Wood moisture meters: an overview of the best models. How to make a moisture meter for wood with your own hands?

To determine the moisture level of wood, special moisture meters are used. To date, there are needle, contact and chip modifications. In terms of parameters, they are quite different. However, there are not many manufacturers on the moisture meter market. The main companies include primarily EMCO and Valkom. On average, there is a good hygrometer on the market in the region of 1,500 rubles.

How to do it yourself?

If necessary, you can make a wood moisture meter with your own hands. Its circuit includes a dielcometric type sensor. Also, a compact generator is required for the device. The parameter of its limiting frequency is required to be no more than 30 MHz. Contacts for a homemade model are more appropriate to select needle. Still, to make a moisture meter for wood with your own hands, you need a three-channel type microcircuit.

needle wood moisture meter

The dielectric constant of the device should be in the region of 3.5 F / m. The microprocessor for the model is selected with a pulse amplifier. Probes are most often used tubular type. The display is more appropriate to select the lowercase. Compared to textual counterparts, it is simpler. Directly electrodes in hydrometers are capacitive. In turn, the catcher will need to install a resistive. Last of all, batteries are selected for the model. In this case, you can use ordinary finger batteries.

Contact Models

Contact moisture meters for wood are well suited for working with plywood as well as parquet. Additionally, in the construction industry, instruments are used to determine the humidity of panels. If we talk about contract features, then the generators in the devices use low-frequency ones. The probes are installed directly tubular type.

The dielectric constant of most moisture meters does not exceed 3 F / m. The maximum temperature of this type of model is able to keep at 40 degrees. The display is used as a string or text type. Many modifications are equipped with temperature sensors. A calibration function is available on many devices. It costs an average high-quality hydrometer in the region of 2 thousand rubles.

Needle hygrometer

Needle moisture meters for wood are used, as a rule, for pine or spruce. Sensors in all configurations use a dielectric type. If we talk about the parameters, the measurement accuracy mainly fluctuates around 0.2%. The maximum humidity threshold of devices does not exceed 35%. The minimum allowable temperature for models is 0 degrees. Microprocessors in many devices are used with amplifiers. It costs an average moisture meter for wood (needle) in the region of 1200 rubles.

Stylus devices

Wood dipsticks are mainly manufactured by Valkom. According to experts, the relative error parameter is extremely low. Generators in devices are used with a frequency of 20 MHz. Directly catchers are installed resistive type. The minimum humidity threshold of the models does not exceed 5%. In turn, the resolution of the devices is at 1 PH. Displays are often used in hydrometers line type. Some modifications are equipped with thermometers. The calibration function in devices is quite rare. You can find a model of this type on the market for 2 thousand rubles.

wood moisture meter reviews

EMCO AR model

In the construction industry, the moisture meter presented is in great demand. It works perfectly with parquet and paneling. Also, this hygrometer is equipped with a thermometer. Another advantage of the modification can safely be called the presence of needle-type contacts. The manufacturer has a three-channel microcircuit for the model, so the measurement of wood moisture is quick. Electrodes are used capacitive type.

The maximum humidity threshold does not exceed 40%. The size of the specified moisture meter is very compact, and belongs to the class of portable devices. According to the documentation, its mass without batteries is 80 g. The resolution of the model is at 1.3 pH. The maximum allowable temperature of the model is exactly 35 degrees. In the cold, the device presented must not be used. Measurement accuracy fluctuates around 1.4%. In stores, this device can be found for 2100 rubles.

Devices for determination of moisture EMCO MP500

This hygrometer is equipped with a dielcometric type sensor. According to customer reviews, the resolution of the device is quite high. The model’s generator itself is used at 22 MHz. According to the documentation, the maximum allowable temperature is 40 degrees. The display in the device uses a text type.

Batteries are used at 1 mAh, so they last for a long time. In this case, the trap is provided by the manufacturer of a resistive type. If you believe the reviews of experts, then problems with determining the importance of chips do not arise. The maximum measurement depth is 10 mm. The user can purchase the presented hydrometer for 1400 rubles.

needle wood moisture meter

Model "Roll EM4806"

The indicated moisture meter for solid wood, among other models, has a high resolution parameter of 1.3 pH. All this suggests that the device works perfectly at temperatures below 10 degrees. In this case, the indicator of measurement accuracy is at around 0.2%. The maximum allowable humidity threshold is 30%.

The catcher in the device is provided of a resistive type. The microchip is used three-channel, and the generator is installed low-frequency. According to the documentation for the device, the housing is provided with IP 62 protection system. The presented model weighs exactly 80 g. The moisture meter has enough memory for 30 thousand measurements. A user can buy it for 1,500 rubles.

DIY wood moisture meter

Reviews about "Valkom M804"

The specified wood moisture meter generally receives good reviews. The main advantage of the model lies in its compactness. If we talk about the design features, it is important to note that the contacts are used with stylus contacts. There are two sensors directly in the housing. Thus, the measurement accuracy is quite high.

The probe in the device is provided by the manufacturer of a tubular type. The resolution of the device varies around 1.3 pH. The maximum humidity threshold, according to the documentation for the moisture meter, is 35%. Today you can buy this model for 2 thousand rubles.

Opinion about "Valkom AC101"

In the construction safra, the moisture meter presented is in great demand. First of all, we should mention the high-quality generator, which is installed with a frequency of 33 MHz. In this case, the sensor is of a dielectric type. Contacts, in turn, are used as needles. If you believe the reviews of experts, the measurement accuracy of the model is high.

For parquet and panels it can be used. The minimum allowable temperature of the device is 0 degrees. The resolution is 1 pH. The catcher is installed directly in the device of a resistive type. The microprocessor is used with a pulse amplifier. The maximum humidity threshold of the device is at around 40%. You can buy this hydrometer for only 1400 rubles.

wood moisture measurement

Description "Ekstech MO280"

The specified portable moisture meter has a protected housing. The sensor is used low-frequency type. In turn, the contacts are needle-shaped. The calibration function in the presented instance is. The ambient temperature can be determined using this device. It is also important to mention the high resolution model.

DIY wood moisture meter

The measurement accuracy in this case is 0.3%. The maximum humidity threshold of the model is allowed at 45%. The microprocessor manufacturer is provided with an operational amplifier. Thus, data processing does not take much time. The memory of the modification presented is enough to make more than 20 thousand measurements. You can buy this hygrometer in the store for 1300 rubles.

Model "Extech MC60"

These wood moisture meters are often used by professional builders. They are able to work even at a temperature of 0 degrees. The body protection system of the model is of high quality. If you believe the feedback from consumers, then the use of the device is quite simple. The batteries for the model are selected with a capacity of 1.2 mAh.

wood moisture meters

According to many owners, they are enough for a long time. The probe of the presented moisture meter is used tubular type. The microcircuit in the case has a three-channel. The specified modification is equipped with a thermometer, and this pleases many buyers. If we talk about the parameters, the measurement accuracy is located at around 0.3%, and the resolution of the device is only 1.2 pH.

Do not operate the device at temperatures above 35 degrees. The maximum permissible humidity is 40%. These moisture meters on the market are sold at a price of 2 thousand rubles.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F893/

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