Night Dubai - an Arabian fairy tale

It is probably hard to imagine a more fabulous and bewitching city than Dubai. It is as if created according to the plan of the most daring authors of science fiction books! And what a fairy tale you can plunge if you visit the night of Dubai! This is a bewitching and unearthly sight.

Dubai Features

Dubai skyscrapers

The first thing to remember when visiting this place is the difference between Russian and Arab cultures. Despite all the modernity and manufacturability, traditions are not alien to local residents.

For example, in Ramadan's holy time, bars and clubs operate exclusively at night. During the day you can’t buy or drink alcohol and smoke. In general, during this period, hookah and soft drinks are more popular in night Dubai.

Also a feature is that women should not appear in bars and clubs alone. It is better to visit such places in the company of men.

Also in Dubai, they are very strict about drunk driving. If you are planning to spend the night in a noisy company and with alcohol, you can forget about your personal car. If the driver is caught drunk while driving, then he faces a large fine and imprisonment for a short time. And for an accident involving such a driver, he can be prosecuted.

Fairy tale with the onset of night

Dubai View from above

Dubai nightlife is something incredible. With the advent of darkness, thousands of lights are lit throughout the city. Showcases of fashion boutiques, signs of clubs, bars and restaurants, expensive cars - all this is an integral part of night Dubai.

If you decide to visit a night club, then you should remember the dress code. Here he will have to adhere and fail to get into a decent institution in beach or sportswear. Women should also remember the rules of decency when choosing an evening restroom.

Almost all clubs here belong to hotels. That is why the class of the institution will depend on the stars of the hotel.

In many clubs, face control is so strict that people at the entrance are judged by branded clothing, accessories and gadgets. Therefore, in an especially high-status institution, a simple person with an average income can hardly get into it. But this is not a reason to be upset, because clubs of different levels are enough for everyone here.

Another disappointment may be that alcohol in night Dubai is sold only to persons who have reached the age of 21 years. And some institutions may increase this restriction by a few more years at their discretion.

However, all this does not prevent tourists from immersing themselves in the atmosphere of a real Arabian tale. Endless lights, fashionable DJs, noise and crowds of people - all this meets you in the night of Dubai. The photos that can be taken here are simply exciting. They can certainly be reviewed endlessly upon returning from a trip.


Dubai nightlife

Dubai at night is a place that has no analogues on earth. Skyscrapers, the sea and an endless sense of celebration. No matter what time you get here, this extravaganza will cover with a wave and will not leave anyone aside.

However, despite the whole holiday that takes place, one should not forget about the traditions and rules of behavior of people of another country in order to avoid unpleasant situations.


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