Thermal conductivity of air - what is it?

Faced with such a concept as the thermal conductivity of air, we begin to wonder - what is it all about? This is the interchange of particles between bodies, that is, a body in which the particles are more heated transfer particles to the body in which they are less heated.

If we talk about heat conduction in air, we must note the fact of the transfer of molecular particles in space, that is, there is a molecular motion

thermal conductivity measurement
particles. Exchange can occur both with homogeneous bodies, and different in composition. Such heat transfer can occur in three states: gas, liquid, crystal (solid state).

Thermal conductivity of air exists in order for the temperature to equalize between the bodies by means of recoil and reception of heated particles. For this, its exact calculation is necessary. The determination of thermal conductivity is calculated according to the Fourier law according to a special formula. It is used in the construction of buildings, structures or any premises in which offices will be located or which can be used as a place to live.

Thermal conductivity of air helps builders to choose the right material for each building, depending on the purpose of operation of the building. For rooms that will be adapted to the place of residence, they select materials that will retain heat and not allow cold air flows.

The best conductors of warm energy are various types of gases. The worst conductors are all common metals, because to heat them and to start the movement of particles, a high temperature is needed, which under normal conditions cannot be achieved. Particle exchange between bodies can be observed when we cook on a stove or on a fire.

thermal conductivity

Opening the gas in the stove, we set it on fire, thereby starting the generation of heat directed to the dishes, after which the particles of the material from which the dishes are made, begin to give their heat to the substance inside the dishes, and it heats up. This method of energy transfer explains the thermal conductivity of air.

Thermal conductivity is very dependent on the structure of the substance. The more porous it is, the less conductivity. There is such a term as a change in thermal conductivity. It refers to those substances that can pass from one state to another, for example, ice and water.

Currently, the thermal conductivity of a given substance is measured using special instruments that allow one to investigate the thermal conductivity with a heated surface of the measured material from 30 to 750 degrees.

Most often, such devices consist of an electric heating element, low-inertia heat meters, on which thermocouples are located, and the structure itself is located in a metal casing, which is filled with heat-insulating material. The heating element, heat meters and refrigerator are made in disk form.

thermal conductivity of air
Knowing the thermal conductivity of the air, you can equip your house or apartment so that it is warm in them, and you can also advise your relatives about the material they need, for example, for wall upholstery in a private house, so that it is comfortable, cozy and calm.

For construction purposes, foam sheets of small thickness can be used for wall cladding, as they retain heat well. In villages, houses are built of wood, because wood also holds heat for a long time, unlike concrete.


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