Flour worm - who is it? How to get rid of flour worms

In a scientific flour worm, it is a larva of a beetle from the genus Tenebrio (lat.). His family is called Darkling. In Russian, the name of the beetle sounds very prosaic - a Khrushchak, and the larvae are called bones.

What kind of beast?

It is difficult to call these insects inhabitants of a certain continent. They are transported around the world by food merchants. Therefore, the Khrushchaks can safely be given the status of cosmopolitan. And where do the "kids" of these bugs grow and develop? The fact that they are known as "flour", already gives a good clue. Females choose mills and bakeries, warehouses with flour products as an “incubator” for white eggs. You can also find larvae under feeders or nests in chicken coops and pigeons. Bones are under development for a whole year.

how to breed flour worm

During this time, they molt four times, with pleasure treating themselves with bran, bread, grains and flour. Do not disdain the "children" of the Khrushchakov and animal food. These are the dried corpses of birds and mice, the remains of feathers that are found at the places of nesting birds. Subsequently, the larvae pupate without a cocoon, and in July-August they turn into 1.5 cm brown, slightly shiny flat barbel.

flour worm

For various reasons, it is the flour worm that causes the greatest interest in people. His appearance is unlikely to seem attractive to ordinary people. However, entomologists describe them with great sympathy. The length is 2.5-3 centimeters, some reach four. The color of the cylindrical body is brownish yellow. There are no eyes, but the bones are the owners of three pairs of pectoral legs with claws. The body of the larvae ends with two hooks that look up, and two small warts are located below. This is a kind of pushing mechanism for movement. An interesting fact: the flour worm was already known in the first century BC. Companion of Pompey, an encyclopedic scientist, tribunes, writer and poet Mark Terentius Varron referred to him as Tenebrion in his work De re rustica - "On Agriculture". He shared his first knowledge of what flour worms are.

Application of these creatures

Kostyanik, like Khrushchak, for many - just a pest. But avid fishermen, as well as owners of birds and amphibians, are aware of the usefulness of the larvae. Reptiles, birds, amphibians, invertebrates with great pleasure eat them. Using larvae as food, it should be remembered that this is a very high-calorie treat. For example, if you give budgies more than five individuals a day, then a winged friend can quickly gain weight, which leads to obesity in combination with immobility.

flour worms breeding

Another purpose of the bony is a bait or a nozzle. Fishermen are guaranteed a good catch of roach, chub, rudd and other non-predatory fish. Thanks to the rather rigid shell, the larva does not fly off, holding tightly to any hook. Use it in bottom and float fishing, as well as in floating equipment.

Flour worm is a high-demand product in bird markets, pet stores, and, of course, among fishermen. You can buy it regularly, even make stocks. Larvae are stored for a very long time, up to several weeks. The main thing is to follow simple rules: temperature, good ventilation. But there is another win-win option for those who use bones constantly or want to earn extra money. Cultivation at home. This process does not require large financial investments and expenses of physical and time.

How to breed flour worm?

First you need to equip the place of settlement and reproduction. Depending on the volume of future production, these can be special trays or large boxes that do not have cracks, walls and the bottom of which are best covered with tin. The lid in both the first and second cases should be a grill with very small holes. The bottom is covered with bran, flour, sawdust, ground breadcrumbs with a layer of 5-10 centimeters. Sheets of thick paper or cardboard can be placed on top.

flour worm how to get rid

The next stage is the acquisition of producers, Khrushchak beetles. Pupae can be used, but in this case the first step of the process will take much longer. Families are placed in structures prepared for breeding. The number of individuals depends on the desired result.

Worm breeding conditions

Two months after the laying of beetle eggs, flour worms appear . Breeding larvae requires several conditions:

- humidity - a desirable indicator of not more than 50 percent;

- temperature mode - optimally 26-28 degrees, but not lower than 20.


It is better to feed the mother liquors with grated carrots, potatoes, beets, and other vegetables. To lay a new treat once every two days, mixing in bran. In addition, pieces of raw or boiled fish and daphnia can be given as protein foods.

Food for some animals

Ready-made larvae can be used as pet food, sold through pet stores or bird markets. In addition, a certain number of bones must be left for subsequent production. Selected individuals are located in separate containers with similar conditions, which then pupate and grow to beetles. The process can be started anew. Khrushchaks eat vegetables and fruits, only they should be fed once or twice a day, while it is advisable, of course, to remove the remnants of the previous meal.

How to get rid of a pest?

Speaking of larvae and bugs, we must remember about their harmfulness. They can destroy products, as well as contaminate them with skins, which are discarded during molting, and excrement. Feed mills, mills, poultry farms, grain depots, etc., are most susceptible to their attacks.

what are flour worms

At home, most often found in cereals and flour. But he’s not so scary, a flour worm. How to get rid of it? Carefully close all containers where hazardous products are located. If pests have already wound up, then the bulk product should be sieved. That's all.

Little conclusion

Now you know who the flour worm is, what it eats and how it multiplies. We hope that this information will help you in the future if you want to breed it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8900/

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