ISU-152 "St. John's wort". World of Tanks: ISU-152 - Thunderstorm and Panther Thunderstorm

The game "World of Tanks" is famous for the fact that it presents realistic samples of military equipment. The developers tried to transfer all the technical characteristics that the tanks had in reality into a computer game, and on the basis of this, a project was already created in which users can confront each other on the battlefield. Naturally, such an idea received positive reviews, and now World of Tanks is one of the most famous multiplayer games, and there simply are no analogues to it. But in any case, you will have to find the tanks that you like the most, because you will need to earn game money and upgrade your cars in order to gain access to higher levels of battles and further expand your equipment garage. This article will focus on one of the popular tanks, which, however, requires you to have high skill, since it will not be easy for a beginner to cope with this machine. ISU 152 "St. John's Wort" is a model of technology that in competent hands can become incredibly dangerous.


ISU 152 St. John's Wort

The first question that arises among users regarding this tank is its nickname. Why exactly "St. John's wort"? In fact, everything is simple, and you will understand this pretty soon, having studied the basic characteristics of ISU 152. "St. John's Wort" is the most suitable nickname for such a tank, because it is a real Thunderstorm thunderstorm. These tanks suffer the most from ISU 152, the Panthers are also seriously affected. According to these observations, this tank received such a nickname. Naturally, it can be effective in battles with other vehicles, but it was these that became decisive for him. Now you know why ISU 152 β€œSt. John's Wort” is called that. It's time to move on to something more specific, namely, to consider the configuration of this tank.


tank hypericum

ISU 152 "St. John's Wort" is a machine for which there is a wide variety of different tools that can be installed. You start with the not-so-powerful ML-20C gun, which has a rather weak penetration on the forehead and stern, only side penetration saves the situation a bit. The damage, of course, is impressive, but all the advantages are neutralized by a large spread and a long mix, as well as a terrible rate of fire. The first decent weapon is the A-19, its advantage is the rapid reduction and good penetration of the armor, as well as the rate of fire, which is almost two times higher than that of the ML-20S. But it is not ideal either - the D-25S has a slightly higher penetration, a decrease in the dispersion, and most importantly, the rate of fire increases to eight with a few rounds per minute. After that, you can change the gun to BL-9C or BL-10. If speed is important to you, then it is better to choose the first option, but if you need power, then the second option will be ideal for you. Tank "St. John's wort" will delight you with any option, so pick up weapons depending on what tactics you are going to use.


tank isu 152

As you already understood, the St. John's Wort tank has a rather large set of weapons, so you will have plenty to choose from. However, this does not apply to other components - for example, in terms of engines you will have practically no choice. There are only two options - factory V-2IS and advanced V-2-54IS. The first one has a capacity of 600 horsepower and 15 percent of the fire, while the second already has 700 horsepower, and the percentage of the probability of fire is reduced to 12. It is also worth noting that the second option weighs fifty kilograms less, the choice here is absolutely obvious - a tank ISU 152 will work much better with a second engine.


world of tanks isu 152

With the chassis, the same situation as with the engines - there is only an original and improved version. Which of them will the ISU 152 tank function better with? Judge for yourself, because the first one has six tons less load, it is also inferior in turning speed, and by as much as three percent, but they are the same in weight. The factory option will be better only if you have absolutely no money. But at the first opportunity, the chassis should be replaced with an improved one - it will be better for you. In World of Tanks, ISU 152 can do much more if it becomes more spacious and agile.

Radio stations

ISU 152 review

Most often, tanks have only two options for radio stations, but in the case of the ISU 152, things are a little different - you can choose between the original version, as well as two others that are slightly better than the basic one. In this case, enemy light for this tank is of great importance, so you need to seriously think about your radio. 10 has only 360 meters of communication radius, while 10 has 440 meters of communication radius. You can put an advanced version, but still you should pay attention to the 12RT station, which will give you as much as 625 meters of communication radius, which can be incredibly useful in battle. On this review of ISU 152 can be completed - the components are considered in sufficient detail. Now you can go to the details, such as the pros and cons of this tank, as well as the tactics of its development and combat. You should definitely understand how to play ISU 152, because it will require serious efforts from you.

Tank advantages

how to play isu 152

Naturally, it’s worth starting with the merits of this tank. If we talk about armor penetration, then ISU 152 "St. John's Wort" is a star at its level. With the proper leveling of weapons, you pretty quickly get a huge armor penetration - and this despite the fact that from the very beginning this indicator is not so bad. The most powerful gun of this tank is also impressive not only armor penetration, but also damage, because it can become fatal for some tanks. And given the fact that this machine works best in ambush, its camouflage indicators are at a very high level. In ISU 152, the crew also plays an important role, so with the right selection and pumping you will get a very powerful tank.

Cons of the tank

ISU 152 St. John's Wort

Do not think that this tank is an ideal. It also has its drawbacks that, if used poorly, can block all the perks on the ISU 152. So, it’s worth starting with the fact that the state in which you get the car at the very beginning leaves much to be desired. To pump this tank to a suitable state, you will have to work hard. But even with the highest and most competent pumping, one of the most important problems of the ISU 152 remains a very weak reservation, as well as not the most impressive mobility. That is, either you mask well and defeat the enemy, or you have a high chance of dying, since you are unlikely to escape, and it will be very difficult to face the battle. In the case of ISU 152 "St. John's Wort" - a combined model is the best solution, as it allows you to independently monitor the development of your machine.

Leveling Tactics

As you can see, you have a fairly large number of different ways to pump the tank, mainly due to the abundance of weapons available for installation. But which option will be most effective? It is recommended to begin pumping not with weapons, as one might think, but with the chassis. Given the fact that you cannot improve your reservation, you need to minimize another shortcoming of the tank, namely its slowness. After that, you can gradually improve the guns. First put A19, later D-25S, and then the finishing touch - BL-9S or BL-10. As mentioned earlier, it all depends on your preferences. But, taking into account other characteristics of the tank, a powerful but slow BL-10 gun is more preferable than a fast but weak BL-9C gun. Then you can install a more powerful engine, and then pump the radio to the best option.

Battle tactics

In planning battle tactics, it is worth considering the most important aspects of your tank. Firstly, it has a gorgeous penetration of the armor and can inflict huge damage. But, on the other hand, his armor is like cardboard for the enemy, breaking through it will not be any problem even for a medium tank. Therefore, the best option is an ambush strategy. You better hide and conduct targeted fire at opponents or support a group attack of your partners, but solely because of their backs. However, this does not mean that you need to sit deepest from the very edge and just wait. If you do not attack the enemy, then you will inflict serious damage on your team in terms of combat power, as they can count on you. Therefore, in the absence of enemies near your ambush, you should switch to an aggressive style of warfare and attack enemies yourself. Naturally, you should not rush head-on at the enemy, as your armor simply will not allow you to. We'll have to act very carefully and accurately, and most importantly - under the guise of partners. The best tactic in this case is to use the high armor-piercing of your shells. You can attack the thickest enemy tanks, allowing your partners to finish them. If you act differently and chase after frags, taking off only wrecked opponents, the efficiency of your tank will approach zero. Therefore, do not chase after frags - the damage done by you during the battle will tell you everything about your usefulness to the team. In the course of any strategy, you need to be afraid of two things - medium tanks and light. Medium tanks can easily spin the clumsy ISU 152, and enemy artillery can take advantage of the light and quickly neutralize you.


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