Mari became part of the Russian state. Despite the fact that their accession was not voluntary, and most of these people experienced terrible upheavals during the Cheremis wars (under this name, the struggle of the meadow Mari with the Russian state was preserved in historical sources), they were able to maintain their originality and traditions.

Men cook food in a sacred grove


Since ancient times, meadow Mari have been engaged in agriculture. Rye, oats, buckwheat, turnips, barley were grown. Almost all families had their own gardens, where they planted vegetables and fruit trees for their needs. Most representatives of the Mari raised cattle: goats, cows, sheep, horses. At present, beekeeping is very well developed in the Republic of Mari El, and honey collected in apiaries of the Mari Territory is famous throughout the country. Due to the fact that the Mari live near rivers and large bodies of water, they always had the opportunity to fish. Hunting is also popular. Many are engaged in forestry: logging, tarring.

Meadow Mari on the background of the sacred grove

Mari Residence

In the 19th century, meadow Mari lived in wooden huts with a gable roof. The obligatory attribute of the house was the Russian stove. The situation in the hut was completely simple: benches were placed along the walls, on the walls there were shelves for icons and utensils. We slept in beds or bunks.

In the warmer months, food was often prepared in the summer kitchen, which was a small building with an earthen floor. Prosperous Maris built large two-story pantries. Food was stored downstairs, and valuable utensils on the second floor.

Faith of the meadow Mari

Despite the fact that the Mari were forced to accept the Orthodox faith under pressure, they did not renounce their traditional customs. Since ancient times, they visit the sacred groves, which in the Mari language are called kusoto. Prayers and ceremonies are held in the groves. The largest and most beautiful tree plays a crucial role, because it is considered the main one. The meadow Mari believe in the supreme God Yumo, and also worship his assistants. In the sacred grove you cannot make noise and sing. This place is very important for every representative of the Mari people. While visiting the sacred grove, men make bonfires, set up boilers, and cook food. Gifts are brought to the Main God: bread, honey, pancakes.

Sacred Grove of Meadow Maries

Customs and traditions

Since ancient times, the Mari have united in communities, which included residents of several villages. It was customary to pay a ransom for the bride, and her parents, in turn, gave the dowry. Weddings were very noisy and fun. Everyone could come there, because the creation of a new family was considered a grand event. Many wedding traditions have been preserved among the people to this day. The groom and the bride and guests often dress in national costumes, ancient Mari songs are heard.

Holiday at the meadow Mari

In the meadow Mari, folk medicine was developed. If someone was sick, then it was customary to turn to the healer, who had inexplicable power. Healers and now are very much appreciated, and an entry to them is drawn up for several months in advance. Meadow Mari believe that healers can cure any disease.

Reflection of traditions and customs on the screen

This people gained immense fame after the release of the movie “Heavenly Wives of Meadow Mari”. It tells about the unusual traditions and faith of the Mari. At first glance, it might seem that this is a fairy tale, because it is hard to believe that such customs have survived in our time. But in fact, the meadow Mari were able to carry them through the centuries. And to this day they visit the sacred groves, believe in the miraculous power of healers and sorcerers, put on their traditional costumes for the holidays. The film “Heavenly Wives of the Meadow Mari” was praised even at the Rome Film Festival.

Outfits of Mari girls

The costumes of the meadow Mari deserve special attention. Female representatives preferred layered outfits that were difficult to wear on their own. The most important role was played by jewelry made of coins. It is known that before they were inherited from generation to generation.

Mari girl in national costume

Naturally, they wore jewelry only on holidays, and on working days they preferred modest suits of linen and hemp fabrics. Until the 19th century, women wore a hat called "shurka". It had a birch bark frame and resembled Mordovian and Udmurt garments.


The history and culture of the Mari people is very interesting. There are museums in the Republic of Mari El, having visited which you can plunge into the past and see the features of life of the mountain and meadow Mari. You can also admire incredibly beautiful costumes embroidered with coins, beads and jewelry.


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