Quotes about treason and betrayal: catchphrases, aphorisms, sayings

In the end, everyone sooner or later understands that betrayal is not such an unusual occurrence. Numerous knives in the back over time become a shield that protects from the whole world. But along with the defense, a new friend appears - loneliness. I don’t feel like trusting anyone or hoping for anyone else. Understanding comes that you can only rely on yourself.

Heart wants to scream

At times, sorting through the memory of famous aphorisms, we understand that there are much more quotes about treason and betrayal than about love and happiness. It is not surprising, because when a person is happy, he has nothing to say, look him in the eye - and everything becomes clear. But people can talk about grief all the time. Exactly the same situation has developed with quotes about treason and betrayal.

knives in the back

When the heart wants to scream, it is impossible to keep the words - they fly off the lips without permission and turn into catchphrases:

Betrayal is a blow you cannot expect (Paulo Coelho).
There are no petty betrayals (Andre Morois).
No intelligent person has ever considered it possible to believe a traitor (Cicero).
Many benefits today betrayal promises, a feat has become a devotion for a person (Visakhadatta).
You betrayed me. But I will continue to live, knowing that I am alive. But can you live on, knowing that you are alive? (Ron Lee).
In life, we reap what we sow: whoever sows tears reaps tears; whoever betrayed will be betrayed (Luigi Settembrini).

About love

Someone once said that it is impossible to predict the moment when a hand on the hip will lead to a knife in the back. No matter how scary it may sound, that beautiful, pure and bright love, about which so much is written in books, is clouded in the real world by the halo of betrayal. Love is built on trust, but you look around and understand:

The more you trust a person, the greater the temptation to betray you (Olga Gromyko).

Perhaps this assumption will seem to some people an exaggeration, but the fact remains that betrayal has taken root everywhere.

quotes about treason and betrayal of a man

In quotes about treason and betrayal of a man, there are many opinions about how a woman should behave:

You can forgive the betrayal of a girlfriend, friend, but never loved a beloved man. When the wall behind which sheltered from all adversities collapses, it cannot be restored. You can only build a new one with another person (Author unknown).
The betrayal of a beloved man cannot be forgiven - a woman’s love for herself should be stronger than a woman’s love for a beloved person who betrayed her feelings (Author unknown).
A woman who has survived the betrayal of her beloved man looks like a broken tree - in order not to completely break down and survive, she also needs strong support (Author unknown).
A rare woman will forgive the betrayal of her beloved man. If he forgives, then only once and only because he really loves him very much. Appreciate such (Author unknown).

But at the same time there is no advice on how to prevent this. And yet people do not stop making relationships. They are like moths that fly in flames. Maybe the blame for all is public opinion, where they are ashamed of loneliness. They are ashamed of their unwillingness to start a family; they are ashamed of their lack of children. Old age with the notorious glass of water - that’s all the arguments. But the lonely voices of rational thinking subside in a crowd that screams that there is nothing more important than love. They are right, love is important. But just not this connection “for show”, but the real one.

Men do not betray

In quotes about the betrayal and betrayal of a man by a woman, you can find one interesting idea: men do not betray. Only unsure male representatives do this, who only call themselves men. And in this statement there is nothing feminist, they themselves write that betrayal is meanness:

A person who abuses trust and betrays love in order to plunge a weak creature into tears of despair is, in my opinion, a scoundrel and a scoundrel (Charles Nodier).
There is no greater misfortune for us than, having assumed moral responsibility in the happiness of a woman, to tear her heart apart, even if involuntarily (Vissarion Belinsky).
The search for diversity in love is a sign of powerlessness (Honore de Balzac).

If you think about it, then really, no self-respecting man will want to become a “scoundrel” and “scoundrel”, and after that he will become famous as a powerless creature that only a frequent change of partners helps to maintain his own ego. This is ordinary infantilism, not a sign of courage.

And now, he finally found. A real man who is disdained by treason and betrayal. Family life began, but something went wrong.

Family matters

As one fictional character said:

There is nothing wrong with waiting for you to be betrayed. The whole horror is when you do not expect betrayal (from the anime "Bleach").

Indeed, how can you expect such a low deed from someone who has always been support and support, with whom many roads have been traveled and more than one obstacle has been overcome. It seems that this connection is already indestructible, but this is by no means true. Even the one with whom it was planned to live until old age, one day can change. And then the woman can only correctly put a comma in the sentence "You can’t forgive to leave."

betrayal in the family

According to statistics, many wives forgive their husbands, although in quotes about treason and betrayal, it is written in black and white that treason is not forgiven. Loyalty is not an innate quality, but something that you have to work on daily.

About loyalty in the family

If we talk about quotes about the betrayal and betrayal of her husband, special attention should be paid to statements about fidelity. Perhaps it is here that you can find the answers:

Fidelity is a punishment for love (Eva Radomskaya-Vitek).
Fidelity is such a disgusting sexual perversion that no one wants to do it (Tetkoraks).
Fidelity in love requires abstinence, but only with the help of it can one know the innermost charm of love (Rabindranath Tagore).
Fidelity is not opposed to human nature in general, but only to the animal principle, living in man. Anyone who is able to overcome the power of instinct, to remain faithful to his obligation, to turn love into friendship, finds happiness in the union of souls, hearts and bodies, which more than rewards him for his sacrifice (Andre Morois).

