Description of the variety of cucumbers "athlete"

Cucumber "athlete" was added to the lists of the State Register in 2002. This variety is highly regarded by gardeners and is considered the best for cultivation in greenhouses and greenhouses. The advantages, disadvantages and rules of growing a culture will be discussed in this material.

Athlete cucumbers

Grade description

Cucumber "athlete" - a mid-early hybrid bred by the breeders of the Moscow company "Gavrish". The variety was added to the State Register in 2002 and is recommended for cultivation in the following regions:

  • Central Black Earth;
  • Volga-Vyatka;
  • Northwestern;
  • North Caucasian.

Hybrid refers to mid-early varieties. From the time of sowing to the ripening of the first fruits, 55-60 days pass. Cucumbers are oblong cylindrical in shape, reach 20–30 cm in length and 3–5 cm in diameter. The average weight is 120-140 grams. The peel of cucumbers "athlete" is dark green with light longitudinal stripes. It is covered with large tubercles and white spikes.

The fruits have excellent taste and attractive presentation. They easily carry transportation and are stored for a long time even in unregulated conditions. Therefore, this hybrid is suitable for commercial cultivation.

Like other mid-early varieties, “athlete” cucumbers are recommended to be grown for fresh consumption. This variety is not subject to conservation.

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse

Advantages and disadvantages

Reviews about cucumbers "athlete" are positive. In particular, gardeners note a high yield of varieties. With proper agricultural technology with 1 square. meter planting collect up to 35 kg of fruit. In addition, the culture is shade-tolerant, and it does not need to choose the most illuminated areas. This makes it possible to grow vegetables in the winter in greenhouses and even on the windowsill.

And also the following characteristics are attributed to the advantages of the variety:

  • attractive appearance of the fruit;
  • keeping up;
  • excellent transportability;
  • excellent taste of fruits;
  • soft and crisp flesh;
  • lack of cavities;
  • Immunity to powdery mildew.

The variety is not without flaws. With untimely care, the fruits quickly outgrow. Moreover, without regular watering and at high temperature, the “athlete” cucumber appears bitterness. Therefore, it is important to follow the rules for growing vegetables.

Growing varieties Athlete

Agrotechnical events

For planting "athlete" cucumbers, select plots on a hill. In a lowland or in wetlands, the plant will rot. As for the soil, the cucumber lash does not impose special requirements on it. The main thing is that the soil is loose, nutritious and retains moisture. The best precursors for the crop will be potatoes, onions, tomatoes, beans and celery.

There are two ways to plant a variety.

  • Seedling method. Sowing is carried out in boxes with moistened soil 30 days before transplanting into open ground. Seeding depth is 1–2 cm. The temperature in the greenhouse is + 21 ° C.
  • Sowing in open ground. They start work when the soil warms up to + 12 ° C. Sowing is carried out to a depth of 2–2.5 cm. For 1 square. meter bushes allowed to grow 8 bushes.

Care for cucumbers "athlete" consists of regular top dressing, timely watering and weeding. Productivity of a variety depends on the correct formation of the crown of plants. It is advisable to install trellis next to the bed and tie a mustache of cucumbers to them.


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