What was the name of the Kid from Carlson: recall the legendary book

He lived in the most ordinary country, on the most ordinary street and in the most ordinary house ... Remember who we are talking about? Not? Okay, recall. There was a very ordinary boy. Seven years old, the youngest child in the family. And he dreamed of a dog. Now it’s certainly clear what kind of boy he is. Of course, this is Baby. From the popular fairy tale of our childhood "Toddler and Carlson". What was the name of the Kid from the fairy tale about Carlson? Did his name appear in the work? Of course. But about his name a little later.


Thanks to the Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren, we recognized such good heroes as Toddler and Carlson. And in 1968, a cartoon about these cute characters appeared on Soviet screens.

Astrid Lindgren

Who is Baby? The usual seven-year-old boy. He lives in the most ordinary Swedish family with his mother, father, older brother Bosse and older sister Betan. Fifteen-year-old Bosse loves to play football and does not like to mess around with his younger brother at all. Betan, like many fourteen-year-old girls, is experimenting with her own image and wants to please the boys. And the Kid, despite the fact that he is the youngest child and the favorite of his parents, is very lonely. He dreams of a puppy, but mom and dad are in no hurry to fulfill his son’s desire.

And then once in the lonely life of the Kid decisively invades the best flyer in the world - Carlson. It just flies up to the window, flies into the room and destroys the usual grayness of the child.

From this moment, Toddler and Carlson become inseparable friends. What they just come up with. And even though the Toddler often gets his parents for joint mischief, he does not lose heart and continues his friendship with this flying man.

Probably the most terrible, from the point of view of adults, leprosy was the visit by the Kid of his friend’s home and a tour of the roofs. Carlson lives on the roof. While friends were having fun, the couple Svanteson called a search and rescue squad for his son.

Another outstanding trick of a flying man can be attributed to getting rid of thieves. Having changed into a sheet, Carlson scared the thieves half to death. They hastily fled, having forgotten about the initial goal of their "campaign".

What does Carlson look like?

This is a small, very plump little man with a button on his stomach and a propeller behind him. He is silent about his age, but in every possible way he tries to emphasize that he is "a man in the prime of his life."

If we know that this prankster is called Carlson, then what was the name of the Kid from Carlson? Who remembers the answer to this question?

Kid and carlson

Toddler and Carlson characters

Seven year old boy dreaming of a dog. Very thoughtful and able to reason. A little shy and, like all children of his age, naive. At the moment when it seems to him that everything is bad, it is enough to eat my mother’s cinnamon bun and drink her cocoa. And all - life was a success.

Carlson is the opposite of his little friend. By the way, what was the name of the Kid from the Carlson fairy tale? A little later this secret will be revealed. In the meantime, let's talk about the restless fat man with a propeller. He has a rather high self-esteem, because he constantly says about himself: “The best nanny in the world”, “The best friend in the world”, etc. A little shameless and selfish, but has a good heart. He treats the Kid a little down, although at the same time he loves his little friend and will never leave him in trouble.

Famous book


According to the plot of the book “Toddler and Carlson”, beloved by many, the kid’s mom is forced to leave for treatment, dad works, older children study. And what about a seven-year-old child? For this, a housekeeper was invited to the house. What was the Baby Carlson nanny's name? Freken Bock. Freken is an appeal to an unmarried woman in Sweden.

The nanny turned out to be domineering. She decided to re-educate her little ward. And she did it very tough. It will close in the room that it will bake and eat the buns without sharing with it, then it will send hands to wash. The kid did not like this, but because of his shyness, he did not protest. But Carlson undertook to harass the housekeeper, as he called Freken Bock.

And in the end, the mischievous nanny surrendered under the onslaught of "a man in his prime." Slightly matched, made softer and changed her attitude towards the Kid.

It is time to answer the question of what was the name of the Kid from Carlson. Svante Swanteson is an ordinary seven-year-old boy from an ordinary Swedish family.

Harmful Freken Bock

A few facts about Carlson

This chubby little man loves meatballs and whipped cream cake.

When the Kid had neither one nor the other, Carlson gladly ate fried sausages.

His phrase "This is nonsense! It's a matter of everyday life" became famous and firmly entered into the everyday life of people. As well as the phrase of the Kid "Not happiness in pies."

When Svante was not presented with a dog for his birthday, he cried and complained to Carlson. The latter was taken aback: "But what about me? Baby, but I'm better than a dog." At that moment, barking rang out the door, and the Kid rushed there. Returning with a puppy in his arms, he joyfully notified his friend that he had been given a dog. But Carlson flew away.

"He flew away, but he promised to return." With these words, the famous animated film shot in the Soviet Union in 1968 ends. And the same harmful “torturer” pronounces them, standing at the open window.


"Carlson, who lives on the roof" - a story from childhood. She is kind, written in a simple and understandable language. This is the work that modern children must read.

And what was the name of the Kid from Carlson, we found out. He bore the name of Svante Svanteson.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8876/

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