Anthurium flower. How to care?

In many houses and apartments you can see many different colors, including the flamingo flower - anthurium. This is a beautiful evergreen flower that came to us from the tropics of South America. Naturally, the care of the flower is specific anthurium . And if it is correct, then the plant will bloom from early spring to autumn. But not many housewives know what the anthurium flower requires and in what conditions , how to care for it. Today we will try to uncover the secret of caring for this type of plant.

The plant is quite thermophilic. In summer, it is better for him to provide warm, moderate conditions, and in winter the temperature should not be less than +18 0.

It seems to me, as a person who loves flowers, that there is no finer well-groomed, healthy plant than anthurium flower. How to care, in order to achieve the best result, I want to give some recommendations:

  • the flower is afraid of drafts: choose a place quiet and calm;
  • if the tips of the leaves turn brown, the cause may be hidden in too dry air and hard water;
  • a variety of dressings should be within reasonable limits, since anthurium sometimes painfully and negatively reacts to too many chemicals;
  • When deciding to transplant a plant, remember that a large amount of peat should be added to the pot; enrich the earth with sphagnum;
  • When watering a flower, try not to overdo it, since Anthurium does not like stagnation of water on the roots;
  • the plant prefers an acidic environment: pouring it, add a softener;
  • Important! Anthurium is a poisonous plant, so when determining its place in the apartment, observe safety measures so that the flower does not harm children and animals.

As can be seen from the above, Anthurium flowers, which are properly and fully managed, will give its owners a healthy, well-groomed plant that blooms for almost a year. The plant lives at home for 2-3 years, then it can lose its leaves. Growing anthurium in an apartment, it should be remembered that the plant prefers diffused bright light (partial shade is possible). In winter, there should be enough light to ensure flowering in the future.

Many plants love care and care, the anthurium flower is no exception. How to care for him? Very simple. Provide room humidity of at least 60%, do not forget to spray the leaves, while being careful that water does not fall on the inflorescence, as it becomes stained and may disappear. You need to water the flower every three to four days, and in winter - once a week is enough. Transplanted anthurium in the spring in a small pot. When doing this, handle leaves and roots carefully so as not to damage them. When transplanting an anthurium, you need to lay it a little lower than it was before the transplant. And when the roots begin to appear on the surface, they need to be covered with moss, which is constantly moistened to prevent the flower from drying out.

For anthurium, a mixture of fibrous hardwood, light turf land and a small amount of marsh moss is perfect. When transplanting the earth should not be too compacted in a pot. This will provide additional oxygen to the roots. You can propagate the flower by dividing the bush or seeds.

During the period of active growth, anthurium is fed every two weeks with organic and mineral additives and fertilizers. Do it in the spring or in the fall.

In winter, the plant rests, so all fertilizer and watering should be reduced, but the earth in the pot should not dry out. On average, watering the plant is recommended once a week.

Beautiful, delicate and noble anthurium flower. How to care, we told you. We hope that our recommendations will not be redundant and will help in caring for plants.


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