Ring volume for cesspool

On a suburban area, you sometimes have to equip a cesspool if there is no central sewage system nearby. A good option is to use reinforced concrete rings for these purposes. The volume of each product is different, so you need to purchase a design of the right size.

Sink Rings

These products are made of concrete B25, so that the operational life of the rings reaches 100 years due to the fact that they have high rates of frost resistance (F100) and water permeability (W4). To accurately determine the classification of a reinforced concrete ring, its marking should be studied. First, the type of product is indicated, for example, KSD - this is a wall ring with a bottom. After this, the size of the reinforced concrete ring indicated in meters should be written. Simply put, KC 15.9 is a wall ring whose inner diameter is 1.5 m and its height is 0.9 m.

If it is necessary to build a cesspool, then first of all it is necessary to calculate the dimensions of future drains, and then calculate the required number of reinforced concrete rings. The standard height of the products for these works is 90 cm, and the diameter is 70-200 cm.

Products are of several types:

  • national teams;
  • with a lid;
  • with a bottom;
  • additional.

For a country house, a cesspool is made of reinforced concrete rings with a bottom and a lid.

concrete ring volume

Reinforced concrete product volume

The main thing is to know the amount of waste that the structure should contain in one day of use. As a rule, the minimum volume of a concrete ring for a cesspool is 6 m 3 . In order to accurately calculate this indicator, it is necessary to multiply the number of residents by 200 liters, and multiply the result by 3. The final amount must be divided by 1000 to get a number with which you can determine the required volume of the reinforced concrete ring.

However, there is a simple mathematical method to accurately determine the volume of a product, knowing its height, length and width. All technical indicators should be indicated on the labeling of the reinforced concrete structure, so it is not difficult to simply multiply them to determine the volume of the reinforced concrete ring purchased.

rings volume

Design Benefits

The advantages of reinforced concrete rings include:

  • long operational period (about 100 years);
  • low cost;
  • quick installation using special equipment;
  • high waterproofing properties;
  • resistance to loads;
  • large volume of the ring;
  • groundwater protection.

The main disadvantage is that the product has a heavy weight, so you have to hire trucks to install the specified structure.


Summer residents often build cesspools, using reinforced concrete rings, but first you need to calculate their required volume. The material was given a simple way to do this.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8871/

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