Hunter rubber boots: why them?

Recently, rubber boots are experiencing extraordinary popularity - manufacturers produce many models that have a very stylish look, they are not ashamed to wear a work or a walk. And how such shoes are practical and indispensable in the rain and slush, is not even worth mentioning.

Today, one of the most famous and high-quality brands that supply rubber boots is the Hunter Boots trademark, which has won recognition not only in its homeland - in the UK, but also in many countries around the world, including Russia.

rubber boots hunter


The starting point for the history of the Hunter brand is 1856. It was then, almost 160 years ago, that a rubber factory was founded in Scotland by entrepreneur Henry Lee Norris. It was called The Castle Silk Mills.

Rubber shoes famously diverged among the local population, thanks to their excellent qualities: water resistance, unpretentiousness, ease of care, durability and reliability.

The prototype for the first Hunter rubber boots was the so-called “Wellington” - they were worn by the Duke of Wellington, who defeated Napoleon himself at Waterloo back in 1815. These shoes were also made of rubber, had a low, brick-like heel and a high top. Due to their simple, but at the same time elegant look, solid and practical boots are very popular with Scots.

hunter boots
Years passed, the First World War broke out. The Castle Silk Mills factory was able to get an order for a large batch of well-known "wellingtons". However, state requests didn’t end there - they didn’t forget about the production of popular shoes during the Second World War: 80% of all boots produced were sent to army uniforms.

10 years after its completion, in 1955, the first Hunter rubber boots saw the light. The model was called Green Wellington. Subsequently, it acquired the status of a classic. These shoes differed in orthopedic characteristics and were much more comfortable than the first Hunter boots, which was not slow to evaluate not only the townspeople, but also members of the royal family.

In 1977 and 1986, respectively, first the Duke of Edinburgh, and then the Queen of England herself agreed to the supply of rubber shoes for their yards. Hunter boots were worn by everyone - both members of the royal family and household members in the palaces.

2007-2008 were perhaps the most difficult years in the history of Hunter. To the already inevitable problem of modernization of production was added an external factor - the global financial crisis. To reduce costs, management decided to relocate the factory workshops to other European states and China.

Despite the large-scale relocation of production, this did not in any way affect the quality that Hunter boots possess - the reviews of numerous buyers in a positive manner eloquently testify to this. Now shoes of the famous English brand are worn by everyone: citizens, farmers, party people, VIPs, and show business stars.

Product quality

Water resistance is the main criterion, because of which any rubber shoes are bought. The Hunter brand went much further than its competitors in this matter, adding to the waterproofing of the material the high quality of the raw materials used, the increased strength of the pads and the laconic, pleasant appearance of the models. It is for these properties that Hunter boots are so loved by all segments of the population, as evidenced by their reviews.

The choice in favor of rubber shoes of this brand indicates not only the desire to feel comfortable in any situation, but also that the buyer also has a sense of taste and style.

men's boots hunter

Every season, the brand updates its collections, following the global fashion trends and market demands. Both women's and men's Hunter boots are made in a classic recognizable style, but still have some differences in style and color.


Each pair of Hunter rubber shoes can rightfully be considered unique - the boots are assembled and soldered for the most part manually. Raw materials are only natural materials.

Another difference that Hunter boots have is soft fleece socks that will save your feet from the cold in dank weather. They are sold separately from the shoes themselves. Winter models have a special fur lining. For maximum insulation, a combination of these two options is possible.

hunter boots reviews

In its appearance, Hunter rubber shoes are universal - they will look appropriate both in the urban landscapes of megalopolises and outside the city in nature.


Compared with rubber shoes of other brands, in particular Russian, Hunter boots have a fairly high cost. On the website of the official representative, female models are found in the range from 5500 to 9000 rubles, male models from 6000 to 12 000 rubles per pair.

First of all, this price is due to manual manufacturing, high quality of the materials used and, of course, the centuries-old well-known name of the manufacturer. However, despite Hunter’s belonging to the world of high fashion, these boots are a real challenge to bad weather and adverse environmental conditions.


The English character, the standard of style in its segment, the completeness and ease of form - these are what most fully characterize Hunter boots. Reviews already having these shoes once again confirm these statements. Once having decided to entrust the protection and comfort of your legs to a Hunter pair, later on you are unlikely to want to buy other rubber boots.


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