"Stalker. Pripyat: reference point" (passage)

Today we’ll talk about the game “Pripyat: reference point”. Its passage will be described later in full detail. This project is a large-scale modification and belongs to the Stalker series.

Evil controller

Pripyat reference point passage
So, before us is the first chapter of the game "Pripyat: a reference point." The passage begins with a thorough conversation with the colonel, who brings us up to date. We get the main and additional task. We leave for the ferris wheel. We need to find 4 children's drawings, as well as a toy. Be careful, because local stalkers are very unfriendly. On the way we eliminate all abnormal life forms and search the space. We visit the "Book House". We communicate with representatives of "Debt". We follow in the cafe. Get to the laundry room. We get the necessary equipment. We find a person who offers us to make money. He intends to ask questions, and we will receive a reward for each correct answer. In case of an error, we will have to pay. We agree to the terms. After answering all the questions, we proceed to the dialogue. Learn about the news. We get the task of returning keys from the department store. We leave for the place.

The keys

stalker pripyat reference point passage
We pass to the second part of the game "Stalker. Pripyat: reference point. " The passage is complicated by the fact that all the doors to the department store are closed. We find a hatch nearby and go down into it. We pass through the underground tunnel. We climb the stairs and find ourselves in the building. We eliminate monsters. We collect the keys. The first is on the floor. Next we go into the room with the computer and pick up the second. There is an offer to take part in the game “Islands”. We agree. We move to the "Islands". We get the task to talk with Ivy. We are talking to him. We are asked to choose our qualifications. We affirm that we are not afraid of anything. We have to free the base, while in service we only have a knife. We enter into battle with the enemy. We select the weapon. We get a message that one of the levels of the “Islands” game has been completed. Find ivy. We inform him that the base is free. Please provide additional information. We are sent to the phone. We go into the next room and answer the call. We return to the main plot. We appear in the laundry room. We give the keys to the owner. We get the reward. We ask you to make a duplicate of the key from the accounting department in order to be able to return to the “Islands”.


Walkthrough: Call of Pripyat
The passage of the Pripyat: Reference Point mod continues with an introduction to Diesel. It is he who can make a duplicate key, but he needs a special blank and file. We get a task to search for these items. We follow to the ferris wheel. Meet smugglers. Trying to talk. To no avail. We follow further. At the ferris wheel we find a drawing of a girl. On it is a scene from the hospital. We are going there. On the first floor of the hospital we find the next children's drawing. We examine it. Next, we examine the building located opposite the hospital. We go up the stairs. In one of the rooms we select a book.


passage mod Prypat reference point
We go in search of the next children's drawing in the game “Stalker. Pripyat: reference point. " The passage continues with a message from Tkachenko. We get the task to conduct a group of tourists in Pripyat. We have to go to the House of Culture. But for now, back to the search for drawings. The latter is located in the kindergarten. We find it and take it. Inspect. We see cars drawn by a child’s hand with the headlights on. We come to the diesel. We give him a book from the hospital. Go to the BWC. Meetings "Freedom" detachment. We are talking to everyone. We get a new task. We examine the room, we find a file.


passage stalker call of pripyat reference point
We pass to the next part of the game "Call of Pripyat: a reference point." The passage will continue with the search for key blanks. We find her on the shelf. We leave for the "Vine". We examine the room. We collect all the items. We leave the building. We go to the Cartilage. We give him a blank, a file and a reward. We are informed that everything will be ready soon. We leave to the bus station. We find the following children's drawing in the gazebo. It depicts a bear. We leave for the building of the bus station and meet the bandits. We are talking with the Evil Raccoon. We go to the grocery store for the bear. We fight with the mercenaries. We go upstairs. We find a bear on the windowsill.


passing game stalker pripyat reference point
We proceed to the next chapter of the game “Pripyat: reference point”. The passage continues with acquaintance with the scientist Tkachenko, who needs help. We meet him at the House of Culture. Here we find employees of the SBU. We are talking with Tkachenko. We get the task to bring the group to the hospital. We go to the indicated point, protecting partners from attacks by abnormal creatures. We deliver the group to the hospital in full force. We go upstairs. We get the task to meet with the chief of security. We are talking to him. We get a reward for the completed task. We take a new task. We leave for the laundry.


The passage of the game “Call of Pripyat: the starting point” continues with a conversation with the Cartilage. We get the task. We need to collect notes in different parts of the city. We get a hint at the Svetlyachok cafe and go there. We find a note. We read it. We get a hint at the cinema. We are going to him. On the way we visit a school and find a book there. We go to the cinema. We find the piano. We find the following note and read. We get a hint of "Jubilee" and go there. We rise to the second floor, and after meeting with the monsters we continue the way up. We get to the roof. There on the visor we find a new note and read it.


