Silo for cement: what is it and what is it for. Filter silo accessory

Cement is an essential bonding element in the manufacture of concrete. But few people thought how cement should be stored and delivered. We’ll talk about this.

Cement storage

Cement for the operation of the concrete plant is stored in special tanks. In another way they are called silos. As a rule, this is a metal structure that stores any bulk materials. Such a reservoir is able to maintain the technical characteristics of cement from environmental influences. To store a large amount of such building material, special large complexes are built from several silos, a pump and a special cement pipeline. The required amount of cement can be loaded into the cement silo using installed pumps.

cement silo

Silo Making

The manufacture of silos for cement is made according to the drawing. They are available in various sizes and, accordingly, in weight. The most common materials for making silos are concrete and metal. By itself, this tank is made in the form of a cylinder with parts made of strong sheet steel. To make it easy to load cement into such a tank, a pipe is provided. After the silo was brought to the site, it is installed strictly vertically. To ensure that the design meets all safety requirements, it is placed on special metal supports in the form of pipes. The bottom of the tank is made specifically in the form of a cone, at the end of which a shutter is installed. It is this device that serves to receive or issue cement. The shutter can be made of one of two types at will:

  • Gateway.
  • Turning.

So that the cement in the silo does not stagnate, an air pump is used. If several silos are installed, this will be called a cement warehouse. Silo for cement is produced with a total volume of 30 to 120 tons.


Each silo in its kit contains the following elements:

  • Silo jar. Directly the cement loading tank itself.
  • Supports on which the structure will stand.
  • Silo staircase. It is necessary for lifting up to check the level of silo congestion.
  • Fence on the roof of the silo. Serves for the prevention of industrial accidents .
    cement silo

At the request of the customer, the following parts can be included in the silo kit:

  • Filter for silage.
  • Sensors that monitor the level of cement load.
  • Cement aeration system.
  • Pressure relief valve. For emergency cases to avoid rupture or breakage of the tank.

The price of the silo will be calculated individually, based on its configuration, volume and weight.


A cement silo filter is an essential part of every tank. It is needed in order to remove excess air from the silo, as well as filter it. Most commonly used are round filters in the form of a sleeve with built-in corrugated cartridges. At the request of the customer, the filter can be installed standard or you can order it according to individual needs. You can purchase such a product from any manufacturer from around the world, including our domestic ones. Cement refers to slightly abrasive materials, so the filter should be selected accordingly. In our case, a round filter is suitable.

Silo filter and its configuration

Cement silo is equipped with a round filter. Consider what it consists of:

  • Flange.
  • The emergency valve, which is necessary for the safe operation of the filter, as the equipment is constantly under pressure.

Filter operation is strictly prohibited without such a safety valve.

cement silo filter

Types of Silo Filters

Filters for silo for cement are vibrational and pneumatic. Most often, products of Ukrainian, Turkish or Italian production are in demand. Depending on the type of filter, they can be low-budget and mid-priced. Separate instances are available with an automatic sleeve pneumatic regeneration system. Low-cost filter options work manually using the installation operator. For such a product to work correctly, it must be selected. Everything will depend on the working area of ​​the silo and its size. It is worth remembering that pneumatic filters are much more efficient than vibration filters.

manufacturing silos for cement

Silo for cement is needed by large enterprises for the manufacture of building materials, such as concrete or aerated concrete. With the help of such facilities, it is possible to build entire cement storage warehouses. It is worth remembering that a silo for cement can be ordered of any size and volume. The operation of such equipment is safe, as it is equipped with various safety valves and filters. Such an installation must be ordered according to the drawing, so that each part matches the size. A reliable silo should be made of quality materials in accordance with all state standards, certificates and permits.


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