Grinding - what is it? Process technology

Grinding is one of the most common operations based on the principles of abrasive processing. Removing a rough surface on brittle and hard substrates is required in various fields, including the organization of floor coverings in construction or bringing production structures in a state that complies with regulations. In the traditional sense, grinding is the elimination of the outer layer of the surface in order to give it a more aesthetic appearance. In addition, this operation is associated with stripping and leveling, which is also quite true.

grinding it

Operation Technology

All methods of grinding in one form or another involve the use of an abrasive. This is a material whose structure is represented by grains of fine sand or rock particles emanating from the main surface. In the grinding process, the rough surface acts on the target area, thereby relieving it of roughness and contamination. In general, the grinding process can be represented as a mechanical effect on the work area due to the abrasive, as a result of which the surface acquires new qualities. This may be cleaning the material, leveling its surface, or eliminating the whole layer. In its simplest form, grinding is represented by the function of sandpaper, which can be used to align the edges of a wood block. In this case, the technology is implemented manually, but there are also mechanized machines and devices that automatically provide the effect of abrasive action.

grinding process

Differences from Polishing

By some parameters of the working operation, grinding and polishing intersect, but the fundamental tasks for them are slightly different. The fact is that polishing is realized in order to obtain precisely a decorative effect. This is what determines the peculiarity of the technical organization of the process. Polishing measures require a more accurate and gentle effect on the material. At the same time, a high degree of rigidity can be maintained in the processing of metal or stone, which allows one to deform the outer layers at a depth of microns. Another thing is that we are talking about a minimal intrusion into the surface structure, which often eliminates even damage to the protective layer. In turn, grinding is often a rough removal of the top layer, which is provided by abrasives of a large fraction. Another difference is the use of special abrasive pastes and mastics in the polishing process. They help to more effectively realize the mechanical effect on the structure of the material, preventing the risk of excessive damage to the workpiece.

Varieties of grinding

grinding technology

There are several classifications by which grinding technologies are distinguished. First of all, this separation concerns manual and machine operations. The same treatment with sandpaper or stone abrasive stones applies to manual methods. Machine exposure to the surface is more productive and efficient. In this group of methods, tape, disk and flat grinding methods are distinguished, which differ in the characteristics of the working equipment and in the way of organizing the force impact. For example, tape machines operate due to an electric motor, and functional equipment is represented by belts, on the surface of which abrasive particles are located. Disc and flat abrasive elements are also integrated into the equipment of electric machines and independently perform surface refinement. The user is only required to set the parameters of abrasive action in advance and direct the unit during operation.

Features of centerless grinding

Traditionally, the organization of grinding involves the central fixation of the workpiece without the possibility of changing its position. But there is also a method of centerless processing, in which the product is given rotation. This approach justifies itself in cases when it is necessary to process metal parts with high accuracy. In fact, grinding is a technology of dynamic abrasive design of workpiece surfaces. Usually, several circles are used to implement this method, which are fixed on the functional equipment of the machine. Of course, centerless processing is applicable only in a full-fledged production process, when operators have the opportunity to ensure not only a reliable position of the workpiece, but also give it rotation.

Grinding tools

surface grinding

Hand tools in the form of files and abrasive stones, and mechanized equipment also belong to a grinding tool. The segment of mechanized equipment deserves the most attention. They differ in design, method of exposure and scope. In construction, for example, floor machines are common, thanks to which wooden surfaces are processed. This technique provides for different grinding modes, each of which sets a special set of operating parameters. In particular, the intensity of the abrasive effect, the depth of cut and the speed of movement of the working tool can be adjusted. More simple manual devices, but with electrical stuffing, are more often used to process individual structures and parts - such grinders find their place in workshops and at individual stages of production cycles where automation of the technological process is impossible.

Grinding materials

Almost all grinding operations, regardless of the tool used, involve the use of an abrasive. This is a solid object or surface, which is characterized by roughness and granularity. In practice, this element can represent both the nozzle for grinding in the machine, and a separate homogeneous bar, which protrudes both the handle and the processing surface at the same time. At the same time, there are materials of natural and artificial origin that should be considered separately.

metal grinding

Natural and synthetic abrasives

Today, the characteristics of diamond abrasives, which are of natural origin, are highly valued. The crumb of this mineral is used in the manufacture of machining wheels of varying degrees of hardness. With the help of such equipment, grinding of metal and stone is realized. Also, the segment of natural abrasives is pumice, garnet, quartz and corundum.

Artificial or synthetic abrasive materials also can not do without the use of natural particles in the structure, but at the same time they are subjected to multi-stage processing. To date, grinding technologies of this type involve the use of various alloys, combined mixtures and mineral slag. Often, in order to save the production process, technologists include abrasives and some types of industrial waste in mixtures.

Finish grinding

grinding nozzle

If the processing is performed to achieve a certain aesthetic effect, then after the main cleaning and leveling are completed, a finishing step may be required. Its task is to provide the surface with optimal roughness indices. Again, unlike polishing, grinding is a way to get a smooth and even surface with a dull tolerance. Finishing of this type is realized by surfaces, the abrasive of which is designed for an average removal of depth of 0.15-0.02 microns. Moreover, this task can be performed by universal grinders, the capabilities of which can also cope with rough cleaning. Again, for different operations, the corresponding operating modes of the equipment are used.


grinding modes

Grinding operations are used in different fields, but the developers of the equipment focus on the maintenance functions of finishing surfaces. This can be a classic parquet, and wall materials in the form of plaster, as well as metal and plastic flooring. Of course, grinding the surface of an individual part is included in the range of production operations. Technologies of this type of work are characterized by higher accuracy and flexibility in management. Manual labor is practically not involved in this area, and machines with programmable control and management are increasingly coming to the fore.


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