We continue the passage. “Stalker. Call of Pripyat: a reference point "is an unpredictable game, and it continues with a new meeting with the Cartilage. We go to his laundry. We are talking with the author of the notes. We get a new task, which relates to the warehouse. We go in search of him. We have a few minutes to do this. We get to the garages. Join the battle. We find explosives. Install it on an armored personnel carrier. Hiding from the explosion. We return to the laundry. We inform Cartilage about the completed task. We leave to the Diesel. We give him the book. We get a new task from him. We need to find gun grease.

Belov squad

We proceed to the next chapter of the game “Pripyat: reference point”. The passage continues with information that a group of scientists has been attacked. We need to help the squad. We are going to the “Book House”. A hint of this place is in one of the first-aid kits. We find a backpack near the walls of the building, enter the code 6041. We take the equipment. We follow to the "Jubilee". We are meeting with Belov. We clarify the details about the group of scientists. We are being asked to help eliminate the terrorists. We follow to the western entrance together with partners. We take a position and wait for Belov’s team. We fight with opponents. Searching for smugglers. We find the PDA of the group commander. Read the correspondence. We give the PDA to Belov. We report our suspicions. He gives the order to continue. We carry out the group to DC "Energetik". We need to eliminate the terrorists and free the hostages. We enter the fray. We get the task of talking with the hostage. We are talking to him. We get a new task. We accompany the survivor to the cinema. Meet the group. Suddenly, an attack begins during which we are also injured. The main character is losing consciousness. We come to our senses. Nearby is the Healer and several dead members of the squad.


Passage of game "Stalker. Pripyat: reference point ”we continue the conversation with our savior. He sends us to the Cartilage. In addition, the Doctor asks to bring a load of medicines from the hospital. We leave for the place. In the building we find a case with medicines. In the yard, near the bushes, we are looking for a cache of weapons. We enter the code 8539. We take all the equipment. We leave for the laundry. We buy everything you need. Talking with Cartilage. He promises to help. But asks to complete the task. We need to bring security guards to the laundry room. We leave to the Doctor. We talk and give medicines. We get a new task. We are given a series of records. From them we must learn certain places that need to be searched. We read the notes of the Doctor. We get hints of hiding places. Now we need to lead the group to the laundry. We find it at the square. We go to the laundry, covering our team. We inform Cartilage about the completed task. We get information about scientists.

Gun grease

The passage of the game "Pripyat: reference point" continues with a trip to the store "Birch". Meet smugglers there. We are talking to them. The shootout begins. We eliminate opponents. We take Maslov’s PDA from one of them. We study correspondence. We get the back. We leave for the "Jubilee". We meet a group there. We are talking with the nail. They let us in to Maslov. We communicate with him. Get information about a case with gold jewelry. A new task arrives. We follow to the generator. We find a note. We read it. We need to proceed to the river port. However, first we go to kindergarten. We find the piano. We are looking for a case with documents nearby. We depart to the river port. We enter the fray with the "Monolith". We find the note. We read it. We follow to the laundry. We are looking for an overpass nearby. We get down. We fall into a new territory. Explore it. We pass almost to the end of the overpass and find gun grease. We are taking it. We reach the railway line. Meet Nikolai. We are talking to him. We agree to bring him out and help. We get the task to find a doctor in Pripyat. We return to the laundry. On one of the cabinets we find the third note. We study it. We need to go to college. First, give the grease to the Diesel.

“Pripyat: reference point”: the time of the alliance, the passage of subsequent levels

We get a new task that concerns radio components. The Inquisitor has them. We are going to the “Book House”. Nearby we find a toolbox. We are looking for the Inquisitor. We communicate with him. Ask for details. He is ready to help in exchange for an errand. We need to talk with the leader of the Freedom group. However, before going to the department store. And in the underground passage we are looking for a book. We follow in the BWC.

We are looking for two artifacts. Meet Aisa. We are talking to him. We talk about the disappeared people. We get information about the "free". We take a new task. We go to the laundry room. We are talking with Glomar. He sends us to the bandits. We leave for Central Pripyat. We speak with the Evil Raccoon. We learn from him about the disappearance of Fedka. We follow to technical school. We enter into battle with the enemy. Nearby on the roof of the gazebo we find a bandage with a code from the cache. We go to the construction site. In this area in a wrecked car we find a set of tools.

We enter the ruined house. On the top floor, right on the visor, we find a note from the Unknown. We rise to the roof. On the furniture we find a photo album. We study the note. We follow in the city committee of the CPSU. We find the following note. We go to the BWC. We find the cache. We enter the code 0952. We take the equipment. We go to the cinema "Prometheus". We rise to the second floor. Find the tools. We follow to technical school. We get inside. We find the cache. We take everything we need. Go to the grocery store. We find a transformer box. Next is Zaporozhets. Behind it are the ruins that need to be explored. We take the machine. The task is being updated. We go to the hotel to the Doctor. We are talking to him. We report on the assignment. We are talking about Nicholas. We get the task of serum. We are looking for a flash drive behind the sofa. You should go to the Cartilage. However, first we go to the Prometey cinema. We find a cache there.

So we examined the passage of the game "Stalker. Call of Pripyat: reference point. "

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8932/

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