Karymsky volcano (Karymskaya Sopka) in Kamchatka: height, age, last eruption

The spectacular sight of terrible earthly forces always aroused in people at the same time horror and curiosity. Volcanoes of the earth is one of the most terrible phenomena that can destroy all life on earth. Humanity has not even come close to the possibility of controlling such energies. Only in the memory of modern humanity did eruptions occur that are difficult to understand which forces are involved.

A little over 130 years ago, Krakatau on the islands of Indonesia rumbled so that it could be heard for 4800 km. Eruptions from the crater of the volcano scattered over 500 km and rose to a height of 55 km. About 5 days, the vibrations of the earth were felt all over the planet. More than 36 thousand people died, 165 villages disappeared. All this causes horror. In addition, the eruption of the volcano caused the formation of a tsunami.

Volcanoes of Russia

It is believed that all Russian volcanoes are concentrated in the Kamchatka Territory and on Sakhalin. This is partly true. Among them is not the smallest and calm Karymsky volcano.

But Siberia and the Far East know other troubled places. So, another 1344 was marked by the fact that Anik rumbled in the Primorsky Territory. The eruption of 1610 is known on the Vitim plateau in the Baikal rift zone. Closer to us in time the eruption of 1775 Balagan-Tas in the Mamon district of Yakutia. The turbulent period was 400 million years ago in Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk Territory. Among the famous elders, one can mention Chalpan or Karlygan with Kashkulak.

At the border of Russia with Georgia, Kazbek rises by more than 5 thousand meters. It seems that calm is blowing from him. But 2.5 thousand years ago, he spewed smoke and lava. The highest mountain in Russia and Europe - Elbrus - is also from a family of volcanoes. Temryuk district of the Krasnodar Territory has two at once, among which Tizdar. He erupted in 2002.

Mount Kazbek

Ancient history

Volcanoes can sleep for thousands of years and quite unexpectedly start an eruption. For them, the countdown has been going on for millennia. More than 7500 years ago, powerful explosions ended the life of a volcano called Yard, and a young Karymsky volcano appeared in the formed caldera.

The hill rose above 1500 meters. The young monster continued the destruction. The entire central part of the progenitor and most of the southern side were destroyed. A caldera with a diameter of 5 km was formed, open to the Karymskaya River from the south, and surrounded by steep mountains on other sides. Today, the gentle cone of the Karymsky volcano (hills) rises to a height of about 1468 meters.

Geographical position

Mysterious Kamchatka is a peninsula of the North-East of our Motherland. More than 6.5 thousand kilometers in a straight line separates its regional center from the capital. More than 8 hours of summer on a modern airplane. There is no rail or road connection with large land. The peninsula itself stretches over a distance of more than 1200 km from North to South and occupies 270 thousand km 2 . It is more than together the three Baltic European countries. There is still room for Hungary. The harsh region is dissected by two mountain ranges - the Middle and East. The eastern ridge descends to the coast of the cold Bering Sea.

Kamchatka Peninsula

It is this mountainous country, not far from the Kronotsky Gulf, that the most active volcano of Russia - Karymsky, belongs to. At the same time, three more are operating in the territory of the region - Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Bezymyanny, Shiveluch. In Kamchatka, the Karymsky volcano may not be the largest and most beautiful, but the most active is for sure.


Documented more than 20 eruptions since 1852. One of the most interesting happened in early 1996. Another outburst occurred, which marked the beginning of the last volcanic eruption. Initially, activity was manifested in two centers at a distance of 6 km from each other. Later formed a single - Karymsky volcano.

The onset of activity was clearly visible from the regional center - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. A plume of ash and smoke spread over 70 km. Almost continuously there were gas-ash emissions - above 1200 meters. Along the southern slope of the volcano, flows of hot lava up to 700 meters long from the crater of the volcano were recorded.

At the same time, volcanic activity occurred in Karymsky Lake. Water literally boiled, throwing out columns of steam. Surface ice scattered in all directions. Almost all life in it was destroyed.

Karymskoe lake


In our millennium, the Karymskaya Sopka woke up in 2009. Pillars of ash and gas rose to a height of 3 km, but then he quickly calmed down. The last eruption of the volcano occurred at the beginning of 2015 and lasted 16 months. Since that time he has been sleeping calmly. But he is considered the most unpredictable and dangerous.

Tourist routes

Karymsky volcano belongs to the group of the same name, consisting of 9 activity centers. At the foot of the hill is Karymskoe Lake. A water mirror occupies 10 km 2 . After the 1986 eruption, a crater with a diameter of 600 meters was formed from the northern part, where the depth reaches 60 meters. An active thermal field is operating off the southern coast. Hot water constantly rises from the earth, sometimes bursting out by fountains. Previously chained with ice, today the lake has a water temperature of at least 20 ° C.

Near the lake flows the Karymskaya river. Only 45 km long, it flows down a stormy stream towards the Kronotsky Gulf.

Karymsky volcano

Volcanic hills with an adjacent lake have long become an attractive place for tourists to visit. Since 1964, the tourist route from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to the foot of the hill was approved. The walking part of the route starts from the village of Zhupanovo, passes through a fir grove, next to a waterfall on the New Semyachik River, and then to Maliy Semyachik and through Karymsky to the lake.

Today, these places can be visited using the helicopter tourist route. Contact with the power of wildlife always leaves an unforgettable experience.

By helicopter to the volcano

Kamchatka volcanoes

In addition to the Karymskaya Sopka, the Kamchatka Peninsula has at least 10 more volcanoes. Any of them will be the pearl of the tourist route:

  • Caldera Uzon - acquired a modern look no more than 40 years ago. Then, on the spot of failure, activity began. A terrible eruption formed a kilometer-long funnel. The caldera around is rich in the beauties of the Kamchatka Territory. This place becomes especially beautiful in early autumn, when a riot of colors begins to play.
  • Klyuchevsky’s huge cone is considered the most famous place in Russia. An almost regular mountain cone rises to a height of more than 4750 meters. A column of smoke rises almost constantly from the vent.
  • Small Semyachik has three craters. One of them is filled with an acid lake with a water temperature of up to 45 ° C. The place is rightfully considered one of the wonders of Kamchatka.
  • The throaty, elongated ridge has 11 craters, some of which are filled with acid lakes.
  • Avachinsky with a crater reaching 350 meters in diameter.
  • Koryaksky is a regular cone 3256 meters high.
  • Dzenzursky - almost destroyed.
  • Old extinct volcano Vilyuchinsky.
  • Sharp Tolbachik covered with glaciers.
  • Ksudach is the most unusual volcano in Kamchatka. It has numerous calderas of different ages.
Ksudach volcano

The peninsula, with its volcanoes, still remains an almost undeveloped tourism area with huge potential.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8982/

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