How to make an opening in the bearing wall? Reinforcement of openings in load-bearing walls

To achieve a unique interior in your home, redevelopment is often necessary. And in this situation, the question arises of how to make an opening in the bearing wall. You can use a hammer drill for this. However, at the same time, not everyone knows the safety technique, during the implementation of which the house will not be completely destroyed.

It is possible to make an opening in the bearing wall easily and simply with the help of prefabricated jumpers made of metal. Their installation is carried out in that part of the wall in which the opening is planned. Moreover, the installation should be performed in a specific sequence.

What are jumpers?

how to make an opening in the bearing wall
One important clarification should be made. Installation of jumpers is possible only if the width of the walls does not exceed 1500 millimeters. The metal part includes two identical channels. Their installation is made on both sides of the wall. The length of each channel used in the optimal situation should exceed the width of the wall by about 600 millimeters.

To fasten the channels with each other, you should use special studs. There should be at least three. Their length should be selected so that it is 40 mm less than the width of the wall. The length of the thread should be about 50 mm. Strengthening the openings in the bearing walls implies the use of special washers that are installed on each stud in the amount of two pieces. It is also worth using two nuts.

When choosing a washer, it is necessary to be guided by the fact that the channel, if present, should be uniformly pressed to the surface. Otherwise, talking about reinforcing the openings in the bearing walls is impossible. You will need to make holes in the amount of three pieces in the channels. The diameter in this situation should be equal to the diameter of the studs. The holes should be positioned so that they are positioned as follows: one hole is drilled in the center of the profile, two subsequent holes must be placed at a distance of 150 mm from the ends.

Jumper mounting

reinforcement of openings in load-bearing walls
How to make an opening in the bearing wall? First you need to think about the safety and reliability of the base, so that the ceiling located on top does not collapse. You can use temporary backups for this. Or you can simply not disassemble the walls in full. For this, prefabricated jumpers are required. Before installing them, you need to make horizontal strobes. They must be located in the upper parts of the planned opening. The height should exceed the height of the channels by about 15 mm. The depth should exceed by approximately 10 mm the width of the channel shelf. The location of the strobe in relation to each other should be parallel.

Creating openings in the bearing walls, it is necessary to carefully mount the strobes. To do this, make cuts using a grinder with a diamond wheel. You can knock out a brick with the tool that is most convenient. It is not necessary to achieve special evenness.

After that, you need to make holes in which the studs will be inserted. There should be three of them. Also, it will be necessary to dilute the cement, which will need to be thrown onto the part of the shtrob that is vertical. The layer thickness should not exceed 10 mm. When designing openings in load-bearing walls, it should be borne in mind that only using cement mortar can ensure uniform setting and optimal compression of those profiles that are located in the wall.

The jumper channels must be mounted at the same time. This is necessary so that they are kept in the strobe. The nuts on the studs must be tightened alternately, achieving uniform indentation of the channel in the cement layer. After waiting a while until the mortar sets, you can create a doorway in the load-bearing wall or some other structure.

Do not forget about the finish of the outer part of the jumpers. It must first be filled using polystyrene. After that, it is necessary to mount a metal mesh to the wall, which will fix the plaster.

Reinforcement of openings: the most common types

load-bearing walls in a brick house
The following types of reinforcing walls of the bearing type are the most common:

  1. Single row. It is used in standard situations when it is necessary to answer the question of how to make an opening in the bearing wall if it is concrete.
  2. Corner. It is a kind of edging for the future opening.
  3. Boxed. It is a two-row reinforcement using stud ties. This type is the most complex. Reinforcement of this type combines the above types.

Channel reinforcement

It is necessary in the case when preliminary transfer of the load to the metal structure is required. It is the most reliable type of reinforcement. The installation of an H-type frame made of channel beams must be made from both parts of the wall. Vertical structural posts must be installed under the ceiling. Connect the individual parts of the frame due to the threaded type studs .

How to make an opening in the bearing wall when the frame is finally installed? To do this, it is worth using diamond cutting, due to which the opening is simply cut through. Among the disadvantages of such amplification, one can single out the factor that the frame should be located at a certain distance from the walls. In other words, it must be decorated subsequently.

Strengthening walls due to corners

doorway in the load-bearing wall
If the question arose of how to make an opening in the load-bearing wall, then this type of reinforcement should be used in the situation when the housing is located in a panel house. The size of the steel corners will depend on many factors, among which you can highlight the floor, panel thickness, total number of floors, etc.

The wall is reinforced by two frames from the corners. They are mounted on both sides of the same wall. Frames are fastened to each other using steel plates on all sides of the opening. Anchor studs can become additional fasteners. Armature can also play this role. By using the caulking of the seams between the wall and the frame itself, maximum reliability can be achieved.

Strengthening walls in a complicated way

make an opening in the bearing wall
Bearing walls in a brick house can be strengthened due to the combined method. It implies the use of a structure created with the help of corners and channels. You can also use steel beams I-beam and square type. The main difficulty in this situation arises due to the decay of masonry. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the process thoroughly and accurately. The hammer and jackhammer must not be used. All voids must be carefully minted using a self-expanding cement mortar. Those areas that are crumbled need to be restored.

Cutting openings in the wall

How to make an opening in the bearing wall? The process of creating openings can be considered quite complicated. It requires accurate calculations and the creation of reinforcing structures. This can be done by dismantling a certain part of the wall using a tool such as a jackhammer. However, the vibration load is high enough and the speed is low. In addition, the edges of the opening will be too uneven.

You can use a grinder with a diamond wheel. A powerful tool increases the speed of work, reduces dust formation and vibration. Also, the edges of the opening will be much smoother. Cutting must be carried out around the perimeter. A specific fragment of the wall must be cut into small pieces after dismantling to simplify disposal. Racks may be required.

openings in load-bearing walls

Coordination of openings in load-bearing walls

In order to build an opening in the wall, which is the carrier, it is necessary to create a project. In addition, appropriate permission should be obtained from state authorities. By a bearing wall is meant a key element, without which a house will not be considered sufficiently strong and stable. Accordingly, in case of violation of the integrity of the wall, the safety of residents can be at risk. Therefore, not everyone will be able to obtain permission, and not in all cases.


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