Treason and fidelity always go hand in hand, and if a person does not have the strength to resist temptations, then he has no right to love. In fact, wives forgive their husbands for betrayal for various reasons: to save the family, for the sake of the children, etc. But the person who betrayed once will betray again. This statement has long been an axiom. Chew the earth, but do not return to traitors! But then what remains?

Erase everything from memory, forget promises, spit out poison with a taste of betrayal. How many days and nights will it take this time for the wound to heal? (Mark Levy).

Wounds are always healed. Sooner or later, a new man comes, substitutes a courageous shoulder, and again there is a desire to live. From the past there remains only a barely visible scar, which is less and less evident. Fidelity in the family should be mutual. If one side neglects this, a happy family life will not work. And fidelity here means not only physical intimacy, but also fidelity to one’s words, actions, feelings.


Surviving the betrayal of a loved one is difficult. Nobody even argues about this. Incredible pain, as if turning inside out, there is a disgusting feeling that his feet were wiped on a person.

quotes about cheating and betrayal of her husband

Even breathing becomes difficult. Before the next breath, a person involuntarily asks himself: “Why?” Life loses its bright colors, and involuntarily the one who was betrayed begins to despise all of humanity. But time is running out. Seasons change, the environment changes, and it becomes easier.

In sad quotes about cheating and betrayal of her husband, if desired, you can find some useful tips and advice. The main thing is to remember that you don’t need to blame yourself. Only those who are unable to cope with their moral duty are to blame .

There is nothing to be done - then we surrender to love, then love betrays us (Frederick Begbeder).
Mental burns do not quickly tighten (Elchin Safarli).
Betrayal is a blow you cannot expect (Paulo Coelho).
When your love is rejected by people whom you love more than anything else ... When people close to you betray you ... you put the blame on yourself. You hide and close your heart (from the movie "Handsome Next Door").
Of all eternity, love has the shortest time (Janusz Leon Wisniewski).
Just try to love a person - and he kills you. Just feel that you cannot live without someone - and he kills you (Colin McCullough).

Yes, betrayal, it is such - filled with sadness, despair and hopelessness. It hurts when a loved one betrays, but much more painfully when a friend does it.

Such a friendship

Psychologists have repeatedly confirmed the fact that the betrayal of a guy or girl people experience easier than the betrayal of a friend. Probably, even at a subconscious level, a person cannot assume that the one whom he considered his friend is capable of this. The first thing that one feels betrayed by a comrade is not pain at all. This is shock, surprise and astonishment.

A friend is one whose betrayal becomes the biggest surprise for us (Bernard Verber).

A quote about B. Verber's betrayal only confirms what was said. Betrayal of a friend is a strong blow, from which it is most difficult to recover. Nobody will heal these scars.

betrayal of a friend

Over time, the pain will subside, but the incident will never be forgotten. From time to time, a person will scroll through the events that occurred and will look for at least something that could explain this behavior. He will even try to understand such an act, but in vain. You just have to put up, and since this happened, try to survive and live on.

Do not be afraid of enemies, be afraid of friends. Betrayed by friends, not enemies! (Johnny Depp).
Blows to the back are most often inflicted by those whom you protect with your chest (Elchin Safarli).
No one will heal the scars that friends have left (Luke Crosszeria).

How does a traitor feel?

And then what happens to the traitor? Does he continue to live a carefree life? Quite possibly. But, on the other hand, there can be many reasons why people become traitors. It is difficult to assume that there may be a person who will be proud that he has deceived someone.

Traitors are also tormented, but in their own way. They are ashamed of themselves, but they are in a situation where no one supports and understands them. After all, they deceived the trust placed in them, which means that they are bad people. And from bad people you need to stay as far as possible. Therefore, they have to keep everything in themselves and pretend that nothing out of the ordinary happened.

old man covered his face with his hand

Of course, there are different cases. Some do not even realize that they have betrayed someone, the realization of the horror of what happened comes many years later, when fate enters the game and begins to take revenge.

When betraying, remember: the time will come when no one will intercede for you (George Alexandrov).
Betrayal and violence are spears sharpened at both ends: the one who puts them into action, they hurt more than his opponent (Emily Bronte).

Such a man

In quotes about betrayal and betrayal, you can find another very interesting idea that Z. Freud once uttered:

No mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, fingertips speak; betrayal oozes from him through every season (Sigmund Freud).

The psychologist noted that it is human nature to betray. Such is his nature - to survive in any way.

His Highness Betrayal, the patron of Despair, the lord of Solitude, the genius of Suicide - he may have many guises and reasons for his existence, but it has not yet brought any encouragement or benefit to any of his subjects (traitor).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8880/

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