What to give a girl for 15 years? Birthday gifts for a girl of 15 years old

Choosing a good and, most importantly, the right gift for a person can be difficult. What to give a girl for 15 years? A fifteen-year-old girl is no longer a child, but a teenager. Accordingly, it is not worth presenting toys. But it should be understood that donating dishes and other household items is also not necessary. The girls have not yet become a mistress and will not appreciate such presents. And then what to give? Look for gift ideas below.


what to give a girl for 15 years

At 15, the girl wants to feel like an adult. A desire to please the opposite sex awakens in her. What to give a girl for 15 years? Present the flowers. They should not be the main component of the presentation, but still should complement it. A teenager will feel his status and femininity, having received an armful of his favorite flowers.

Why can’t you just give a beautiful bouquet? Despite the fact that the girl is no longer a child, she is not yet ready for adulthood. Therefore, on her birthday, she wants to receive something material, and not just something symbolic.

Lamp for manicure

give a girl for 15 years

Can't figure out what to give a girl for 15 years old? At this age, the fair sex devote a lot of time to their appearance. Therefore, it will be useful to present them something to create beauty. For example, a lamp for manicure. Such a device is useful to every young lady, even if she does not make herself a complex nail design. Shellac lasts twice as long as regular varnish, so the girl does not have to spend a lot of time to keep her hands in perfect condition. What should be the lamp? Do not choose the simplest models. A lamp is a gift that will remain with a girl for 3-5 years. Therefore, immediately give a normal apparatus that will serve faithfully.

Automatic curling

15th birthday present

It is important for any girl to learn how to make a beautiful hairstyle. But not always there is a mother nearby who will help, prompt and teach. But I still want to be beautiful. If you see that the girl’s mother does not take a large part in the development of the teenager, then do not think about what to give the girl for 15 years. Present automatic curling. This curl maker is incredibly comfortable. No need to think about which way to spin the strand. Curls are always wonderful. All you need is to choose a model that suits the girl by the type of hair. If a teenager has thin and thin hair, then buy a lower curling iron. If the girl has a thick and beautiful head of hair, then choose a device of greater power.

Makeup kit

birthday gifts 15 years

Do not know what to present to a teenager on his birthday? A set of cosmetics for a girl of 15 years old will be an ideal gift. Parents of a girl rarely buy her something from makeup. They consider their daughter a child and think that it is too early for her to paint. Is it so? A girl in 15 years old wants to grow up by any means. And parents should understand this desire of their child. It is better to help the young lady in the desire to become more beautiful than to force her to buy cheap cosmetics that spoil the skin, and she will not make the child more attractive. Having presented a good set of decorative cosmetics, parents can be sure that their daughter will have to taste such a present.

Case for phone

birthday gifts

A birthday greeting for a girl of 15 years old can be written on a card that will be attached to the gift. You don’t have the opportunity to donate something very expensive? Then pay attention to cute trinkets. At 15 years old girls love them very much. Buy a beautiful teenager phone case. You can choose both a standard option and order a bumper from a master who will make a thing unique. If it seems to you that such a gift is not very significant, then you can give several covers. Girls love to dress up their phone. Therefore, you can safely get three bumpers in different styles, then you definitely will not lose.


what gift to give a girl 15 years old

They say that giving toilet water is not accepted. Each person must choose it for himself. But this rule works for adults only. Perfume can be a birthday present. At 15, a girl is unlikely to be able to make a decent choice of toilet water. She will buy something too sweet or too cloying. Like a good taste in clothing, a taste for perfumes needs to be formed. Therefore, choose toilet water that will not be too heavy and resistant. Depending on the donee’s temperament, take a look at flower, fresh or woody bouquets. If you are afraid to make a mistake, take the birthday girl with you. You will let her smell those aromas that you think are necessary, and it is from them that the girl will have to choose what she likes.


jewelry for girls 15 years old

Happy birthday girl 15 years should be short. No need to read a long lecture, a teenager will get tired of listening to it. Better go straight to the point. Wish the girl what seems relevant to her for you and give a present. What can I give?

Costume jewelry for girls 15 years old will be a good present. You can buy jewelry from the latest fashion collection. The teenager will be delighted with shiny rings, fashionable earrings and bracelets. Of course, jewelry is not jewelry. But on the other hand, such jewelry will not be a pity to lose. And at the age of 15, not all girls have an understanding of the value of a thing.


Is a teenager interested in music? Then you can present the player. For a girl of 15 years old, this will be the right gift. A young lady will be able to listen to her favorite music and not bother anyone. When doing household chores, it’s not always convenient to carry a phone in your pocket. It may fall and break. Players are equipped with clothespins that are attached to clothes. Unlike a phone, the player discharges more slowly and allows you to play better sound quality. So if you notice a child’s addiction to listening to music, don’t think about the gift, the choice is obvious.


What fashionable things for girls 15 years old will be relevant? If you are not limited in finances, then present to the teenager things from the latest fashion collections. Explain to the girl that the gift is expensive and will need to be stored. Jewelry presented for a birthday will be not only beautiful accessories, but also memorabilia. It is pleasant to remember at age 20 that this ring was presented at 15. If you don’t really trust the girl and are afraid that she might lose the jewelry, then pay your attention not to gold, but to silver. Similar presents also look appropriate on the fingers of young people. And in case of loss of silver jewelry you will not be very upset.

Spa Certificate

What do young people want? Be like the favorite heroines of glossy magazines. Give the girl the opportunity to become one of them at least for a day. Present a certificate in the spa. So that the young lady was not bored and especially pleased, you can present a pair certificate. Then the girl will be able to take her friend with her for water procedures. The birthday girl will get pleasure not only from baths, saunas, swimming pools and massage, but also from the feeling that she is joining the world of adult women. The pride and delight that she will now be able to attend such salons will remain for a long time in the heart of the young person after visiting the spa.

Backpack or bag

What fashionable things for girls 15 years old will be relevant? As a presentation for a young lady, bags and backpacks are suitable. There are not many such accessories. Moreover, young creatures do not particularly care about the safety of their belongings, as a result of which bags quickly fail. In order not to miscalculate with the choice, you can previously talk with the girl on near-fashion topics. Ask who of the stars she likes and who she wants to be like. Take an interest in what style of clothes the girl prefers and what she would like to get in the near future. So you can find out taste preferences and even the color scheme of the accessory. You can add a similar present with fashionable icons.

Board game

What gift to give a girl 15 years old? If a teenager has a lot of friends, then a board game will be a win-win option. Such hobbies are shared not only by young people, but even people 20-40 years old. How to choose a game? You can rely on the taste of the seller and purchase the most popular. And you can read about what is in fashion today and what teenagers play. A win-win option is to give such games, which today are considered classics. For example, “Alice”, “Munchkin”, “Imaginarium”. You can turn your attention to Twister. This is not a board game, but also quite amusing entertainment that will appeal to the young lady.


What do young ladies enjoy? They try to copy everything that adult girls do. Teenagers are painted, do manicures conjure over hairstyles. If you want to please a girl, then present her with an unusual present - a photo session. The girl will be delighted that she will have the opportunity to pose in front of the camera not with her parents, but separately. Give the teenager the opportunity to choose their own images and outfits. You can only help with advice if you need it. Do not limit creative freedom. Let the girl express herself by any method available to her. Photos that will become the main gift, the girl will be able to post on social networks or decorate the room with printed pictures.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8985/

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