Gatzania. Planting and plant care

The homeland of gatzania is South Africa. In nature, this plant is found in the form of shrubs, perennial and annual grasses with a small stem or no stem at all. Country beds, alpine hills, rose gardens and borders will perfectly decorate gatzany. Planting and caring for a plant will extend its flowering period, therefore, every gardener should know the features of growing this decorative shrub . Flowers planted in flowerpots and drawers can also decorate any balcony, terrace, loggia or patio.

gatsaniya landing and care

Today, breeders know about 40 varieties of "African chamomile." Especially popular among gardeners is snow-white, long-shoot, one-flowered, cirrus, peacock and brilliant gatsaniya. Proper planting and care of the plant will allow you to enjoy quite large flowers of saturated bright color. In our climate, all types of "African chamomile" are grown as annuals.

Gatzania. Landing and care. The soil

Since the plant lives mainly in arid regions, for its cultivation should choose sunny and not waterlogged land with light fertility. Thanks to a rather long rod root, the shrub receives water from the deep layers of the soil. And the dense lower leaves lowered down protect the earth from excessive evaporation of moisture.

gatsaniya landing and care photo
In rainy times, the plant is inhibited. In dry periods, gatsaniya should be periodically watered and fed with complex fertilizers every two weeks. This is the main care.


For these purposes, you can use seeds. Some experienced gardeners propagate "African daisy" cuttings. In mid-spring, seeds can be placed in cold greenhouses or in open ground. And sowing them in seedlings in the month of March and placing them under glass, you can achieve earlier flowering of this amazing plant called gatsaniya. Planting and care (photo of flowers are presented on this page) in this case is to maintain the required temperature (at least 22 degrees). With the right actions, seedlings will become noticeable already on the 5-7th day. When the plant gives three small leaves, it can be dived. However, it is recommended to place seedlings in a constant place from mid-May. Only after 80 days after germination gatsaniya begins to bloom. Seeds are able to maintain germination up to two years. The flower withstands freezing up to -7 degrees. In the fall, the "African daisy" can be transplanted into flowerpots and put in the house. She will please her beauty for some time.

gatsaniya cultivation

Planting and care during vegetative propagation

Rosette cuttings are cut at the base of the plant from the side shoots. Place the slice dipped in “Heteroauxin” or “Kornevin.” After the plant is planted in special boxes and covered with a film. Moisten the soil as needed. At first, cuttings need to be protected from direct sun. After a month, the plant begins to grow.

Gatzania. Growing in containers

To decorate balconies and loggias, plants are planted in flowerpots. In this case, good drainage should be taken into account. Soddy compost (slightly acidic) soil, as well as a mixture of humus, earth and peat (in equal proportions) are perfect for this.


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