What is a panorama? Meaning of the word

This term, like many words in the Russian language, is ambiguous. Today we understand: what is a "panorama"? In the most general sense, this is a wide space that the eye falls on.

Wide outlook

Firstly, it is a spatial view that opens from any point (usually from a high area, window, bridge) to a specific point, inhabited or landscape. For example: “From the loggia of the twelfth floor a flickering panorama of the city opened: lights and dark silhouettes of buildings, a tower.” Or: "Beyond the market and the square, the pavement steeply went down, and a wide panorama unfolded in front of us: hills and a valley."

city ​​panorama


What is a panorama? Also, this word is usually called the big picture, where in front of the canvas are three-dimensional images of objects, figures of people and the like. This picture is usually located on the wall of a rounded room. Accordingly, the work itself can then be called "panoramic."

museum panorama

Museum Panorama

A vivid example for illustration is the museum depicting the Battle of Borodino. It was opened in 1962 on the site of Fili (now Kutuzovsky Prospekt). The images were based on: the council at Fili in a hut and, in fact, the battle of Borodino. On a huge canvas, the course of the battle that has become historic for the Russian state is described in detail. The picture was first presented to a wide audience in 1912, to the centenary of the famous event. And the burnt log hut, in which the council was held with the participation of Kutuzov, was restored according to the sketches and testimonies of the officers.

Event Overview

What is a panorama? This term is also called a review, thought or clothed in words, images (video) of various phenomena and facts, events and incidents. For example: "In the author’s thoughts, a wide panorama of plots unfolds, where the current episode was only a short fragment of the plot." Also often a television news review is usually called this word.

Device and appliance

What is a panorama in a technological context? This is the name of a special device, by looking through which through magnifying glasses you can see a three-dimensional picture located in the middle of this mechanism (as a rule, in greatly reduced sizes). And for the military, this term means an optical device for the most accurate aiming of guns and other long-range guns. It allows you to take into account many errors for the most accurate hit of shells at the target.

what is panorama

Panoramic photos and video reviews

In the modern world, with the development of the art of shooting, panoramic photography is becoming increasingly popular. So generically called everything that can be associated with broad prospects. In particular, these are ordinary images of a “prolonged” format in the ratio of height / length one to two, one to three or more. Pictures with a viewing angle of more than one hundred and eighty degrees, exceeding the capabilities of, for example, conventional average lenses. As well as the photo obtained using the assembly of individual frames. Such images can be fully and completely reproduced on photo paper (or on a computer monitor, but in a flat display, without using special programs). And they can be virtual, that is, intended for display on a computer monitor using the appropriate software. This allows the prospective viewer, so to speak, to “turn his head”, looking at the various parts of the panoramic space, of what surrounded the photographer. And yet - spherical, which allows viewing to look not only left or right, but also above the head or under the legs, feeling completely believable on such a "virtual" tour.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8974/

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